I AM SORRY I APOLOGIZE I HAVE THE NEW CHAPTER HALF WRITTEN I AM ALMOST DONE! ALSO I HAVE AN ORIGINAL STORY SET IN THE REBORN UNIVERSE THAT REFLECTS MY NEW WRITING STYLE! THE MC IS AN OC OF MINE WHO LEARNED A LONG TIME AGO TO GO WITH THE FLOW. ANYWAY CHECK MY PROFILE FOR THE STORY. ALSO THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS I HAVE ABOUT 4 Chapters planned on this story before I finish it and move on to the original idea of a big Anime crossover. Also I am writing another story which will be on fictionpress about my OC Super Fast Superhero! SuperSpeed check, Super Endurance not so good, just a ragtag hero story! And that is it mostly. I apologize for the long wait, honestly flame me and hate if you want I deserve it -_- i am not used to having people want to read or interact with my content, I promise the next stories won't have a two year haitus. Please please please forgive me.