Sorry this took so long, I had some dificulty with the interaction between Gimli and Amber.

I do not own LoTR.

The fellowship sat quietly as they waited for Aragorn to finish his business. Amber studied her fingerers as she waited. It felt odd, knowing that she was going on such an important journey. Gandalf had talked to her briefly after the counsel and told her what they would likely encounter on their travels. Ahe smiled lightly at Pippin who sat by her side. She was glad that they got to stay together for a little while

Legolas slipped over to her and asked, "Do you have a sword with you?" Amber nodded briefly and Legoas said, "Good, once you have been taught how to wield it, you will find it more practical that knives." Amber nodded as she relaxed slightly.

She heard a snorting sound as Gimli shook his head. The dwarf glanced at the group as he said, "Now this is a fine mess! Having hobbits along is hard enough, but a girl as well? Thats just preposterous!" Amber frowned as she said, "And what's wrong with me coming?" The dwarf frowned at her as he said, "No dwarven women would go traipsing around Middle Earth with a sword in hand! They would stay at home to tend the house and the children, they would do women's work!"

Amber frowned as she crossed her arms and snapped, "Women's work? You're kidding, right? In my world women can do anything men can do! In fact, my mother, Aunt, and a friend of theirs, own and operate a little bake shop!" Gimli gave a short laugh as he said, "Why would any woman want to work in a business? Its an unseemly occupation for a woman."

Amber frowned, and opened her mouth to argue back, but Frodo stood and asked, "So, how long will take to get to Mount Doom?" For a minute, there was a tense silence before Boromir said, "Considering the danger, it will be about a year to finish the quest." Amber's mouth twitched, if everything went right she would be going home once the quest was done.

Gimli snorted as he fake-whispered, "That is if we aren't slowed down by some little human girl." Amber turned to glare at Gimli as she snapped, "Little? Are you calling me short!? I'm still taller than you!" Gimli snorted as he said, "But that is because I'm a dwarf, your just tiny." Amber hopped up, and walked to stand in front of Gimli with her fists balled as she hissed, "Why don't you say that again? Because, I assure you, you won't like the result." Amber could hear Sam swallow as he said nervously, "Mr. Gimli, I really think that you best take what you said back." Gimli snorted as he said, "Don't bother, lad. I've dealt with worse than short human brats." Amber scoffed as she said, "Alright then, lets see what you think about this!" As she spoke, Amber punched Gimli in the nose. There was a cracking sound, and Gimli stumbled back as he shouted in pain.

Before Gimli could say anything, Pippin jumped forward and said, "I'm really happy you're coming with us, Amber, but I thought you would be trying to get home again." Amber's anger dissipated when she heard his plesant voice, so she smiled as she turned to Pippin and said, "Apparently there is another portal stone near Gondor that will open in twelve months, and stay open for two months."

Amber felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at Legolas who had a curios expression on his face as he asked, "These portals stones, they wouldn't happen to be reddish-brown in color, wit runes carved in it? Amber blinked, then nodded as she said, according to Radagast, that type can only be used a certain amount of times before they stop working." She frowned as she asked, "Have you seen them before?"

Legolas nodded as he said, "My younger sister, Elanor, came across one some years ago. We had been arguing, so she ran ahead where she saw the stone. When she touched it, it pulled her in ... I could not save her." Amber smiled sympathetically as she said, "That sounds like what happened with me."

She paused for a moment before she said, "Your sisters name was Elanor?" Legolas nodded and Amber's lips twitched as she said, "My grandma on my fathers side was named Elanor too." Amber reached into her pocket, and pulled out the picture which her father had given her when she was ten. Legolas blinked, and studied the picture carefully before he stated, "That woman in the odd, miniature portrait, she is your grandmother?" Amber nodded curiously before Legolas continued, "That lady is my sister."

Amber blinked as she said, "You're sure?" Legolas nodded as he said, "Yes, I could never forgotten her countenance." He glanced at Amber as he asked hopefully, "Have you seen her recently?" Amber glanced at the ground as she shook her head and said, "She died when my father was six, so I never met her." Legolas nodded before Amber asked, "You wouldn't mind if I call you uncle, would you?"

Legolas shook his head before Gimli muttered, "Wasn't it enough to have one elf, but now we have to have a miniature part-elf too?" Legolas turned and looked at the dwarf. Within a few seconds, Legolas had deftly stepped forward and punched Gimli in the nose, before moving back rapidly. Gimli shouted yet again as he held his mangled nose, and a male voice said, "Legolas."

Everyone turned to see Aragorn and Gandalf who had just arrived. Pippin looked over at the surprised pair and stated," Gandalf, apparently Amber wasn't the only person to fall through a portal." Legolas nodded, "When my sister disappeared, it seems she did not die, rather she was sent to Amber's world, where Elanor met Amber's grandfather."

Aragorn nodded as he said, "So Amber is your relative, but why did you punch Gimli?" Legolas gestured toward Amber as he said, "Because that dwarf refused to stop insulting my niece." Amber nodded as she said, "I punched him too if you're wondering who broke his nose." Aragorn sighed and looked at Gimli's nose as Gandalf said, "Perhaps then, we should keep any unpleasant comments to ourselves, lest we want unpleasant consequences. In any case, it is time to go."

The group made there way to the gate, where Elrond was waiting. Amber could see the elf speaking, but she couldn't make out his words. She was too distracted by what she had learned during her short conversation. finding out her grandmother was an elf had not been as surprising as it should have been, as her father had always looked a little elvish. Amber blinked when Elrond finished speaking, and the group started their journey. She smiled lightly at her uncle, and felt relieved to know that even if she missed her chance to go home in a year, she would still have some family. She glanced at Pippin, and suddenly felt uneasy about leaving both him and Hobbiton.

Yay, it's done! Hopefully the I will get the next chapter done soon. until then, please review.