
These were written as a side effect of writing the next chapter of The Gold Standard and too much coffee. OUAT is not mine, unfortunately!

You Loved Me

You loved me when I was lost

Amidst an ocean of darkness,

Your love a guiding flame,

That tamed a beast and claimed my heart.

A heart once lost, yet now found.

Because you loved me.

You loved me when I was unworthy

Even to love myself.

Your love saved a monster

From the depths of despair

Redeemed a heart trapped

By fear and loathing.

Because you loved me,

I have hope where once there was none.

Your love broke my curse,

Turned a coward brave,

Your love has brought light and hope

Where once was none,

And for you I shall be

The best I can be.

For all of time, in all worlds.

When I wake beside you each morning,

A man and not a monster,

Because you loved me,

Because you believed in me,

I can only say—thank you.

I love you, dearie.


Belle's response, when she finds this on her pillow one morning:

Love is Hope

Love is hope

It fuels our dreams,

Makes the impossible possible

Shows the true nature of a heart

Cursed by darkness and frees it.

Love is the last mystery,

Like the petals of a rose,

It waits to be uncovered

And frees what was trapped

By bitterness and anger.

Love is hope

That cannot be destroyed,

Only chipped by adversity and pain

That will fight to the last breath

For all that is good and bright within you

Love is my belief,

That you shall banish the darkness

See yourself as I do

A man, flawed yet still beautiful

In all your imperfect glory.

A man, not a beast,

Who dared to risk a heart broken once

For imperfect me.

Love is my hope,

For a future filled with light

Blossoming like a rose

In a chipped cup.

Watch it shine!

And know that I love you

Today, tomorrow, always

My brilliant beautiful husband.

- your Belle