This was not happening. Ginny Weasley was not just openly gawking at 'Fool Who Must not be Named, too good looking for his own good , prick with green eyes' and feeling tongue tied. No Ginny Weasley had gotten over being tongue tied over Harry Potter a long time ago and she was not about to start now.

" O Hiya Harry!" she forced herself to answer with a big smile. "Didn't know you were here…" she added. She noticed he turned a bit red at her response but it might have been her eyes playing tricks on her. It tended to do that when it came to this creature in front of her.

"What brings you back to this part of the country, another peace mission?" she asked trying to sound nonchalant. But before he had the chance to respond they both heard a loud thud on the stairs.

"Emily! No you can't use the wand Uncle Fred gave you," her brother, Charlie was yelling at her youngest niece and goddaughter.

They must have come down early for Christmas she figured. Well, she loved her little gumdrop to pieces and this way she could spend more time with her Ginny mused.

"Is that Charlie's daughter?" Harry asked interrupting her thoughts again, he was looking up at the stairs where a tiny red head was standing with a huge teddy bear in hand, her face blotched with tears from being yelled at by her father.

"Yes," she responded opening her arms wide to hug her niece.

"Auniinny!" she screamed bolting right into them.

"aww it's alright my little munchinkin aunniny is right here. Everything will be ok." She soothed the child.

"Ginny stop encouraging her she is barely two and she has started to follow her uncle's footsteps," Her brother Charlie said behind her, but he was smiling.

Charlie's wedding happened right after the war to another dragon trainer. The war seemed to have catapulted the emotions between the two and well needless to say they found her that her now sister in law Sylke was pregnant prior to their marriage. Of course the family was thrilled to have another granddaughter after Victoria.

Ginny was estatic. Not only did she get two beautiful nieces she was not the only female Weasley in the family and her nieces adored her.

Emily seemed to have calmed down in her arms. She was now looking at Harry and pointing, " Who that?" she asked Ginny turning her face towards him.

"That's your Uncle Harry, love," she said smiling at Harry, who much to her charging turned a little red again.

"Uncle Harry your hubband?" her niece asked innocently.

Ginny wished the floor would swallow her now, why did kids always say the most embarrassing things sometimes. She looked at Harry feeling herself go red as he looked at her intently as though waiting for a response himself.

"No love, he is not my husband," she said trying to laugh it off, " he is your uncle's Ron's and aunt Hermione's best friend" .

"Your hubband…" her niece insisted again. She was about to correct her when she felt another pair of arms taking her off embrace.

Harry had picked up Emily and was rubbing his five o clock shadow on her cheek making her laugh. "hubbaaand harry" Emily squealed as she laughed louder…

Ginny swore he heard Harry laugh quietly with her and say, "soon"…