Hello. I'm back. I know, you probably wondering why I'm writing another story when i haven't finished the others. The answer is i have inspiration for Supernatural, but not for the others. Also note I DO NOT OWN SUPERNATURAL OR ANY OF HER WONDERFUL CHARACTERS. Also note I haven't finished the series. I've seen all of season 4 and 5 most of 1 and 2 and 6 and 7 but not everything. This means I will make mistakes, and for that I'm sorry. If you see a mistake please tell me and I'll fix it best I can or decide in this AU that whatever is wrong happened differently. By the time I finish this I'll probably have finished the show... but there are a lot of episodes and I just started high school so I don't have as much time as I did before. Well, I'll stop rambling I guess and get on with this. This is the story of Charlotte Morganstern taking place a little while in the future after season 8 when everything is "back to normal" aka Sam, Dean, and Cas aren't dead or in Hell and there is no looming danger. Cas is hunting with Sam and Dean as a human, but with angel knowledge.

Chapter 1

"I think this is one of ours," Sam told Cas and Dean laying the paper down on the table with their lunch. "A 15 year old girl on Cape Cod Massachusetts is in the psych ward at a local hospital after she was found burnt to hell in her house with her mom in pieces around her."

"So a teenage chick went off her rocker and killed her mom. Not pleasant but what makes you think there's something to hunt?" Dean asked biting into his bacon cheddar burger like he wasn't listening to the story of a woman ripped to shreds.

"Well, for starters police have no idea how her mom died, but it appears she was ripped apart from the inside."

"No girl can do that? Why she in lock up?" Dean asked mouth full.

"I believe you're supposed to swallow before speaking," Cas told Dean. Even after all his time as a human he still didn't understand the things Dean did.

"She's in lock up because she swears her mom burnt her with holy water."

"She's a demon? That doesn't make sense no demon would stay in their meat suit and let themselves get burnt and locked up," Dean reminded them suddenly interested.

"That's what I'm thinking. It might just be a story, you should see the local newspaper it's less factual than people magazine. Still, we've checked out less." Sam reminded them and Dean shrugged grabbing his keys from the table.

"I've always wanted to go to the Cape. Maybe we can stop by the vineyard and meet Jaws."

"I don't understand. Why would there be a jaw in a vineyard?" Castiel asked confusion lining his faces. Dean smacked his shoulder promising to explain on the way.

"What's the girls name by the way?" Dean asked as the three of them pulled over the Rhode Island Massachusetts border.

"Charlie Morganstern." Sam replied cooly. Castiel's eyebrows rose quickly and surprise marked his face.

"Charlotte Morganstern?" he asked worry lacing his voice.

"Yeah I think Charlie is a nickname. Why? She a demon you know?" Dean asked worried about what they were getting into. If Cas had heard of a demon then that meant trouble. Any demon meant trouble.

"Not a demon. I know how her mom ended up in a million pieces. She was ripped apart by an an angel. An Archangel," Cas told them grimising.

"She's not," Dean groaned.

"She's a prophet of the Lord." Cas looked even less thrilled than the Winchesters. None of them liked the idea of dealing with another prophet.

"Wait, that's not even possible. We know all of this generation's prophets, and she's not on of them," Sam told them confused.

"Not exactly. You've met all the prophets Samandiriel knew of. He wouldn't have known of Charlotte. I only learnt of her when I took over Heaven. She's a prophet, but not exactly. She's THE Prophet. She can't be deactivated so she's still active when the other prophet are too. And she doesn't have on Archangel protecting her, she has all of them. Or well all of them that aren't in the cage or dead. The two of you have gotten rid of 4 of the 8 which leaves the prophets open for attack, like we learnt with Kevin. It doesn't matter Charlotte is the Prophet, she doesn't just hear God, she can speak to him. I'm the only non-archangel who knows of her. Or I was. The demons must though if they attacked her."

"That's comforting. We've got a prophet who's not a prophet. And to make it better the demons, who are always the bad guys, know about her, while the angels, who are only usually bad, don't know she exists. Come on, I'm turning this car around we can hunt something else. I'm done with prophets." Dean told them making a u-turn.

Fast as lighting Cas reached from the back of the Impala and jerked the wheel back almost flipping the '67 car. "We're going to Cape Cod and we're finding Charlotte. She'll mean trouble for us if we find her yes, but she'll be trouble for the entire world if we don't. She's dangerous in the wrong hands. She's the ultimate weapon."

"She's just a kid," Sam told them gripping the leather seat tightly, " how can she be so dangerous. What does she know?"

"Did you not hear me. She speaks to God. She could find him if she wanted to. And she's more than that. I didn't take the time when I had the souls to look into her, I just heard her in my mind as she tried to speak to the real God. Still, she's different. I could tell. We're going to Cape Cod and saving this girl before we have to stop the end of the world, again." Cas told them clearly ready to fight if necessary. He was hiding the truth from them, they didn't need to know why Charlie was so dangerous, just that she was.

"Fine. Off we go to Old Cape Cod." Dean told them annoyed with getting himself into trouble, again. Simple, all he wanted was some simple hunts, like how it was in the beginning. Before Azazel, before Lilith, before Hell, before Lucifer, before the Leviathans. Simple hunts. Wendego and such, easy.

Sam sat back in his seat,"We needed a little fun anyways. I was starting to get bored."