Eli's POV

"Blakk." I could see that everybody was rather surprised.

"Hello, Shane gang. Surprised to see me?"

Everybody just stared at him, with their hands on their blasters. I was planning on which slug to use first.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled grimly, "By the way, about your last question. For starters, Diablos called me when he caught you. Since I was already on my way back here, I could reach here in time to finish you off. I just needed a few more minutes to reach here so I ordered Twist to distract you, so as to buy me some time."

I already planned a strategy. All I have to do was wait for the right time.

As if he could read my mind, he fired a frostfang and an amperling while Diablos fired a hop jack and Twist fired a dark urchin. On the other hand, I fired Joules, Trixie fired an arachnet and Kord fired his rammstone. Joules defeated the frostfang and the hop jack. At the same time, the dark urchin released spikes and Kord's rammstone managed to block it and defeat the dark urchin. However, the spikes cut through the webs spun by Trixie's arachnet and the amperling electrified Joules and her arachnet. The spikes that flew around in the air forced us to take cover, giving Blakk and his assistance the opening they needed.

Without wasting any time, I got up and fired Banger to break through their defense. On the other side, Blakk fired a grimmstone. When the grimmstone was about to collide into banger, Trixie fired her arachnet and trapped it inside a net. With that, Banger successfully crashed into the ground in front of the enemies and caught them off guard. With them off guard, we got out of our cover. Kord fired a phosporo to blind them and Trixie fired a jellyish to trap them. In defense, Diablos fired a blachnet that trapped the phosporo before it could blind them and Blakk fired a jollyfist that trapped the jellyish instead of themselves. With the levels even, we prepared for another round.

Kord's POV

Blakk didn't wait for us to load our slugs and fired a tempesto. Diablos fired an armachomp while Twist loaded Loche. I fired my rammstone while Trixie fired Bluster, her tormato. The tempesto defeated our slugs and left us shaking from the cyclone. Luckily, I managed to get up and shot a bubbaleon to trap the armachomp. At the same time, Eli fired Burpy.

Upon transforming, Burpy pulled off its signature move, a fire wall. The wall trapped Blakk and Diablos but Twist disappeared with the help of Loche. I watched Burpy hopped to Eli's left shoulder.

"Nice job, Burpy!"

Burpy chirped in delight as I prepared for ambush from any direction.

Trixie's POV

All of us remained silent. We loaded our slugs in case Twist attacked of us. We waited but there was nothing. This was getting a little uneasy for me. To be exact, it was uneasy for all of us. I looked at the direction where Burpy created the fire wall. I guess Blakk and his associates had already hidden themselves somewhere. Eli motioned for us make a circle formation so that every one of us will be able to spot Twist from any direction.

Eli's POV

As if Twist had chosen the right time, he reappeared just infront of me, about 10 metres away. I shot Buzzsaw at him and he disappeared. Great, holograms.

"Really, Twist? Is that all you got? Just playing with our visions and not fighting against us face to face?"

"I'll show you what I can do. And you'll regret what you said."

I got a bad feeling about this.

Twist appeared and kicked us. Since we didn't have to react, we fell down and tried to get up. Unfortunately, we couldn't because we were tied together. We looked up to see Twist grinning, pointing his blaster at us. We could all see Loche growling at us in the blaster.

Trixie's POV

I saw Burpy secretly hop down from Eli's shoulder and burned the web that tied us together. We all noticed it but pretended that we were still tied together. Luckily, Twist didn't notice we were free and kept his blaster pointed at us. He shot Loche and with that, he disappeared.

Eli's POV

Many duplicates of Twist appeared surrounding us.

"Seriously, Twist? Again with the holograms?"

I planned my trick shot and loaded my speedstinger. I aimed it at the wall of Blakk's building and fired. The speedstinger transformed and curled into a ball just in time to hit the first duplicate of Twist. It bounced off the wall and sped towards me. I made way and it hit a tree. It bounced off and hit another duplicate behind me. It hit the ground and went between my legs. It bounced upwards and knocked the real Twist to the ground.

"Nice job little guy."

It jumped up and down and hopped back into its tube. We all looked back and noticed Twist was gone.

Trixie's POV

I got onto my mecha beast as the others did the same. After reassuring the info was with us, we started for the hideout. I was thinking about our success when I noticed something wrong with Eli.

"What's wrong, Eli? Is anything bothering you?"

"We got the info. Now I guess Dr Blakk will not let his guard down."

"At least the first part of the mission was a success."

"Yeah, you're right. I won't overthink it. Up next, we'll have to come up with a plan for the next phase."

"Sure we will. Now all we have to do is get some rest."

I smiled at Eli and he smiled back.

Eli's POV

It's nice that Trixie is always there to comfort me. Her smile warms me. I'm happy I can still enjoy this moment before our next mission. I looked down at the piece of rolled-up sheet in my bag.

"Phase one complete. Proceed to phase two."

That was the last thing I thought before riding into the moonlight at this peaceful night.

Note: Here it is. The last chapter of my first fic. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I plan on writing a sequel so I really need ideas. Feel free to pm me or comment. For your information, I most probably will start on my sequel after 22 July.