This is the first story that i wrote about a game. I randomly chose a name for my character but then I realized that a character in this game had that name too. I changed the school name because Amour Sucre is French and I might be misspelling it. Well here is My Candy Love story that I came up with.
I was one to actually fall in love with fairy tales. Every time I see a lovey-dovey couple walking, it just makes me so jealous. I wanted someone to treat me like a princess. I never would have thought that it would happen to me, especially after I just transferred to a new high school.
My name is Violet Drake, a 16-year-old freshman at Worthington High. Make that NEW freshman at Worthington High. My father was transferred for work and my mother went with him. They are the lovey dovey-est couple compared to everyone else. My mom never stops complaining about how she misses dad whenever he is gone for work and it makes me laugh.
"So here is your schedule for your classes, and here is your first class for the day." The principal was an elderly woman. She wore a pink suit and had her hair tied up in a ponytail. She seemed nice to me.
"Now, if there are any other questions, please feel free to look for me, a teacher, or the student council president." She smiled at me as she left me alone in front of the door of my class.
Ugh Biology. One of my most hated subjects. I opened the door to the biology class and as soon as I stepped in, the class became quiet. Great. I walked towards the teacher and handed him my schedule.
"Class, it looks like we have a new student joining us. I would like to introduce you to Violet Drake." He smiled at me as he introduced me to the class. He wore a blue sweater vest over a blue button up shirt and black slacks.
"Why not say something about yourself, Ms. Drake." I turned to look at my classmates.
Shoot, why is it when I need to say something about myself, I always turn up blank. My cheeks began to feel hot. I could hear little laughs in the back of the classroom. I looked up and saw a girl laughing.
"Maybe she can't because she needs her mommy to hold her hand." She was beginning to laugh more. I hate blond blue eyed girls like her. She looked pretty but her attitude says that she is a mean girl, girls that think that everyone is beneath her.
I looked at the teacher
"Can I just take a seat?" quietly asking him.
He looked at me and then assigned me a seat. I was placed in the middle row closest to the window. At least I was able to look down if I get bored in class. My seatmate was a tall boy with red hair. His open black leather jacket revealed a red shirt with a skull on it. His black pants had tears on it and a chain on one side. Something told me that he was one of those trouble makers in school.
He looked at me with cold grey eyes then looked away. I looked away and stared out the window for the rest of the class.
Minutes passed and class was finally over. I grabbed my books and bag and began to leave. Then I felt a shoved behind me. I fell forward, dropping my stuff everywhere. I looked to see that it was that blond girl laughing.
"Oops, didn't see you there." She walked away laughing with two other girls. I got up and grabbed my things.
"Here." I turned to look and it was my seat mate handing me my biology book. I grabbed it and he walked away. I just stood there looking after him as he walked away. He didn't give me a chance to say thanks.
At lunch I was looking for a nice quiet place to sit my turkey sandwich. I spotted a tree with shade. The perfect spot for lunch. As I was walking towards there I bumped into a guy. He was tall with short blond hair and gold eyes. He looked completely opposite of the boy in my biology class.
He looked like a model student with his white button up shirt with a blue tie.
"Sorry about that, Violet, right?" He kindly said.
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I'm the student council president, Nathaniel. I saw that there was a new face here at school. Welcome to Worthington High." He gave me a big smile.
"Thank you." I looked away like the shy person I was.
"Something wrong? I can help if you want."
I looked back at him and smiled.
"No thank you. I just want to eat my lunch before class starts."
He chuckled.
"I see, then would it be alright if I joined you?" I just looked at him. I nodded my head and we both walked to the tree I was headed to.
Nathaniel talked to me about his student council duties. I asked him a few questions. I eventually found out that the blond bitch that pushed me, was actually his sister, Amber.
"My sister can be pushy, but I guess that is my fault since I bullied her when we were little."
"I would never take you as someone who bullies someone else." I slapped my hand over my mouth.
Nathaniel laughed.
"What is it that makes me look like a model student?" He looked at me with gentle eyes.
"Maybe you being the student council president." I looked away and blush a little.
"NATHANIEL!" I looked up and saw Amber. She looked upset.
"Why are you with this freak?"
What did she call me? I was about to say something to her but Nathaniel cut me off.
"She's not a freak, Amber." He looked at her with cold eyes. I looked at Nathaniel as he got up.
"Sorry Violet, I gotta talk to my sister. I'll see you around." He grabbed Amber's arm and pulled her away. The bell rang for class to begin.
I still sat there for a couple of minutes before I decided to stand up from the cool grass. I checked my watch and realized that I was actually about 10 minutes late for class.
I grabbed my lunch trash and tossed it in the trashcan and then ran for my next class.
"I should have left earlier since I have no idea where anything is."
I punished myself running around the halls looking for my English class. As I turned the corner of the hallway, I bumped into someone, knocking both of us down.
"Oww, I'm sorry. I was just looking for my next class." I sat there rubbing my head apologizing to whoever I ran into.
I opened my eyes and saw that it was my biology seatmate. I never caught his name but he left a big impact on me when he stared at me with those cold grey eyes and after he helped me pick up my biology book after Amber knocked me down.
I got up and put a hand out to him to help him up. His eyes told me that he didn't want my help. He got up on his own and walked away.
"Hmmp, well excuse me Mr. Delinquent."
I apologized for being late to class and told her that I was only late because I got lost and had no way of knowing where my class was.
Our class was reading Romeo and Juliet. I already read that book so I was a bit ahead of everyone.
"Why do you love 'Love' so much, Violet?"
I just responded with a smile
"It's something beautiful that happens between two people. It happens when no one notices and it makes it mysterious." I put a lot of love into my response.
Class felt like it lasted forever. I was so bored in class I began making circle on a piece of paper.
Finally the bell rang to go home. I was just getting out of the class when someone grabbed my arm.
I turned around and it was Amber. Before I could react, she slapped me across my face. I looked at her and placed my hand over my cheek.
"Stay away from my brother, Freak!" She bumped into me as she walked away. I just stood there shocked. I could feel the stares of the others in the hallway.
"What just happened?"
~Home later that night~
I got home and went to my room. My room was small with a twin sized bed, a few drawers, and a desk to do my homework.
I sat on my bed and placed my hand back on my cheek. I can still feel it burning after she slapped me.
"First day of school and I already got someone who hates me."
There was a light knock on my door. My aunt came in the room to see how I was doing. She is my mom's younger sister.
She noticed that my cheek was red and rushed over to me.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" She was upset and worried about what happened.
"Nothing. I just walked into a door." I hated lying to her, especially since she took me in when my parents decided to move abroad.
"Let me get you some ice for that. It looks swollen."
She walked out and came back with a bag with some ice in it.
"Thanks Aunt Agatha." She placed the ice on my cheek.
"So, who was the person who slapped you?"
She caught me. I looked away. She always caught me when I lied. She sighed
"Well, when you're ready, you can tell me." She gave me a comforting smile and left my room.
Later that night my aunt left for work. She worked various jobs and tonight's job was a waitress at a bar.
I was alone in my room doing my homework for math. It was around 10 o'clock at night when I heard the doorbell ring.
"Who is it at this hour?" I thought to myself. I walked down the stairs and stared at the door at the foot of the stairs.
I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. I took a peek and saw long red hair and a back facing toward me. I opened the door all the way and the boy turned to face me.
"What are you doing here and how did you find out where I live?"
He just stared at me and handed me my student I.D.
"You dropped this in the hallway. Your address is on the card."
Taking my ID back from him, I realized that I have never seen my ID since the morning I received it, so I never paid attention for it.
"Heard you got slapped today after school by Amber." I jerked when he said that.
"I didn't think you pay attention to stuff like this? I mean, you don't look like the type."
"Well it's kind of hard when everyone is saying 'The new girl got slapped' every now and then."
He raised his hand and place it on my cheek. His hand felt cool against my face.
"It's still red, but not swollen." I felt my face go hot.
"I put ice on it so it won't swell." I moved his hand away from my face.
He smirked at the way I reacted. I don't even know his name and he is already acting friendly with me.
"Castiel." I looked at him my mouth slightly open. "My name, Genius."
He laughed again, but his laugh made me feel happy. I smiled at him.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Violet." He tousled my hair and left.
I was just standing there, looking at him as he walked away. Castiel turned back and waved at me. There was something about Castiel that made me feel a lot better than I had earlier.
Before I went to sleep, I took a shower to cool myself off.
My heart wouldn't stop beating. It felt as if it was going to blow right out of my chest. This is something that has never happened to me. I should get some sleep, maybe it'll go away while I sleep. I got in bed and covered myself with the blanket. Before I drifted off to sleep, the last thing on my mind was Castiel's smile.