Disclaimer: I do not own 'A Certain Magical Index' or its characters.

Author: While this story's plot doesn't center around the OC's, the focus of the story will be on them. One of the OCs will be introduced here, while the other already had one called "A Certain Frozen Flower." If you're not interested in reading that, the basic jist is (SPOILERS), this OC is an Ice type Esper with a split personality.

The OC introduced here though, is more designed to be... 'cute', let's just say.

About the fic itself. I'm having some difficulty with one of the canon characters. Those cheerful yet manipulative types are surprisingly difficulty to get the balance right.

"So this is all her stuff?" Lilian puts a box down into her dorm room. "Phew."

"Yes," says a fellow student that was also carrying boxes.

"It's nice to finally have a roommate," Lilian mentions. "But it'd be better if I actually got to meet her."

"I heard that her flight was delayed because of a storm. There's also that double meteor two weeks ago."

"Don't remind me."

"And she has to get through some other security checks. But she'll be here by the time class starts."

"So she's a foreigner?"

"Yep, that's why you were picked to be her roommate. You were a foreigner too, you'll be able to help her settle in. See you in class Sterling." The fellow student leaves the room.

(I wonder how strong she is.)

"If she's coming into Tokiwadai, she's at least a level 3."

(I'm hoping she's a level 4.)

"Oh come on."


"Is there anything else you want out of our roommate other than to have her be strong?"

(... I wonder how gullible and naive she'll be.)

"What? Why do want that? Besides this is Tokiwadai, she'll be smart."

(Doesn't mean she won't be gullible and naive.)


(Alright alright. But it'll be much easier to keep our secret if she was.)

"I guess you're right," Lilian looks over the boxes in her dorm room. "I just hope she's friendly."

(We'll be meeting her today anyway so let's just put our expectations aside for now.)


The class was especially rowdy today, there was a lot of discussion about the new transfer student. Though there was also topics on the thief that's been on a crime spree the past couple days. They called him, The Magneto.

"Hey, have you heard? The Magneto struck again!"

"Really? 3rd day in a row, what was hit this time?"

"Do you remember that one store with the rumour that 3 level 5s walked in on the night of the double meteors?"

"That place?"

"And the places around it."

"How come Judgement or Anti-Skill hasn't captured him yet?"

"He quickly steals then runs, there's no telling where he might show up. I heard that a few Espers tried fighting him, but they were beaten pretty badly."

"He uses magnetism right? I bet Miss Misaka could take him."

"Oh of course she can! He just gets away too fast for them to react."

"I heard he has a curly mustache."

"Settle down class," Lilian's teacher informs everyone in the room. All of the students rush over to their seats. It takes a few more seconds for the whole class to calm down. "Much better. As you no doubt have heard, we have a new transfer student. You can come in now."

The door opens from the other side. A girl in a Tokiwadai uniform walks through, turns around, closes the door, then walks to the front of the room and bows.

She had short deep blue hair, with a short but large and puffy ponytail, all reaching down to just above her shoulders. Some hair at the top of her head was shaped to have cat ears, complete with white puffy hair pieces. She had a very petite figure, but a cute face with what seems to be a very slight blush and golden yellow eyes.

"H-hello everyone," She begins nervously. "M-my name is K-Katherine Rutile Sopheria. Uh, ummm... N, nice to meet everyone, really.

There are probably a lot of things that I'll have to get used to, and I'll probably be a hassle for everyone, so, I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry," the teacher reassures her. "I'm certain that you'll get along with everyone just fine. Isn't that right class?"

The class cheered. The transfer student reeled back in surprise then blushed and scratched her head.

The teacher motioned her hands to lower the noise. "Alright everyone, I'm sure you all want to get to know her a bit more, but you're going to have to wait. Miss Sopherica-"

"It's 'Sopheria' teacher," one of the students corrected, the class giggled.

"Sorry about that," the teacher apologizes. "Miss Sopheria, you can sit right over there, next to your roommate, Miss Sterling."

Lilian waves her arm up to help the transfer student. Sopheria walks towards Lilian.

"N-nice to meet you," The new student bows respectfully. "I hope we can get along, really."

"Same here, Miss Sopheria." Lilian smiles warmly.

"P-please, we're roommates right? Call me Rutile, really," Rutile sits down and class begins.


At the lunch break, most of the class gathered around Rutile's desk. She was being bombarded by questions.

"Miss Sopheria, where do you come from?"

"I was born in Transylvania, really."

"You're Transylvanian?"

"Romanian by birth. My father is French, my mother is Romanian, really."

"Do you have a favorite food?"

"Um... most fish? I think sardines are my favorite, it is."

"Have you tried Takoyaki?"

"N-no, they're made of octopus right? I'm not sure I'd want to, really."

"Oh you have to try them! They're so good!"

"I-I guess..."

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"W-well, I like going out for walks. And I was taught a martial art from when I was young, you know."

"You were taught a martial art, from Europe?"

"Y-yeah, it's supposedly been in my mother's side of the family for a long time. My aunt was the one that taught me it, really."

"Say, what's up with the cat ears?"

"Oh these? M-my mother really, really likes cats. Um... I-is there something wrong with it, huh?"

"No no, it's just sooo cute!"

"What's that chain around your neck?"

Sopheria pulls out a moon and star pendant from beneath her uniform. The crescent moon was made of crystal sapphire, while the star appeared to be made of topaz

"It's this. This is a pendant from my mother's family, I think it dates all the way back to the time of Count Vlad Tepes III, really."


"I think my mother's family were very high ranking nobles way back then. But that's all I really know about it, really." Sopheria puts the pendant back underneath her uniform.

Lilian watches from her seat at the crowd right next to her.

(You're not going to talk to her?)

"Later, I'll have all the time afterwards."

(She's got a rather... interesting habit when she talks.)

"You don't think it's annoying do you?"

(It's starting to be...)

"Sorry, but you're going to have to endure it, besides I like it."

(At least I can plug my ears up with ice.)

"Oh, she wear shorts," One student gets up from the floor in front of the desk.

"H-hey!" Rutile stands up startled and flustered. "W-what do you think you're doing?"

"I just wanted to see what kind you have on, but your black biker shorts is in the way. Why do you wear them?"

"I-I just told you that I do martial arts," Rutile calms herself down. "I-it became a habit of mine to wear them under any skirt, really."

"Hey, hey! What's your power?"


The teacher claps her hands loudly, "Alright, alright, that's enough class."


The class finished for the day.

"Class dismissed," the teacher announces. "Miss Sterling, Miss Sopherica-"

"It's Sopheria," one of the students corrected, the class giggles again.

"Miss Sopheria," the teacher corrected herself. "Would you two please stay in class for a few moments?"

The whole class leaves except for the teacher, Lilian and Rutile.

"Miss Sterling, you're not doing anything after class right? No clubs or anything?"

"No, I'm not in any afterschool clubs."

"Then would you mind giving Miss Sopheria a tour of the grounds? The school, the dorms and the garden."

"I was planning to, I just couldn't think of a way to get her away from the crowd."

"Well, now you're free. About half of them will have afterschool activities. And we've got large windows."


"I-is she telling us to jump out the window, really?"

"Also, Miss Sopheri-... a... "


"If you can, try and keep your power and abilities a secret, okay?" the teacher winks.


"I want to see how smart these girls are. Let's see if they can figure out what your power is."


"Go. And if you have time, try to get her used to the city as well."

"I hope you know how to land," Lilian jokes as she opens the window. It's a three story drop.

"A-are you serious? W-we're really jumping out the window, really?"

"Hup!" Lilian jumps through the window.

"H-hey!" Rutile jumps right after her. The new student landed on the ground first with a small wave of wind blowing out from her feet. "Miss Sterling?" She looks around, she couldn't find Lilian on the ground around her.

"Up here! Give me a minute!"

Rutile looks up at the wall and sees Lilian climbing down, freezing her hands and feet to the wall as she does so. When Lilian reaches a comfortable height, she breaks away from the wall and lands right next to Rutile.

"You have ice powers, really?"

"Mist actually," Lilian corrects as she holds out a hand while mist floats up from it. "But I can freeze it into ice." The mist around her hand freezes instantly into an icicle. "See?"

"That's so cool, really!" Rutile exclaims excitedly.

"Not as cool as you landing that jump," Lilian looks up at the window they jumped out of. "A normal person would've gotten really hurt. Well, let's go."

"Y-you're... not going to ask about my power, really?"

"The teacher told you to keep it a secret, right?" Lilian smiles. "Besides, I think it'd be kind of fun to try and figure out what it is."

"O-okay Miss Sterling."

"Oh, that's right. I never properly introduced myself did I?" Lilian bows. "My full name is Lilian Isolde Sterling. You can call me Lilian."


"We're close to the edge of the grounds here-"

"What do you mean you don't know?!" there was some high pitched screaming nearby. "He hasn't been home for days! He's not at the hospital! I even called England and they don't even know!"

Lilian and Rutile turn to see a another Tokiwadai student talking to a short white clad nun.

"That's..." Lilian walks toward the two.

"-elling you that I don't know where he is. How did you get in here anyway? What the hell is security doing?"

"Hey don't ignore me! You're the only one left I know that could know where he is!"

"Look, I don't know anything about where he is. You know how he tends to get into trouble."

"That's true... Wait. You're acting weird."

"H-huh? W-what are you talking about?"

"You're hiding something! You don't sound worried at all! What do you know?!"

"I-I'm telling you I don't know anything! Tell you what, if I do find him. I'll bite his head for you."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Miss Misaka?" Lilian walks in on their conversation.

The Tokiwadai student and the nun turn to see Lilian and Rutile.

"Sterling?"Misaka notices Lilian.

"What's going on?" Lilian asks bluntly.

"I-it's nothing..." Mikoto nervously answers.

"What do you mean nothing?!" the nun screams. "Touma's gone missing, and you don't look like you care!"

"I-I do care!" Mikoto yells back. "But more than likely it's just that idiot being himself. You know how he is. He'll probably just come back with another strange girl hanging around him."

"Hmm..." the nun quieted up.

"Touma?" Lilian asks in surprise. "As in, Touma Kamijou?"

"H-huh?" Mikoto turn to Lilian, startled. "Oh, yeah. It's him. You're not the only girl he saved. I swear, every other week he-"

"You were saved by Touma too?" the nun moves to Lilian.


"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Mikoto yells

"Hmm..." Index leans in and walks around Lilian.

"W-what?" Lilian is getting nervous.

"You're the one that gave Touma that flower of ice that one time aren't you?"

"H-huh? Y-yeah, I did. B-but how did you know that?"

"That ice was made of some strange mana. I'd never forget it, the closest descriptions my grimoires have are in books on Atlantis and the Leviathan. But you're human, right? So why...?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Hey," Mikoto cuts in and pushes the nun away. "Just get out of here now before we get into any trouble."


"He'll be back, he always comes back. If not," Mikoto sparks up. "I'll kill him myself."

"H-how does that make any sense...?" Lilian nervously asks under her breath.

"Alright, but save me something to bite." The nun walks away.

"Phew," Mikoto calms down. "I'm sorry about all that fuss."

"It's okay," Lilian reassures. "We were just passing by."

"We?" Mikoto finally notices Rutile hiding behind Lilian. "Oh? Who's your friend?"

"She's a transfer student," Lilian steps aside so that the two girls can see each other. "Miss Misaka, this is Miss Katherine Rutile Sopheria."

"N-nice to meet you," Rutile bows nervously. "M-my name's Katherine Rutile Sopheria, really."

"And I'm Mikoto Misaka," Mikoto bows back. "Wow, she's... modest."

"Did you just glance at her chest?" Lilian asks.

"W-what? N-no!" Mikoto gets all defensive. "A-anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I'm giving Miss Sopheria a tour of the school grounds," Lilian answers. "Do you want to join us?"

"I'd love to, but..." Mikoto scratches her neck nervously. "I'm kind of busy."

"Ah, well, maybe we can all hang out some other time then."

"Y-yeah..." Mikoto smiles nervously.

"Oh!" Lilian just got an idea. "How about you show off your famous pose?"

"Famous pose? What famous pose?"

"Ah, darn!" Lilian feels her pockets. "I don't have a coin. Oh, there we go!" The ice girl picks up a rock from the ground. "It was like this right?" Lilian stood with one foot back and her arm stretched forward. Her hand looked ready to flick the rock.

"Oh that," Mikoto puts her fingers to her chin. She then starts repositioning several of Lilian's limbs. "You need to put your foot back a bit more, and make your whole body line up straight at where you're pointing. Your arm needs to be a bit higher and straighter so that you can actually aim. The hand needs to be tilted forward some more so that you fire as straight as you can."

"M-mind giving us a demonstration? Ahehehe..." Lilian nervously suggests as her limbs start to feel stiff."

"Sure thing," Mikoto pulls out a coin. She flicks it up and gets into position. The coin lands on her thumb but she holds it there via magnetism. "This is it."

A light, misty breeze blows Mikoto for a couple seconds as she holds the pose. She looked like an action hero.

"You can stop with the wind now," Mikoto drops the pose and stands normally again. "Don't forget that it's really cold."

"S-sorry," Lilian apologizes.

"S-so Miss Misaka's ability is to fire coins?" Rutile asks.

"Yep, especially at stores carrying Gekotas."

"Hey!" Mikoto flicks the coin into Lilian's ice armor, it freezes and breaks off. "Huh?" Mikoto notices Rutile hiding behind Lilian again. "Miss Sopheria? Is there something wrong?"

"I-I feel all tingly, really."

"Tingly?" Mikoto tilts her head, confused.

"W-wait," Lilian steps back. "D-don't tell me, a-are you...?"

"H-huh?" Rutile is puzzled.

"Oh great," Mikoto face palms. "Not another one."

"What? NO!" Rutile jumps out. "I-I'm not like that, really!"

"Easy, easy," Mikoto smiles. "We were just kidding. But why are you hiding?"

"Yeah, she doesn't really bite," Lilian tells her. "That hard."

"Hey!" Mikoto playfully tries to slap Lilian.

"It's all this electricity in the air, really."

"You can feel that?" Mikoto asks curiously. "Are you sensitive to electricity?"

"Y-yes... are you an electric Esper?"

"She really is new here," Mikoto comments to Lilian. "How much do you know about Academy City and Tokiwadai?"

"Not much... I only found out that I was transferring here just a few days ago, really."

"Only a few days?" Lilian looks at Rutile. "It takes about a week to get all the papers and such to get done just to get into the city, even longer to get into Tokiwadai."

"I-it was my father's idea, he didn't even consult me about it, really."


"I lost control over my power once..."

"Oh," Lilian recalls her reason to move into Academy City. "Yeah, I can relate. I kept accidentally freezing people around me."

Mikoto and Rutile step back.

"Not completely freeze them! Like, a hand or a leg randomly. Usually when I'm startled. I've got it all under control now though. What did you do?"

"I-I... wrecked a car, really."

"A car? How?"

"I sent it flying 10000 feet up and 20 miles away. Luckily, it landed in a lake, so nobody got hurt, really."

"That is dangerous," Mikoto tells her.

"How did that happen?"

"I was out for a walk when a dog started chasing me, really."

"It's the ears," Mikoto cut in, Lilian giggled slightly.

"I wanted to get away as fast as I could. But I lost control of myself and my body hit the car. Then the car just flew away..."

"Wow, that's nuts." Mitoko comments. "To send a car flying like that. What's your power?"


"Our teacher asked her to keep it a secret for a long as she can," Lilian interrupts. "She wanted to see if any of our classmates can figure it out."

"And you're playing along?"

"Of course, it's kind of fun. So far I know that she can land perfectly from very high jumps and that she can send something as large as a vehicle flying."

"Cool," Mikoto smiles. "Tell me once you've figured it out, see you later!"

"Bye!" Lilian waves.


"Hmm... they're perfect..." a certain blonde muttered amongst a decent sized group of girls.

"Is something the matter my Queen? Oh, it's Miss Sterling."

"The one from the exhibition match some time ago? Yeah, she's gotten famous since then."

"Even though she doesn't want it."

"Strangely, she hasn't joined any faction or club."

"Should we try to get her to join ours?"

"I don't think she will, she seems exceptionally friendly to the Railgun."

"You're all too noisy," A button on a remote is pressed, and everyone around became quiet. "Now, how shall I approach Lilian and Isolde?"

Author: Gotta love set-up chapters and all the plot points they explicitly point out to you. For instance; The Magneto, who is he and why is he doing what he's doing? The missing Touma, what happened to him and where is he now? The Queen of Tokiwadai, just what is she up to? The answers will soon come.

As for Rutile herself, she basically a big mix of three 'cat' girls. Her name, appearance and mannerisms are based on one, the speech habit of her is based off of another (though the localizations have it as '-it is', '-really', '-okay' and'-huh', I use '-really' sine that seems to fit the best with most of her lines.) And finally her powers also come from a 'cat' girl, and it is the power to