Even though they were in Nevada, a cold chill still managed to scrape its sharp fingers along Jack's spine.

He was lying on the two seat leather sofa in the Autobot base. He was flicking his finger across a datapad looking at information on Cybertronians.

The Autobot base was a huge Abandoned Aircraft hangar on the outskirts of Jasper. From the outside it was a simply overgrown rusty hangar fenced off from the public, but inside was a clean, polished high-tech base big enough for the Autobots to walk freely inside.

Ratchet had to make do with whatever he could find, but slowly the base has become more technologically advanced, with his improvements to the ground bridge. A tall platform with a deck stood around waist height on the Autobots was erected near Ratchet's bridge controls, like the previous base. On top of the platform were the sofa and several tables, for their human teammates.

Ratchet was knelt down working on the bridge controls while Optimus was walking over to the monitor to scan for any incursions.

"Blast! This damn earth technology! What I wouldn't give to have at least a Cybertronian circuit board!" Ratchet grumbled as sparks popped and exploded from the circuits of the bridge controls.

"Still cursing about Earth Ratchet?" Jack said, feeling a lot more comfortable around him after almost five years since originally meeting him. Ratchet mumbled and groaned to himself as he regained his stature and carried on repairing the board.

The huge heroic being Optimus Prime was stood tall and proud as he looked over the monitor on the bracket above. Meanwhile Jack was sat still scanning through the data pad, when he stumbled upon something he found interesting. Something referred only as a Sparkmate.

Jack broke away from the screen when he heard a familiar voice from below. The slim form of Arcee walked through the base.

"Bee, Bulk? Where are you guys?" she asked, finger to her ear.

"On Patrol, remember?" Bumblebee said. "Why?"

"No reason...you guys need a hand?" She asked.

"No...Oh I don't believe it! You're bored aren't you?" Bumblebee chuckled.

"What! No! Ah I'll speak to you later" She shut off the channel and paced around the base. Jack looked at her.

"Cee, you okay?" He asked her as she paced the length of the base.

"Hmm, yeah" she smiled; giving a wink that only he saw and understood. It had been a week since they started their romantic relationship in secret. Jack nodded and looked back at the pad.

"Hey Optimus? I have a question: What's a Sparkmate?" He asked, followed by Optimus coughing and spluttering in shock, staggering slightly.

"What! Err I err...a Sparkmate?" Optimus asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh this'll be good" Ratchet chuckled to himself. Optimus fumbled for words, obviously being an uncomfortable subject for him, almost embarrassing.

"Well...A Sparkmate is...err When a Cybertronian and a Cybertronian-"

"Hold up. Am I having the birds and the bees talk with Optimus?"

Jack suddenly smiled.

"I don't believe it! Am I making the Optimus Prime...uncomfortable?" He chuckled. Optimus stood unmoved.

"Why are you asking me this Jack?" Optimus asked, walking over slightly.

"No, just curious about your history. This only mentions it, it doesn't say what it is" Jack explained, pointing at the datapad.

"Well Jack, I appreciate you taking this interest in our history on Cybertron" Optimus carried on. He cleared his throat and spoke in his signature deep voice.

"A Sparkmate is a bond between two Cybertronians so strong it allows us to pass memories between one another. It is a psychological bond between sparks and minds, but can only be achieved through...physical intercourse" Optimus explained. If his face wasn't polymer silver, it would be bright red from embarrassment. Even the great Optimus Prime doesn't like the subject.

"So...it's sex between Cybertronians? And it creates a mental bond. That's pretty awesome"

"Yes...It gives us transformers the same...err Sexual pleasure that humans experience" Optimus sighed, thinking it was over, turning back to the monitor.

"Had fun explaining that Prime?" Ratchet stifled a laugh. Optimus groaned.

"More proof of how similar we are I guess" Jack said.

"It would seem so. Though there are obvious differences in the act, besides the ability to share memories and experiences. Once bonded, it is unbreakable, unless one of their sparks is extinguished"

"So death do us part? Whoa that's cruel, I mean what if you aren't willing to move on yet or want to part? Do you try to kill one another?"

"No. It's a bond that they both need to be sure of, or it will not work" Optimus explained further.

"Oh. Okay, well that makes sense" Jack said looking at the pad. Optimus tried to turn away, but Jack continued.

"Well...okay here's one for you. Would a human be able to be a Sparkmate?"

Everyone who heard him looked up, all with a questioning expression except Arcee who was more shocked than any other expression. Optimus looked directly at Jack.

"Why?" He asked.

"No reason, just curious that's all. I mean, Ratchet, is a heart and a spark that similar or would it end really badly?" Jack asked, looking at the doctor. Ratchet stood from his crouched position, groaning in his old age.

"Well in theory it would seem possible. The spark only passes minute Energon; it's the brain that receives the main information load. So yes, I would say it is possible. Don't know why you're asking me this"

"Well Ratchet you've grown on me. Wanna be Sparkmates?" Jack winked. Ratchet snarled and walked back to the controls. Jack looked at the pad and the word Sparkmate highlighted. Optimus looked to Arcee, beckoning her over.

"Arcee, may I speak with you for a moment" He politely asked. She walked away from her pacing stroll.

"So it would be possible" Jack mumbled. Arcee batted her eye lids and walked past the platform.

"Don't get any ideas kiddo" She sexily smiled to him as she walked over to Optimus, her hips mesmerizingly swaying. He smirked, sneaking a look at her walking. He looked back to the pad and continued reading about Cybertronian history, maybe to understand his new girlfriend better.

"What's up Optimus?" She asked as he dwarfed her. With her palm on her hip she listened to her leader.

"Arcee, Jazz and Ironhide tell me you are feeling restless?"

"Maybe a little. It's just there's nothing for me to do. You got Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide and Bulkhead on patrols; you're scouting for Decepticons and Ratchet's working on the base. Plus with Raf and Miko on...what was that Earth custom again Jack!?" She shouted to her secret boyfriend.

"Holiday Cee" he shouted back, eyes not moving from the pad.

"Right, with Miko and Raf on Holiday, I don't have anything to babysit" Arcee explained. Optimus rubbed his chin.

"Hmm. Well Arcee, the next few days will be guaranteed quiet. No Decepticon threats in weeks and small patrols by Bumblebee and Bulkhead will mean that you aren't...needed as much" He said.

"Wow. That stung Prime" She chuckled.

"I understand your restlessness Arcee" Optimus said, crossing his arms.

Jack lay, legs cross on the sofa looking over the pad, and Optimus looked at him.

"Jack, is it true that you have several days rest from your work arrangements?" He asked. Jack nodded.

"Yep. Four days. I wasn't needed so they gave me some time off. Why?"

"Then it is settled. Arcee, you will take some Shore leave, effective immediately" Optimus ordered. Arcee's eyes widened and so did Jacks.

"What?!" They both simultaneously shouted.

"Arcee, you said it yourself. You are not required around the base at this moment in time. Take some time to rest your servos. Then I will call you back when things pick up again"

Arcee tapped her feminine finger against her chin.

"Well. I could use some time off. A lot has happened in the last few weeks that I need to...think about" She smiled, looking out the corner of her eye at Jack.

"Yeah, sounds great Optimus. So, should we go now?" Jack asked eager to spend some time, just him and Arcee.

"I don't see why not" He said, hands on his chrome hips. Arcee was looking forward to some rest and relaxation, but she still worried about not being here to help.

"You'll keep me in the loop though right?"

"Of course. If anything important arises, we will let you know" Optimus explained. Arcee reluctantly nodded, looking at Jack, when all her misconceptions faded.

"Okay Jack, let's go" She ordered.
Jack dropped his datapad on the sofa and turned, leaping down the platform's cold to the touch ladder. He slid down it and clambered to the floor, awaiting her transformation. She quickly morphed into the motorcycle and revved her engine.

"Hop on partner" She said sternly for some reason. He grabbed his helmet, but before he could go, Ratchet vocally pulled him aside.

"Jack, wait! You're a brave young man now; you've proved it many times. To be safe, I took the liberty of designing a set of transforming Exo-skeletal armor" He explained, reaching into his back and handing out a silver and black metal box, around the size of a backpack.

"Why would he need that Ratchet?" Arcee asked, almost angry.

"You never know what could happen, Starscream's attack on you proved it. When this is activated and worn, it will make you faster, stronger. Use it wisely. I am putting a lot of trust in you Jack" Ratchet said to him sternly.

Ratchet placed the box on the floor in front of Jack. He couldn't help but have a look. Arcee returned to her robot form since Jack was looking at the box. He lent down and saw the Autobot symbol Ratchet had etched on its front. Jack was touched. He never thought they considered him a bot like them.

"You consider me part of the team?" He smiled.

"Well not at first, or now...ah hell, yes Jack you've proved your loyalty to us and Arcee. Welcome to the Autobots" Ratchet smiled.

Optimus stood behind him.

"My old friend is correct. You are one of us. But that does not mean you abuse this power or put your life in peril. It is strictly for emergencies" He explained.

"Of course Optimus" He promised as he pressed the Autobot logo. The box opened and hissed. The box split into several pieces and flew at Jack, latching onto his limbs and body, pistons and springs linking all the armor pieces together into a suit.

Arcee was slightly worried but it died down when all the pieces latched to him and began clicking together and morphing into the armor suit. The shoes plated and formed and soon he was encased in the armor. A helmet, similar to a motorcycle helmet formed around his head from the plates rising off of his shoulders. Everything tightly clipped together and it was primed. Lights ignited on the shoulder in bright blue, the Autobot logo landing on his chest.

"Whoa! I'm...I'm Iron man! No no, Isaac Clarke! Haha this is so cool!" He laughed as he swung his fists, whirring and whistling through the air.

Suddenly the armor disconnected, and all the pieces fell off onto the floor, revealing a disappointed Jack inside.

"Oh" He moaned.

"Yes, yes, yes. But it's not a toy okay? Highly experimental, and I am trusting you to be responsible with it?" Ratchet enforced.

"Don't worry; I'll be super careful with it. I'll only use when I have to bail Arcee out of trouble" He smirked. Her eyes widened suddenly.

"Oh is that so? Want me to tally up all the times I've saved your ass?" She grinned.

The box solidified back together and the armor was safely locked up. He picked it up and slung it in his backpack, zipping it shut. He threw it on his back and grabbed his motorcycle helmet. Jack turned and Arcee was a motorcycle again. He hopped on and she swiveled, driving out of the ajar hangar doors.


Arcee and Jack sped along the lonesome road amongst the orange Nevada desert horizon.

"Yes, several days just you and me. That's gonna rock, right Arcee?" He said, getting no response.

"Arcee? Hey you okay?"

She veered off onto the dirt, rattling along the soft sand.

"Heh! Whoa, Arcee?" She suddenly transformed, sending Jack flying into the soft sand and sliding along it. He rolled over, knocking his helmet off. She was right above him, slamming her fists into the sand either side of him and leaning over him, looking right into his face.

"Whoa, Cee what the hell?" He shouted, backing away slightly. He stopped and stood his ground, staring back just as hard.

"What's wrong?" He sternly asked.

"You were asking an awful lot about Sparkmates. An awful lot. Why?" She interrogated. He leaned closer.

"I don't know, interested, I guess"

"Don't bull scrap me Jack, talk!" There they were by the side of the road in the desert, a huge alien robot stood over him asking about their relationship.

"Okay Cee, you want to know? Because I was curious! Curious about if it would be possible for us, okay?!" She leaned back slightly, taking her embedded fists out of the ground. Jack stood up, staggering slightly, dusting himself off.

"I wanted to know if we were compatible. If not, I'd do whatever I could to...make you feel more comfortable"

She sighed and shook her head.

"Jack, that is very sweet, but...I don't need that to be with you"

"Yeah not right now, but maybe one day. Maybe I'd like it to. I mean it sound awesome being that connected to someone forever!" He shouted. She smiled slightly.

"You and me forever, huh? We just started dating"

"I know, I know I'm getting carried away, but can you blame me? I mean there's so much I don't know about you. Do you have a birthday? What should I get you...there's so much I don't know" He sighed sitting next to her.

"Hey, we'll figure it out as we go along, yeah? No need to do it now, right?" she comforted him.

"I guess, as long as you're alright with that"

"Yeah Jack...I am" She smiled at him, nudging him a little with her elbow.

"Sorry I asked all that stuff. I know this must be...weird for you" Jack said.

"It's not weird, it's just...I'm not ready for that just yet, and I don't want to ruin what we have. At least let me do some research on how it...might work" She explained, looked at him with her big blue eyes. Jack chuckled as he grabbed his helmet from the dust.

"Yeah fair enough, let's keep it simply and not ruin what we have just yet"

"Sorry I threw you in the dirt" She said.

"Don't worried about it Cee"

"Come on, give me a kiss" She smirked. Jack smiled and lent over, pecking a gentle kiss on her lips, both closing their eyes for it. They both simultaneously pulled away after a few seconds of deep passionate apologizing.

"Okay. Shall we go enjoy some shore leave?" Jack said as he got up, putting his helmet on. Arcee transformed back into her motorcycle form.

"Sure thing Partner" She mellowed.