Notes on the story: This is set in an AU where Brandon has a biological twin, Kasey. The character is from my other fic "Nerd" where the new characters are explained in much more detail but basically she was created to explore the relationship potential of Stef and a biological daughter who had inherited similar traits (i.e. if Stef had to deal with a mini-Stef).

For those who didn't follow the other story:- Basically Kasey is a very smart, very witty 16 year old who has inherited her Mom's mischief and quipping ability.

For those who did follow the other story:- Hopefully this prequel will shed some more light on their relationship before Nerd!

This is just a small story idea I had based around the time between 'Vigil' and 'I Do' where Stef was getting cabin fever. Hope you enjoy!

"Hey Mom..." Kasey sat in her room and watched as Stef wandered across and collapsed on Callie's bed. She sat there staring awkwardly at her in silence as she lay there hands on her face.

"Uhm...Mom?" She eagerly awaited an answer.

" this driving me...crazy...!" She whispered angrily.

Kasey chuckled to herself. She got up off her bed and leaped up onto Callie's sliding her legs under her Mom's.

"Lena is driving me mom is driving me crazy...your siblings are driving me are driving me crazy..."

Kasey feigned offence. "Wow, thanks...why are you in here then?"

"You're the only one in at the moment I can legally beat." She said unmoved.

Kasey laughed slightly moving away. "Great. Thanks." Obviously she knew she was exaggerating - neither Stef or Lena had ever hit their kids other than playfully in their later teenage years for being a smartass - naturally, as chief smartass Kasey was by far the most common recipient of this.

Stef looked up at her daughter for the first time since she entered the room.

"Kasey...I need you to take me out." Her eyes pleaded with her daughter.

Kasey just looked confused. "You want me to shoot you? I would have thought once was enough for the month." She joked mockingly suggestive.

Stef slapped her on the leg prompting a cheeky smile - times like that. "I mean get me out of the house. Sneak me out, please! If I am stuck here any longer I'm going to end up taking someone out."

"Mom...I can't. They said when you left the hospital you needed to stay home for at least a couple..."

"I know what they said!" She snapped. "But they don't know what it's like being housebound with 5 miscreants and 2 other mothers, one of whom has made it her life's mission to test you to your limit and the other who hasn't got over the fact you nearly died in hospital...while planning a wedding!"

"Wow, it was planning wedding that put you in hospital? I thought it was the bullet lodged in your back." Stef slapped her on the leg again. Kasey flinched but continued to smile - she was just so relieved to have her Mom back well enough to tease.

"OK, you know I'm not sure any of us have completely got over you nearly dying but if we knew you were going to become so slappy-happy after it we could have come round to the idea."

Stef let that one slide. "Kasey...I'm pleading with you here. If you want me to return to not insane then you really have to help me out."

Kasey breathed deeply in sympathy but was staunchly defiant to any argument. Lena would go mad if she found out she helped Stef sneak around against doctor's orders.

"Sorry Mom, you're grounded. It's pointless to even try. Why don't you just tell Lena you need to get out? I'm sure she could be talked around?"

"Are you kidding me? She's barely let me leave our bed, and not even in a good way!" Kasey winced at the visual. "Well why do you want me to sneak you out anyway? It sounds like you've had enough of all of us."

"I need you to drive – I can't for at least another couple of weeks" she sighed. " much as I don't condone it...we all know you can pull off sneaking out better than anyone in this house. If you're going to use it 9 times out of 10 to try and pull one over on me you could at least once use it to help me out." Kasey paused to consider as her grandmother bustled into the room.

"Kasey, have you seen - there you are! I've been looking for you all over. What are you doing out of bed?"

"Mom I can't stay in bed all day...I need to exercise otherwise my body will never recover." Stef groaned.

"Well you don't look like you're exercising to need your rest. I want you in bed in 5 minutes Stefanie, I'll be checking!" She strode out the room and Kasey tried to suppress her imminent laughter at her Mom being parented.

"Well...I think you better get downstairs Stefanie...I'd hate to see you get grounded for longer." She now didn't even try to suppress the sniggering she broke into at the end rewarded this time with a sharp pinch.

"Well if I'm going down I'll take you with me, Missy! It's not below me to just punish you out of spite."

Kasey laughed again seeing her Mom in such a desperately grumpy state. She knew she was enjoying this too much but also knew the opportunity to throw some meaningless threats around would be helping giving her Mom even the illusion that they were back to normality.

Stef sat up on her elbows flinching slightly at the pain of the bullet. Kasey immediately helped her sit up properly. She was pleading with her again with her eyes.

"I'll help you...if I can go to that concert next Saturday?!" Kasey gave Stef a huge grin. Stef just rolled her eyes.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not negotiating with you like that..." Kasey looked at her innocently...then looked around slyly.

"Mom you can't expect me to risk being reamed by Lena and not get something out of it..."

Stef widened her eyes and turned on her guilt trip tone. "So it's not reward enough to know your helping through love for your desperate Mother? The woman who gave birth to you...and literally just took a bullet for her kids..."

Kasey rubbed her Mom's leg softly smiling leading her on before enunciating a "Nope!" and giving her a wide-eyed grin.

Stef's eyes narrowed. "OK, then how about if you don't help me I'll never let you go to any concert ever again ever? How's that sound, smartass?" She smiled widely back returning the favour to her daughter. Kasey scoffed and shook her head.

"Blackmail. From a cop. Brilliant. Fine! I'll try figure out a distraction! But we're not going out for more than a couple hours or doing anything strenuous! Go down and get into bed. I'll come get you when it's sorted."

Stef beamed and gave her daughter a big kiss on the cheek before sliding off the bed.

Kasey exhaled deeply. Now to try and work some magic.

Well there you go - hopefully someone will enjoy this idea as much as I do! Also hope it is good enough for those of you complaining of Nerd withdrawals :P

Always happy to hear opinions.

Chapter 2 Preview:

"Uhm! Wait no, she told me before if you called what we needed. Lots...lots of things..." She tried to stall as Lena inquired as to the specifics. "Uhm...we yeah I am thinking what kind of food...break...breakfast food...and...uhm...lunch?" Stef threw her arms up at her daughter's lack of charades skills. "Bread! Yes, we need bread and just get what you fancy really..." Stef was now just shaking her head.