DarkFoxKit: Hello, hello, hello! … Wow, this has been a project I've been working on for two years, it's been a long road but it's finally about to end.
Key2DestNE: Waaaaaah! *is sobbing in the corner, a pile of tissues as high as himself piled around him*
DarkFoxKit: Andy is still gone, but hopefully he'll be back before we end this long story. Did you guys enjoy this? For those who had stuck with me since the early chapters, I thank you for staying and reviewing this long- you have my respect.
DarkFoxKit: Stop blubbering! We're not quite at the end yet! … Okay readers, we don't want to hold you up, go on and read the last chapter of My Brother's a Ghost. And this is the ending, is a disclaimer really that necessary anymore?
Key2DestNE: *blows nose* I-I think it'd still be appreciated… We- we don't own anything of Danny Phantom.. apart from… apart from ANDYYYYYYY! *HONK!* *blows his nose extra loudly*
DarkFoxKit: …. Eeeew….
Chapter 15: Remember Me
*Third Person POV*
As Andy slowly closed his eyes, the last of his energy being used up, the Time Medallion's power began to siphon energy from the rest of his timeline… First his possible future was erased and used as energy to send time going back one last spin… and then his solid as stone past… and finally, his present self. Am I… fading away now…? Heh… oh well… I guess I was never meant to be… after all…
As people began to forget about the twin brother of Danny Fenton, who had made such a strong effect in many of their lives, they all had different reactions to it.
Danny himself passed out after Andy reverted him back to before that mist corrupted him. He fell through the floor, phasing through it as the sky rippled and he fell through it, landing on top of his own house with a loud thud, startling his family, wondering what fell on their roof. A light appeared on his torso as he changed back to human, still unconscious, as his memories began to slowly alter…
Jazz was the first to run up to the roof, and she gasped at seeing her little brother lying unconscious there. "D-Danny! Are you okay?" She ran over to him, but frowned… she felt like she was forgetting something… wait… "Danny! Where's A-... An… Wasn't there someone else with you?" She frowned even more but shook her head, scratching it in confusion. I must be delusional from all the stress, I only have one brother after all. She dismissed it as she carried him to her parents.
"Danny!" Maddie ran over to them as well, her eyes full of fear and worry. "Is he hurt? What happened?" Then her eyes widened, and she looked around, clearly much more scared now. "Wh-where's Andy!? Jazz, where's An- ...A…" She trailed off, her once terrified eyes suddenly growing confused. …Who was I trying to say? I… I know he's important to me… but… She frowned, crossing her arms as she tried to think. …What was I even saying before? … I-it doesn't matter, my son's hurt!
"Come on Mads, let's get him inside. But where's And… the uh… other boy?" Jack asked, frowning.
"What other boy?" Maddie frowned in confusion, staring at her husband.
"Didn't we… have another son?" Jack asked before shrugging. "I guess all this ghost fighting is getting to me…"
Meanwhile… Tucker and Sam woke up in the Nasty Burger. Tucker blinked, taking a half-eaten Nasty Burger out of his mouth. "Huh… wow, I don't think I ever fell asleep in Nasty Burger before, this burger must've packed quite a punch!" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Man, Danny and An… er… Danny would probably be laughing if he saw me right now, huh?" Then he blinked, seeing tears going down Sam's cheeks. "...Sam? What's wrong?"
"... I don't know… doesn't it feel like we're forgetting someone?" Sam asked, frowning a bit as she looked at her veggie burger. "Danny had… a brother… right?"
Tucker blinked, raising an eyebrow. "...Sam, I told you that you'd go crazy from veggie burgers one day! Danny only has a sister, remember?"
Sam still frowned though- something didn't feel right, like she should be sad and missing someone, and yet there wasn't anyone she knew that was gone or anything. "... I might be tired after all that ghost fighting with Danny…"
In another location, this time Wisconsin, the 'crazy' halfa Vlad Masters paused in forming a new plan to catch Danny Fenton and convince the young badger to join him. "Hmm…" He frowned, crossing his arms thoughtfully. Why in the world did I mention another young man in my plans for Daniel? The Fentons only have one son… correct? … Ah, I need some rest, this isn't good for me to stay up anymore.
In Valerie's apartment, Dash lifted his head and sighed, stretching sleepily. "Sorry Valerie, I guess I just fell asleep again. I guess this tutoring thing isn't working out…"
"... Wait… why are you here? I don't remember offering to tutor you." Valerie frowned at him, crossing her arms in disapproval. "And we hardly know each other anyways!"
"Huh?" Dash blinked, confused. "But we're friends through An- ...An…" He frowned, tapping his head. Come on, I know there's a way I know this girl other than she's no longer popular! "Uh… through… An… And… y…?" Wait… why AM I here? I don't care about tutoring, I'm popular! He then glared, huffing in irritation. "Well I'm out of here!" he snapped before storming out of the building.
"Well good riddance!" Valerie snapped back. "It'll give me more time to catch that ghost boy anyway. I don't care if nobody wants to be my friend, because that ghost boy is my only goal." she said to herself before frowning. "... My friend… didn't… somebody actually want that…?"
Back at Fenton Works, Danny was unconscious in his bed. Maddie said there was nothing wrong with him, just exhaustion and a good night sleep will do him some good. The thing was, though, Danny may be unconscious, but his mind was active.
Something's… not right… something's… missing… Andy…? Bro…? … Bro…? Why would I say 'bro'? I don't have a brother… do I? …I… I thought I did… am I… going insane? Of course I don't have a brother… right? I couldn't have… but… what happened? Why am I sleeping? I… I was talking to him… wasn't I? … No… I just… fought with another ghost… nothing more… I don't have a brother… I only have Jazz… and yet… having a brother… would be nice…
Finally, there was one more person who saw all of this unfolding… The time ghost himself, Clockwork. Dora floated over to him, she felt weird… "Clockwork… something's wrong…"
"Yes… I know. You feel it too." Clockwork said, nodding slowly. "Someone's existence is being erased… Unfortunately, Andy's chosen this."
Dora looked at him sadly, her eyes wide with worry. "But… does that mean… we'll forget him too?"
Clockwork sighed, not looking at her as he slowly nodded. "...Yes, unfortunately- everyone here will no longer remember Andy, including you, and trying to mention him will only bring odd looks. However… seeing as I am the ghost of time, I will remember and mourn him, just as I have mourned all others who have chosen a similar path."
"But… can't you do something?" Dora frowned, looking at him in fear and sadness. "I… I don't want to forget him…" She had grown quite attached to the boy herself.
"I do not know, for a change, what will become of young Andy. Whatever happens to him now is up to fate- it is out of my hands." Clockwork said, bowing his head gravely. "And I must not interfere."
"...Huh?" Dora blinked, her saddened eyes suddenly clearing up and leaving only confusion. "Clockwork… what's out of your hands? You're not making any sense…"
The time ghost sighed, his eyes full of pain as he turned away from her. "...It is nothing, Dora- you need not think of it any longer." Dora blinked, still looking at him curiously, but he only shook his head, thinking to himself. What a sad fate… to put on such a young, potential boy.
Andy himself was falling through a dark abyss, the Time Staff was already gone, and he felt himself fading away. I don't… want to fade away… I wanted to live… I wanted to have… a better future… didn't I? … Please… someone remember me… I don't want… to be forgotten… Who am I? Who was I supposed to be? … Did I ever exist at all? … Maybe… I only dreamed of… a life I never had… No… remember… please… someone… anyone… remember me… my reality's slipping away… who was I? … Remember who I used to be… please… remember me… bro… Danny… remember… me… please… I don't want… to go… I… want to be… with you…
The fading boy saw his body was nearly gone, it was already transparent… everyone's memories were gone too, they no longer have any link to him... he slowly closed his eyes, welcoming the incoming oblivion that awaited him. … But… maybe… it's for… the best… this way… I… I just… wanted… one more… day… Danny...
As Andy was about to disappear, though, Clockwork paused, feeling a connection that was slowly fading with the boy suddenly grow strong again, quickly linking Andy back to the timeline. "...Hmm?" He blinked, trying to see who this connection was with… and when he saw it, he couldn't help but chuckle. Of course… even when things seem to be impossible, that boy manages to surprise everyone else…
Danny frowned in his subconscious, feeling that something was still off. …I… I don't have a twin brother… but… why does the name Andy mean… so much to me? …Andy… is… is he my… brother…? He struggled, trying to stand up in his unconsciousness. Yeah… he… he is… isn't he…? I… remember… not telling him… about my secret… so he… went crazy. I remember... he... he's fading... he's going to leave... no... Bro… I… won't… let you… disappear!
The boy opened his eyes, and despite being human, his eyes were glowing green. In a matter of seconds, Danny transformed into Phantom and he flew out of his house like a speeding bullet. He didn't know how, but he just knew where his brother was- he could sense him, and he was fading fast! You're not fading away from me or anybody else, Andy!
Andy was still falling through the endless darkness, but he could swear he heard something… Huh? ...Was… was that… Danny…? He blinked opened his eyes, a tiny spark of light appearing in the distance as he did so. …He… he can't… make it in time… I'm… too far… gone… Then, to his surprise, another spark of light appeared next to the first! …Huh? …Is… is that… what nonexistence looks like…? It's… oddly… warm…
Danny struggled as he was trying to squeeze through the rift in the sky, he was not going to give up! "ANDY!" he shouted loudly as he flew down into the dark abyss where his brother was falling in. "YOU WON'T FADE AWAY!"
Andy was still falling as his brother flew faster and faster towards him. Who's there? … I can… hear the voice… getting louder… The fading boy suddenly felt something grabbing his hand, despite being transparent. Andy's eyes opened wide in shock when he felt the sudden touch. "Huh?" He stared at the one who was holding onto him.
The halfa in question was gritting his teeth to carry both of them, as for some reason this rift was sucking them in so much that flying up was nearly impossible! "I-I… I got you, Andy…! Come on… let's… get out of here… together!"
"Who… who are…?" Andy looked confused, blinking at Danny as if caught completely off-guard. "What…? No… you shouldn't be here… Let me go… I must fade away… just forget about me! I-"
"I won't do it! I won't forget about you, Andy- I never will!" Danny shouted at his brother. "You mean so much to me and to everybody else- if you go, nothing will be the same! Come on… Help me with this, you stubborn brother of mine! We can do this, but we have to do it together, otherwise we'll both fade away!"
"Just let me go! You have your whole future ahead of you, Danny! I've seen it, you'll be fine without me!" Andy argued, shaking his head desperately.
"Do YOU want to fade away? Do YOU want to be forgotten forever?" Danny demanded him.
Andy stopped and looked away. Danny sighed, looking at his twin sadly. "Bro… you don't want that… do you?"
"I don't… want to drag you down… with me…" Andy said. "I just can't-"
Just with those few words, Danny's determination grew once more, and he began tugging on Andy's hands. "THEN COME ON! So what if 'fate' says you can't stay anymore- even if I have to go down with you, I'm not letting you disappear on your own, and not like this!"
A few tears spilled from Andy's eyes, and he looked at his brother, clutching his hand tightly as his body started to become solid again. "Danny… I… I want to live… I want to exist again… with you and our friends and family!" Danny smiled at that. "I… I want to help you… get us out of here!"
"Heh- then let's do this together, bro!" Danny smiled happily, managing to tug Andy closer to him and hugging his brother tightly. "Come on… we've got to work together for this- I'll lend you your power and you do the same for me!"
"I don't have any power!" Andy said, but then he shook his head, a determined look in his own eyes. "But… I'll support you the best I can!" He closed his eyes as his body let out a blue glow and began to mix with Danny's natural ghostly white glow.
Back in Clockwork's tower, the time ghost began to smile as widely as he could as he heard Dora gasp behind him. "I-is that…" She blinked, her eyes wide with shock as her memories of Andy began to reemerge. "I… but he… you said it was…!"
Clockwork nodded, clapping his hands together as he let out a small chuckle. "Yes, Dora, I said it was impossible… But as you know, whenever Danny truly wishes to do something considered impossible, and puts his mind at it… Well then, it's no longer quite as impossible as it once was!"
"Danny? He… still remembered him?" Dora blinked before smiling to herself. "I guess those two shared a much closer bond than I thought that it even transcended fate itself. But… what's Andy doing now?"
"He is giving Danny his energy in order to help them both escape the Black Hole of Nonexistence." Clockwork said as he turned into a child.
"Wait... how is he doing that?" the dragon maiden asked in surprise. "Didn't you say people in the Black Hole of Nonexistence would use all their energy in order to get there in the first place?"
"Heh… there's more to these two than meets the eye, Dora." Clockwork said with a smirk. "It looks like Andy's regained his own energy the minute his brother came into contact with him."
Back in the real world, Jazz blinked, nearly dropping her book as memories of her brother Andy rushed back into her own mind. "Wha… Did I just…" She blinked a few times before growling in irritation. I just forgot my own BROTHER!? That's it- I need to go over my psychology books again, with a microscope!
Maddie was baking some fudge for her husband as they were both feeling a little sad but they didn't know why- they thought it's probably because their son was unconscious, but… suddenly, Maddie dropped her tray of fudge to the kitchen floor as memories returned to her. "Andy…" She nearly had a heart attack as she was horrified that she had forgotten her own SON! And he wasn't with Danny when they found him unconscious! "ANDY! J-Jack, where's Andy!?"
"Wha-?" Jack blinked, looking at his wife in surprise before his own memories returned and he facepalmed. "Ugh, I really need some sleep if I forgot about him…" He quickly picked up the tray of fudge and placed it on the table, turning to her. "I don't know where he is, but we need to find our second son, fast!"
While the parents were having a panic attack about their missing son, Tucker and Sam were on their way home when Sam's eyes widened in shock, and she quickly turned to her friend. "Tucker! Where's Andy!?"
"What?" Tucker blinked, looking at her before his own memories returned. "...Why did we for-"
"It's never a good sign if we forgot someone important to us like that!" Sam yelled, grabbing his shirt. "Something must've happened to him! Come on, let's go find him, now!"
"B-but my food back home-" Tucker weakly protested, looking at her with a puppy dog pout.
"IT CAN WAIT, YOU FOODAHOLIC! NOW COME ON!" Sam snapped, dragging him off.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, the other halfa in the world was still working on his latest plot when he paused, the few memories he had of Andy returning. "...Ah, yes, the Fentons do have a second son. Hmm…" He frowned, quickly making an adjustment to a blueprint. "I can't believe I nearly forgot something that could end up so badly for me…"
Dash was storming home, still angry but confused why he was at Valerie's place… That is, until memories of Andy returned to the football quarterback. His eyes widened in shock as he dropped all his books. "Andy! Oh what kind of friend am I? I forgot about him! … Valerie!" He quickly turned around and began running back to her apartment to apologize for his behavior.
The girl in question was still thinking about what she had been saying before. I… was there a boy who wanted to be my friend…? Her eyes quickly widened as all of a sudden, her memories of the Fenton twin returned to her like a train hitting a car. She gasped, nearly falling to the ground as tears appeared in her eyes. "Why… why would I… forget about him…?"
Meanwhile, back in the Black Hole of Nonexistence, Danny was getting closer to the exit, he could feel the vacuum of the darkness trying to suck them in, but with Andy's help, he was able to pull through. However… Danny froze when he felt his brother slipping from his hand! He gasped as he turned around, seeing his brother had passed out and let go.
Andy had given too much of his already depleted energy, he was out cold by the time they were near the light and the way out of here. Danny grabbed him again, trying to wake him up- he couldn't possibly get them both out without some help.
"Andy…! Wake up bro! You can't give up on me now!" Danny shouted.
Andy groaned as the boy was trying so hard to force his heavy eyelids open. "I… I don't… think I can… it's so cold…!"
"We're not giving up! Please! I don't want to lose you!" Danny cried, feeling tears of fear and frustration falling from his face.
"B-bro…" Andy coughed weakly as he tried to tighten his hand around his brother's. "You… you can… still… do it… you just… have to believe… in yourself…" He was so disorientated, but he was still determined. "You… you helped me… when I needed… it the most… I… I know… you can… do it."
Danny stared at his brother, not noticing it yet, but his aura began to glow brighter… a misty white aura surrounded him, taking form into a shape of something… like a cloak of some kind. "...I… Andy…!"
The twin Fenton gave a small grin, seeing the cloak around Danny, and he nodded slightly. "T-that's it… you… you can do this!"
Danny's eyes narrowed in determination, he was going to get them out if it was the last thing he did, Andy did the same for him, after all! The misty white cloak almost looked canine-ish as he held on tight to his brother's weak hold so he wouldn't lose him. Danny pushed with all his might at the light! Andy shut his eyes as he tried to help support his brother again despite his drained body and energy. Come on… come on… just… a little longer…!
And suddenly, there was a flash of blue fire. Andy opened his eyes in time to see some kind of blue fiery canine thing surrounding them before everything went white. Andy didn't know what happened, just that he suddenly found himself blinded by the white light.
*Andy's Point of View*
Ugh… what's that light…? … Why did it get dark again? Did we fall back into the abyss? … No, wait… I think my eyes are closed. I forced them open and saw… we were floating in the endless night, that starry sky again. Why do I always end up here? I blinked a bit before seeing my brother, in his original, black and white ghost form. He… he actually remembered me? I almost couldn't believe it… but… what happened to us? Are we dead?
"Danny… Danny… Wake up bro." I shook him as he jolted up and shook his head before looking around in confusion.
"Ugh… what the heck?" Danny blinked, rubbing his eyes again as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing… Not that I blame him, of course- I had the same reaction. "...Andy… where in the world are we?"
"I don't know… I hope we're not dead." I frowned. "Because… Well, actually I prefer to be dead than to not exist at all."
"You are not dead." a voice spoke up suddenly. Wait… that voice sounded familiar. "This is a place deep within your subconsciousness."
"Who's there?" Danny demanded, looking around frantically.
"But if we're unconscious… does that mean we've failed?" I frowned, not liking the idea that both Danny and I will be wiped from existence now.
"No… you've made it… and are just outside your house." Suddenly, a huge blue fire fox landed right in front of us. Is that the same fox that was in my future dreams!? How'd he get so, well… big!?
"You two… you've changed the future…" he spoke in a deep voice. "The future is a set destiny path. It is a thing that should not be changed or tampered with, and it is the true path that we must follow."
I frowned a bit as I looked at him, and Danny was surprisingly quiet too as the giant, burning fox continued to speak.
"And yet… I do wonder… if maybe there is also a bit of truth and courage in facing a different tomorrow. You two had the determination and the drive to create a new destiny for yourselves. Perhaps there is still some hope in this world for a better future after all, for you two have proven that. You both have my thanks. And you, boy…" The blue fox looked at me, giving a small smile. "Have proven your worth."
"My… worth…? I don't understand." I said confusedly to the fire fox. "What kind of 'worth' did I prove to you? Heck, I nearly ended up disappearing because of what I did!"
"And yet, would you change it?" the fox retorted, curling up in front of us with a smirk. "Be honest now, I want to hear what you truly believe."
I stopped for a minute… would I have changed what I've done? I shook my head after a moment, making my decision easily. "No… I wouldn't. I knew what I was getting into when I made my choice… and even if I had to go through it again… it wouldn't be any different."
"Heh… good- you understand your own actions better than anyone else then." The blue fox smirked.
"You still haven't told me who you are… and… did you help us back there?" I asked him, remembering that I saw his blue flames before that bright light hit me.
"Heh… you could say that. Perhaps you will find out who I am… in due time, Andy." Then the blue fire fox began yawning slightly. "Now then… you both may leave as you see fit- for now, I'm going to take a nap… maybe go visit my brother soon."
"Wait… what the heck is going on?" Danny blinked, looking from me to the fox and back at me. "You two know each other? How?"
"I don't really know him." I answered, shrugging. "We just spoke to each other when I had some dreams, that's all. But apparently he helped us get out of that abyss."
"...Really?" Danny blinked, looking between us in surprise. "Huh… Well, uh… thank you, you… interesting blue fox…" He sweatdropped before everything began to turn white around us. "W-wha? What now!?"
"Heh… I'll see you in the real world, bro." I smiled to him as the white blinded us… and everything was black again.
The next thing I knew… I was waking up in my bed… back in my bedroom as if none of that crazy halfa- or rather, corrupted era ever happened. Huh… I wonder if my brother actually remembers the incident… if he does, he'll be so guilty he might be in depression… I hope he doesn't… I don't think anyone else will because it technically never happened, but I'm not sure with him.
I slowly sat up, and almost as if on cue, my friends and family burst down my door! "WAH!" I yelped, jumping out of bed and hitting the ground in shock. "W-what the- what's going on!?"
"ANDY!" And suddenly I was being surrounded and squeezed! I almost couldn't breathe because of how hard they were squeezing! But I managed to open my eyes to see it was Mom… Dad, Jazz… Tucker and Sam were all here. What the heck? "H-hey! T-take it easy! You're gonna crush my bones! Sheesh, you all act like I almost died or something!" Which is pretty dang close to the truth.
"ANDY! I-I'm so sorry I forgot you, sweetie!" Mom was sobbing as she held my head close to her as if I was going to disappear. "I… I don't know what made me, but I promise, I'll never do that to you again!"
"...You forgot me?" I acted surprised, but in reality I knew they would… Clockwork had told me once I faded away, so will all my connection to the plane of existence.
"We're all so sorry about that... We were so worried about you when we remembered." Jazz said quietly, still hugging me by the waist. Sheesh, I'm gonna be crushed to death by these hugs!
Tucker wasn't hugging me nearly as much, thankfully- he was mainly doing it due to the glare Sam was giving him. "Uh… yeah, sorry… I guess…" He coughed awkwardly, shrugging. "N-now will you let go, Sam!? My food is calling for me! IT BECKONS TO ME FROM AFAR!"
"You are so inconsiderate Tucker! We almost lost Andy for good!" Sam snapped at him angrily as she and Tucker finally let me go to give me some breathing room… and so she could scold him with her eyes, her words and her arms.
I briefly wondered if my brother was awake yet… but I couldn't help but smile, "Hey… I'm here, alive and well, and you all didn't forget me for good, so that's all that counts, right?" They actually owe my brother for that, I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him.
Dad smiled, ruffling my hair. "Heh… I suppose that's true- but from now, we're keeping an eye on you young man, just in case we forget again!" Then he began to drool, inching back towards the stairs. "Now if you'll excuse me, some fudge is calling my name!"
"Oh no you don't, Jack!" Mom snapped, quickly grabbing his arm. "Your fudge can wait- this is our son right here, we don't even know how he got home let alone right in front of our doorsteps!"
"Mom… I'm glad you're all worried about me, but… I kinda need to breathe." I said to them as they all quickly let me go as if I was a fragile thing. "...Hey… uh… why don't Mom go ahead and make some dinner for all of us? We could talk about our days and stuff… and I'd like to be alone with my brother right now."
They all reluctantly agreed and left… all except Jazz, who gave me one more hug. "Don't you ever leave us alone again, okay? I… I don't want to lose you like that, ever."
I blinked at her but smiled, nodding to her. "Sure, I promise I won't Jazz."
"Good." she said as she stood up. "I'll meet you two downstairs then." she said with a smile as she walked out of our room and I sighed in relief and slumped against the bed, feeling tired. Maybe now I can find out if Danny really did remember being corrupted…
I sat up slowly and looked over at my brother, who was looking at me from his bed with both a small smile and a nervous look. "...Uh…" He coughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "S-so, what did you want to talk about, Andy?"
I crossed my arms as I thought carefully of what I wanted to say. "... Um… we sure… went through a lot these past few weeks, huh?"
"Y-yeah… a lot... " Danny looked down at his feet, and he seemed to be looking anywhere but my eyes. "...Uh… s-sooooo… want to… uh… go get some food?" Then he suddenly cringed, as if remembering something. "E-er… I'm actually not hungry, so… do you want to go get some?"
"... I'm not that hungry either, but it'll be rude if we don't join them for dinner. Our friends are expecting us, even if Valerie and Dash aren't that… warmed up to you yet." I said before sighing. "Hey… is… is something eating away at you, bro?"
"W-what?" Danny froze, looking up at me like a deer in headlights before he gave a wide grin. "I… o-of course not, n-not at all! C-c'mon, let's go eat!" He stood up, but I gave him a look, and he paused. "...W-what- what is it?"
I frowned before I said, crossing my arms, "Mom's gonna need time to cook first." I sat back down. "Do you… remember… what happened?"
"...W-what do you mean what happened?" Danny blinked, giving me another nervous grin. "I… I only remember saving you from that black hole or whatever it was! Nothing more! Can- can we go now, or-"
"Danny." I spoke up with a serious tone, getting his attention. "You wouldn't be acting this skittish if you didn't remember." I sighed, looking down at my hands before glancing up at him. "It's… okay. You can talk to me about it you know… I won't judge."
"..." Danny sighed, putting his head in his hands. "...I… what is there to say? 'Gee, I nearly killed everybody in existence and fused two worlds together- oops, my bad'?"
"... What I want to know is… what gave you the idea to turn everyone into halfas… Even you must've known that was a bad idea from the start, right?" I asked him gently.
That seemed to set him off, because he looked sharply up at me, tears in his eyes. "I… n-no, not at all! I… I honestly thought it'd fix everything… Everybody would have the same powers, and the ghosts could have human bodies too… I… I never imagined, even for a moment, that I was wrong…"
…So he really thought he was in the right all along. I felt bad for him… he only wanted to help the world with what he thought was best for it, only for it all to blow up in his face. "... Well… now you know… not everyone can be a halfa… Everybody makes mistakes, even big ones that causes catastrophes, I know I've made plenty of those already. Maybe it's just in our Fenton genes." I tried to joke a bit there, but he clearly was still upset… I didn't like this… Because he remembered, he'll be carrying around this guilt for a long time- the least I could do was try to cheer him up and be there for him.
Danny sighed, putting his head in his hands once more. "Yeah… but… your accidents didn't end up nearly destroying the world and erasing your own twin from existence, Andy… I really screwed up- I-I even… I even ended up eating souls! That's something the fruit loop would normally do, not me!"
"You never ate them, Danny, because it never happened." I said seriously to him. "You can let it out, bro… don't hold it in." I said as I suddenly hugged him, and Danny buried his head on my neck as I pat his back. "... But… you know… if it weren't for you… I wouldn't exist right now."
"...Y-yeah… but… if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have to be saved…" Danny muttered, still crying softly as my shirt collar began to get a wet spot on it from all the tears. "I...it's all my fault… it really is all my fault…!"
"...Well, Danny… if it makes you feel any better, it's not all your fault. I'm just as much to blame for this as you." I said to him, shrugging.
"W-what… what do you… m-mean? Y-you didn't c-cause all this…" he sobbed, still holding me tightly.
"Yes… in a way… I did. I've seen another reality, another timeline… where I didn't exist. If it weren't for me… you never would've become… corrupted in the first place, not like that. It was because of a wish I made… A ghost called Desiree heard me, and she infused you with Freakshow's red mist that corrupted you." I told him, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "So in reality… I was the trigger to all that."
"...W-well…" Danny slowly pulled away, giving me a small smile. "I… still ended up doing all that bad stuff, but… maybe it wasn't all my fault… just like it wasn't all yours, either."
"Well… like I said, it's all in the genes." I shrugged, smiling at him. "And don't worry Danny… no matter what happens… I'll always be there for you… just like you were when I almost faded away… and when I needed your help the most during those times the corrupted you almost got to me. Thank you for that… you were always there for me."
Danny chuckled softly, sitting up and wiping away his tears. "Heh… no problem, Andy. It's… what brothers do, am I right?"
"Of course! I may not be a halfa like you, but that doesn't make me completely powerless." I smiled, nodding. "I'm just happy that everything's back to the way it should be. Maybe in the future we'll face will have more hardships to come like this one, but I know we can overcome it together, like we did with everything else. Sometimes hardships can bring people together, even Vlad was helping… Too bad he doesn't remember it."
Danny blinked before chuckling a bit at the thought. "Oh come on, Vlad Masters helping us? Seriously, that seems a little unbelievable, bro…" I blinked, but before I could say anything, we both heard the dinner call.
"...Well whether or not you believe it doesn't really matter I guess." I shrugged, putting an arm around his shoulder. "But just know you're not alone in the world, even if you are the only halfa existence, you'll always have us by your side. Heh… but let's go get some dinner before they eat everything up!"
"Right- race you down, bro!" Danny laughed as he turned intangible, flying down through the floor!
"Hey! That's not fair!" I snapped. "GET BACK HERE YOU CHEATER!" I could hear everyone laughing in the kitchen at my shouting. But instead of running down after him, I decided to write in my journal about this latest adventure while it's still fresh in my mind.
And that's the story of My Brother's a Ghost. … Oh? You ask if there's more to the story? Hmm… Yeah, there's more… What's that? You want to know what else happened? … Heh- well a lot of things changed after that, but that's another story for another day. Maybe someday I can tell you what happened after the corrupted era… but for now… it's time to bid farewell. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you had enjoyed it. The time is right to close this book, even now I hear my brother and friends calling to me. This is Andrew Fenton signing off!
The End
DarkFoxKit: *clinging onto Andy* Hooray! The boy didn't cease to exist!
Andy: Guys! Please stop it! You're suffocating me! DX
DarkFoxKit: And wow, talk about a nice ending from a long road. I still can't believe My Brother's a Ghost is finished. It felt like yesterday I just posted the first chapter
Key2DestNE: No kidding! But you ARE gonna keep going with the series, right~? *pokes Fox*
DarkFoxKit: Er…. Well, since this is the end, I might as well say how My Brother's a Ghost came to be. It started out with me wanting to do Jazz's thoughts about Danny just after she discovered his half ghost secret in My Brother's Keeper, but I didn't want to do another one-shot. Then I decided to try an outsider's point of view in the series, they originally had no relation to Danny, and they were going to be kinda nerdish side characters, who were friends with Valerie and, maybe, Dash too. But it wasn't long until I scrapped this idea since I didn't really have much of a plot for it. After a while, I was watching the Identity Crisis episode of Danny Phantom, and at one point, after Danny split himself, one of the Dannys had green eyes. It made me wonder what if that other Danny was his twin brother instead of half of himself? Thus the idea of a twin was born. The twin had green eyes to help tell the difference, and their clothes… well I kinda just put together what I thought looks good on Danny and made them Andy's clothes. The name Andy was a good one since it's similar to Danny and it gives Vlad another name to call him; Andrew. By using Andy, I was able to use all my ideas I've had before, his thoughts on his brother after discovering his secret, his outsider point of view and him being friends with Valerie and Dash, though the Dash idea came from an inspiration from Yu-Gi-Oh. *pants*
Key2DestNE: ...Well, that's certainly a lot to say. *sweatdrops, still snuggling Andy*
Andy: Get off me already!
DarkFoxKit: And with those words, we shall answer the last reviews before we depa-
Key2DestNE: *jabs Fox in the ribs* What about the sequel?
DarkFoxKit: I'll let them know after we answer the questions! Now get to it!
Key2DestNE: Awww… *pouts* Fine, fine… SmileRen, as you can tell, Andy's just fine- I think he'll be having a huggle harem soon, though! :P And Blue, sorry we made you cry… but that means we did a good job of tormenting Andy!
DarkFoxKit: AHEM! You mean a good job at getting people to CARE for Andy, CARE if he would make it or not. Oracion de las Estrellas, technically this twist had been long written way before you told me yours, Andy was always gonna 'disappear' at the end, you just got a lucky guess. ^^' And well, it's updated now, and it's the last one, so enjoy it!
Andy: My good friend Captivity… I'm going to need to start wearing repellent aren't I? … Ahem! I'm uh… glad we- t-they could brighten up your evening then, and uh… Fox, give me a repellent please.
DarkFoxKit: There are no repellents for fangirls, sorry. :3
Key2DestNE: Heh… Coco Baldwin, we'll certainly try to make season 3! That is… if Fox ever ANSWERS me! *pokes her nose*
DarkFoxKit: …. *whistles innocently*
Andy: Hey, who's answering the next one?
Key2DestNE: I guess I'll go next! M G Brett, glad to hear we're good with cliffhangers! And I'm glad to hear you also enjoyed the fight between the two brothers! leslidannyphantom, aww man… now you have me tearing up! ;a;
DarkFoxKit: Dracoya… um… I hadn't seen the Magic School Bus in a long time, so yes, it is completely coincidental, and this didn't have anything to do with the chapter itself. Muney73 I'm glad to hear you really liked the fight scene, glad people didn't point out 'plot holes' like they did with the whole Freakshow showdown. And as you can see, Andy's alive and well. Now then, I'm going to address the sequel, but first… *turns to Key and Andy* Do either of you two have anything else to add?
Key2DestNE: Honestly… not really. Now hurry up and reveal! :3
Andy: Actually, I want to say- *Key shuts his mouth* MMMPH!
DarkFoxKit: Okay, well, I'm sure you guys will be happy to know I've been working on the sequel all this time, and I got about 15 chapters done. So starting next month, the first day of May, I'll upload the sequel.
Andy: *pulls Key's arm away from his mouth* Wait, isn't the first day of May your birth- MMMPH! *Fox clamps a paw over his mouth*
Key2DestNE: Hee hee hee! Sooooo, looks like you'll be celebrating a birthday at the same time as you upload this~
DarkFoxKit: Key! Don't let them know it's going to be my birthday! It's just I saw on the calendar of 2015 that May 1st is on a Friday and it looks like a good time to upload the sequel, that's all!
Key2DestNE: Heheheh. Well, alright then- but everybody, get ready to celebrate our favorite kitten's birthday then~ :3
DarkFoxKit: KEEEEEY! ENOUGH! DX I don't celebrate my birthday, cause it reminds me I'm getting older! ;A;
Andy: *pulls Fox's paw off him* Fox, a birthday is to celebrate that you've been alive for another year- stop being so miserable every time you see your age being another year older!
Key2DestNE: So, will you all make something extra special for Fox's birthday~?
DarkFoxKit: SHUT IT! *kicks Key's shin* Ahem… so anyways, the sequel will be posted on the first day of May. I will not be revealing the title here since it'll be kinda of a dead giveaway of what'll happen to the brothers in season 2, so until then, you're free to speculate on what's going to happen in the episode Memory Blank with Andy being a part of it. c:
Key2DestNE: And until then, I'm Key2DestNE, the kitten with a birthday on May 1st is DarkFoxKitty, and we look forward to hearing from you! *runs*
Andy: *grabs Key* Well now, until then, that's the end of my story. *begins waving to the readers* Hope to see you all again soon!
DarkFoxKit: I love you guys, thanks for sticking around this long, hope you enjoyed it. And please leave a review on what you think of the story as a whole now that it's done! Oh, and if someone wants to, PM me if you want to make the sequel's cover page, I really need an artist to make one for me.