WARNING - this one is quite bad and I actually didn't even directly write about what happens. Lets just say he ends up in hospital. So yeah if you don't like this sort of thing skip this chapter.

Harry was now in P6 and he and his classmates were sitting in their classroom waiting for their teacher to hand back their test results. They had gotten to the end of their spelling unit so they had been given an end of unit test to see how much they had learned. The watchers stood at the back of the classroom huddled together in what little space was not occupied with tables and chairs. Harry seemed to be moving about in his seat very nervously as he waited to get his results back. The professors present had seen that face many times before, it was the face of a student who thought they had either done very badly on a test or believed they had failed. As the teacher got round to Harry and handed him his results the watchers could see his face wilt and his nervousness was replaced with fear. The watchers just assumed that he had failed the test and was scared about what the Dursleys would think. So as the teacher finished handing out the results the bell rang for home time. The rest of the students quickly packed up their belongings and rushed out the door to either walk home or catch a bus. Harry however, slowly packed his belongings and trudged out of the school and down the road passed the car that Dudley was climbing into with his father inside. As Harry walked Vernon's car rushed past him with his son in the backseat stuffing his face with the chocolate bar. As Harry watched the car drive into the distance he reached into his bag and pulled out his test. Hermione peered over his shoulder and saw his score, he had gotten almost full marks.

"He got full marks. Why would he be upset about that?" Hermione told them.

The watchers looked between themselves, worry in their eyes. They followed Harry as he made the half hour walk to his home. He paused just outside the door to the house, they could see the apprehension in his face but he pushed passed it and opened the door. He made his way into the kitchen where he could hear his relatives gushing over Dudley below average score. Petunia spotted him and gestured with her hand for him to hand over his results. Harry hesitantly did as she wanted. As soon as she saw his results she started to seethe. She passed the results to Vernon who took one look at it before charging towards Harry. He grabbed him by the collar of his polo shirt and yanked him up so he could yell in his face.

"How dare you get a better score than Dudley? Are you trying to show up our perfect normal son? How dare you, we took you under in our roof, feed you, clothed you and this is what you do in return?" As he finished saying this he threw Harry against the wall."

Petunia quickly ushered Dudley out of the room and away from the scene. The watchers however had no such opportunity.

"No not again. I can't take this anymore, please make these dreaded memories stop. PLEASE STOP HURTING HIM!" Sirius wailed as he watched another scene of violence against Harry unfold.

The watchers couldn't stand to look much longer the first to turn away were the children not being able to bear what they were witnessing. Soon followed by Mrs Weasley, Flitwick and Sprout. The rest held on for as long as they could but the violence only increased and Harry's injuries only increased rapidly becoming worse and more life threatening. The wounds became deeper and the strength of the blows only increased. Madame Pomfrey knew that if Harry didn't get medical attention soon then he was going to die. Two thirds of the way into the attack had all the watchers turned away huddled in a group flinching at every sound of a blow and every scream of pain from Harry however near the end the screaming stopped. Severus risked a glance over and saw that Harry had fallen unconscious. He looked on as the fat whale stood over the battered and bleeding boy with a satisfied look upon his face. He grabbed the drying clothe and wiped his hands of the blood before leaving the room. As all the watchers turned back to Harry they saw the damage that had been done and Madame Pomphrey walked towards the boy.

"Severe blood loss, broken bones in his arms and legs, cracked and broken ribs, broken nose and… and..." She couldn't continue any further it was too much.

The watchers stood by knowing there was nothing they could do. Sirius and Remus sat by Harry's limp unconscious body. It took about half an hour for Harry to regain consciousness, his eyes slowly blinked open. He crawled his way over to the nearest phone and dialled 999 and was only barely able to give the nice man on the other side the details he needed for the ambulance before he fell unconscious again. As this happened the watchers surrounding faded away and replaced themselves with a hospital room. Harry was lying in the bed and he looked so small and pale. As the watchers looked on the heard the door to the room open and a doctor and policeman walked in.

"He lost a lot of blood but he should be fine, we reached him just in time, any longer and he might not have been so lucky. He will have to stay here for quite some time to recover. How is it going trying to locate the guardians and the people did this?" The doctor asked. As he turned to look towards the policeman.

The policeman sighed. "We couldn't find any signs of breaking and entering and we have yet to locate his guardians."

It was then at that moment that everyone could hear a commotion outside. Petunia Dursley marched through the door and burst into crocodile tears when she saw Harry lying in the bed. She rushed over to him and lay her head beside his chest that was on just rising and falling.

"Excuse me ma'am but who are you?" The policeman asked calmly.

She quickly looked up and met the man's eyes.

"He is my nephew. We had only gone out to get takeaway and when we came back he was gone and there was blood everywhere." She said with the most distraught voice she could manage.

"Well I'm grieved to tell you this ma'am but we have not been able to find the attacker but we will do all we can to find the bastard that did this to your nephew."

"Of course you will thank you. Thank you so much."

"Ma'am I also must inform you that your nephew will have to stay here for some time to recover. Maybe I should explain the rest of this outside and let him rest" The doctor said as they gestured to the door.

"Yes, of course." She said as she wiped away a fake tear. She followed closely behind the two men and closed the door behind her harshly.

The watchers were apocalyptic. How were they getting away with this? Surely the police were not going to believe that story? And yet they know they did.

"How has he survived all this. How could it get any worse than this…" Mrs Weasley trailed off.

Sirius slowly stumbled towards the bed and sat on the bed near Harry's head and slowly ran his hand over his head and face and whispered "as soon as these memories have ended and I see you again I can promise you that this will never happen again. I will protect you, I swear."

The watchers watched this with a sad but determined look in their eyes as they themsleves made similar promises to the young boy in the hospital bed.

Review please and if its actually helpful and more than just telling me to update then I will write back to you!