chapter 4: Brainy and the Beast

The bots stood in awe.
"How was it possible that a Cybertronian could love a human?" Heatwave thought, not knowing weather to scowl in disgust or keep standing there in shock. Willow gave out an irritated sigh and finished mending her wounds.
"Please, you cant say a word okay. Just pretend nothing ever happened," Willow said, trying to sound as relaxed as she could.
"Willow are you okay? Did you find the first aid kit?" called a voice from the elevator. It came down and a worried looking Graham stepped out.
"Yes I'm fine, see," Willow laughed waving her bandages around.
"So, nothing unusual down here?" Graham asked, pointing his eyes towards the bots. Willow laughed and shook her head.
"No although I was surprised that you store the bots down here," she said while following the bots' glare.
"Okay," Graham sighed, "well now that your alright lets go back for dinner." Willow nods and the two leave the bots standing in the middle of the room.

After a few minutes, they finally processed what just happened and Boulder deiced to break the silence.
"You know, this kinda reminds me of the book I'm reading."
Blades raised an optic ridge, "How so?"
"Well, the book is called 'Beauty and the Beast.' The prince was cursed to turn into this beast because of his wicked heart. The only way to break it is if he falls in love with someone and they return that love."
"How is that anything like whats happening? That is a fairy tale and make believe," Chase interrupted.
"Well, Belle is like Graham, different from the towns people, and Willow's like the beast. Although she is a lot nicer then the beast and wasn't shut in a castle for all those years!" exclaimed Boulder.
"Yeah, and from what Kade says, Graham's no beauty," Heatwave teased.
"Then I guess it is more of brainy and the beast," Blades laughed.
"Wait, she said that Ratchet was her sire, right?" Boulder asked. The team nodded and then caught on.
"I will call Prime," Heatwave smiled.

"Hello Heatwave. What is it?" Optimus spoke on a screen.
"Well sir, we just wanted to ask about something," Heatwave said with a little chuckle.
'Go ahead Heatwave," replied the autobot leader with a raised optic ridge.
"Well, do you know any one name willow?" asked the red titan. Optimus's optics when wide and he left the screen and the team's medic appeared.
"What business do you have with Willow?" the medic said with a venomous glare.
"Well, we wanted to know about her. You see, she moved into the town earlier," Boulder explained with hope in his eyes.
"There is nothing you need to know about her. She is a comrade and she moved there because there are bots to protect her from unseen problems," the grumpy medic scoffed.
"So, nothing of this has to do with the fact that she is your daughter and she has energon in her blood?" Heatwave smiled. The medic's optics widened and filled with anger.
"How in the name of Primus's name did you know that?"
"She told us. She must have cut her hand on something because she ran down for the first aid kit and we caught her by surprise," Heatwave replied in hopes to calm the grumpy mech. This made the mech even more frustrated.

"I told her this would happen," he began, "I told her it was dangerous to leave the base. I knew if she moved even though there are bots near by this would happen. Yet no one listens to me and she had to go."

"Umm... what are you talking about Ratchet?" Blades asked, worry evident in his voice.

Ratchet gave a sigh, "I was going to keep Willow here at the base with her mother and me, but no she had to go off and find herself. Her mother said it would be good for her and what not. How can it be good for her when she has problems controlling her ability's when she gets emotional?"

The bots optics now where stricken with fear.
"Just like the book," boulder thought, "the beast thought he could never be loved and locked himself in the castle and had a temper that easily got out of control. Here, the beast wasnt able to control her temper and emotions and was looked away at the base." Boulder took out his book and began to read more.

sorry i hadent updated in a while. i thought people dint want to read it any more. thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

big-time-artistic-dreamer signing out.