A/N: Hello again! Sorry for not updating in ages, my dearest of apologies to you. I hope this is ok, it took a bit of time to think what to do in this chapter but I think I got there eventually and sorry again for me taking such a looooong time to update, I hope all this waiting around was worth it.

The Doctor sat in an armchair in Rory and Amy's front room. He had taken them home for what Amy had described as a "brief" visit home to see Brian. As it had turned out, they had been there for 3 hours now and the Doctor was extremely bored. They weren't even talking about all the adventures they'd been on, no Brian was giving them all a lecture about the state of the government. Unable to contain his boredom for much longer, the Doctor reached inside his tweed jacket and pulled out his phone and clicked on Snapchat. Yes, River had eventually persuaded him to get it and he hadn't been off it since. Well, she didn't really persuade him, more like have him handcuffed to the bed begging until she finally released him because he'd agreed to get it. But it was River, so that counted as persuading.

The Doctor glanced over to the others to make sure they weren't looking before quickly snapping a selfie of himself to River with the caption:

'Talk to me, I'm sooo bored x'

He knew that he'd get a reply immediately, after all this was River. He opened her snap to see a picture of her lay down on her bed in Stormcage with the caption:

'Do you want me to do something about that sweetie? xo'

The Doctor stared at River's perfect face for the full 10 seconds. Of course he'd want her to do something about that, but he didn't know how. What he did know was that River would find a way to do something about it, she always had a trick up her sleeve.

The Doctor leant back in his armchair and let his thoughts be controlled by River. He wanted her, every inch of her body pressed against every inch of his. He wanted them to get closer than was physically possible and be wrapped in the hopes and dreams of each other. He wanted them to share the same feeling of love as they rode out together. He wanted to experience every waking second with that marvellous woman, who he knew he could love and trust with both his hearts. He wanted Amy and Rory to stop talking so he could get the hell out of there and fly his TARDIS right to her.

"Doctor?" Amy asked as the Doctor returned to the land of the living.

"Uhh sorry what?" he slurred.

"Are you okay?" the redhead asked him.

"Y-yes, just thinking."

"About what?"

"Riv-NOTHING!" he exclaimed a little late as Rory glared at him from across the room.

"Well Brian just asked you a question, and you weren't even listening," spoke Amy.

"Ah yes Brian, I am dearly sorry." It was supposed to sound apologetic, but it just ended up sounding like sarcasm.

After glancing at Amy, Brian said: "So, Doctor. Do you have a partner?"

The Doctor looked taken aback by the question but answered, "Well...yes actually yes, I have a wife, River. As it happens she's the daughter of Am-"

But before continuing, Rory coughed extremely loudly and shook his head at the Doctor.

"Ohh," the Doctor began addressing Amy and Rory, "You've not got round to telling alright, okay."

"Who's she the daughter of?" asked Brian.

"A-a-another friend of ours, yes that's right," stuttered the Doctor not very convincingly.

The room fell into an awkward silence.

"Right then, who's for coffee?" asked Rory trying to get out of the situation.

"Me!" everyone cried at once.

"I'll help you Rory," stated Brian, ushering his son out of the room.

The Doctor and Amy were alone and the atmosphere was still awkward even though the two people sat next to each other were best friends. The Doctor picked up his phone and noticed he had a snap from River. It was a video. He normally wouldn't watch a video from River when he wasn't alone, as they could be anything, but he had his sound off so it was ok.

River's voice rang out from his phone:

'Oooh sweetie I want you here now with your hands all over my naked body hmmm'

So maybe his sound wasn't off.

"Was- was that River?" Amy asked him shocked.

The Doctor fumbled with his hands before meeting the gaze of the Scot.

"That was River, wasn't it Doctor?" Amy said, clearly furious. "I'm just going to help Rory in the kitchen because I'm not sure what's going to happen now." And with that the redhead whisked off leaving the Doctor sat there, his face burning red. He decided to reply to River and try and get her not to send those kind of videos.

He started filming in a hushed voice.

'River, do we have to do this over Snapchat?'

He sent the video. Hopefully, River would get the message and decide not to send those kinds of videos again. Or she'd misinterpret what he was trying to tell her and think that he wanted to do that in real life and track him with her vortex manipulator.

"Hello sweetie," she spoke in her usual seductive tone as she materialised on top of the Doctor. Naked.

"I-erm-Ri-River-I..." but the Doctor was lost for words as River straddled him and pressed her chest into his. She grabbed the Doctor's flailing arms and pinned them down as she lent in to kiss him.

"River!" he squeaked, "You-you can't do this here I-" but as River grinded her hips into his, he felt brainwashed by this controlling woman.

"W-well maybe a small kiss won't hurt," he spoke as her lips brushed his gently, before slamming down quite hard.

The Doctor moaned as he felt River's tongue push gently against his asking for control. But he did not give in and his own tongue dulled with River's faster and faster until they both broke away from breathlessness. River leaned in again for another kiss and this time it was more passionate. River licked the roof of the Doctor's mouth with her tongue and trailed it back to lick behind his teeth. Their tongues wrapped around each other again but this time the pace was slower, but a bit too slow for a woman like River's liking. So she compelled her tongue to move faster against the Doctor's and his own tongue commanded. The Doctor leant up from under River, trying to switch the positions but rolled them over too much so they ended up in a heap on the floor.

After brief laughter, River flipped them round so she was on top of the Doctor with her legs either side of his waist. She dragged off his tweed jacket, undid his bowtie pushed his braces down and tore at is shirt until he was half naked underneath her. She bent down, trailing kisses up his bear chest and felt him shiver underneath her. She ground her hips against him once more, hearing him groan before leaning down for another kiss. This time, it was the Doctor who had more control. His tongue licked up and down hers and wrapped around it while he pulled River into him and wrapped his legs tight around her waist. She moaned with delight as she felt the sudden increase in pressure and slammed her hips into his, knowing what it did to him. She loved the sounds that he made; the moans, grunts, gasps, coughs...

Wait, coughs? River broke away from the Doctor to see her mother, father and a man she had never met before but whom she presumed was her grandfather towering over the pair. She didn't know if her granddad knew that this was his granddaughter was naked on top of his son and daughter in law's best friend. So she decided to play it safe.

"Terribly sorry," she began her act, "I didn't realise that you three were here, I'm so sorry Amy, Rory and," she turned to Brian, "I'm sorry this is how you have to meet me. I'll just be off then." She said before grabbing the Doctor's shirt, wrapping it around herself, pressing a button on her vortex manipulator and disappearing with a flash.

Sensing the awkward silence and noticing that all eyes were on him, the Doctor picked himself up off the floor.

"So, Brian, have you met my wife?"

"I-erm-I believe I just did yes."

"Good, I'll just be off then too," the Doctor said as he turned to leave but a cough from Rory made him turn back around.

"Doctor I-" began Rory until he noticed Amy staring at the Doctor's bare chest with a smirk on her face.

"Amy!" her husband exclaimed.

The Scot gasped before feeling her cheeks flush so looking down at her feet.

"Doctor," Rory began again, "How many times have I had to tell you that you should not be doing that with-"

"Rory! You can't do this now!" the Doctor told him while nodding his head slightly at Brian who was stood there in awe.

"I-oh," realised Rory while giving the Doctor a we're-going-to-have-a-very-long-talk-about-this-af ter-look.

"Well, what are we all doing just standing around?" asked Brian, trying to lighten the mood, "Wee just made coffee!" he said holding up a mug.

The four of them sat around for the rest of the afternoon drinking coffee and laughing, but occasionally Rory would shoot the Doctor a dirty look from the other side of the room, just to remind him that he still wasn't off the hook. Rory was going to kill him later.

Thanks for reading, I have more to come so just bear with okay?

Reviews are wonderful things like rainbows and marshmellows and Matt Smith and I think we all deserve them, including me.