~*Together, Forever.*~

She looks at him, dressed in white. He looks at her, standing...waiting for her to come closer. So that they can be forever together. Forever united. Forever... in each others arms. Safe. Whole. Complete. No worries can stop this moment. Nothing can stop the happiness from spreading through their bodies as she takes another step closer to him. This is the beginning. The beginning of everything. The beginning of their new lives. Together. Forever.

Forever bliss. Forever warm smiles, and laughs together. Forever sharing a warm bed. Forever sharing Love,New Secrets, and Happiness. Nothing can ever separate them other than death itself. Nothing can bother this moment of true peace in their hearts knowing, this is it. This is true happiness. Closer and closer she gets to him, to a new life, to a new world only known by them. Only seen by them. A world, together. Forever.

Together their hearts beat for each other.

And nothing, will change that.
