"I expect nothing less from you, Mr. Malfoy, or so help me, your soul may not be favored by the Dark Lord if ever you fail this important task you have on your shoulders. I certainly would not like /any/ of my students to be killed by Him", Professor Snape warned threateningly at the Malfor heir, nothing on his face indicated he was taking this subject lightly. Unlike the man in his late forties who never showed any signs of everfeeling happiness in his life, the young teen stood his ground with an impassive look on his face, "Yes Professor Snape, I understand".

The younger showed no emotion on his face however if you look closely you can tell that he was shaking with fear inside, knowing the dangers of dissatisfying the Dark Lord, moreover defy against him. Due to his family's reputation to be a loyal follower of the evil bastard, he had to follow orders and carry his family name proudly even if he was made a Death Eater. He was the youngest yet but the Dark Lord was soon going to recruit more members, younger, more innocent ones and ruin their minds for his own evil intentions.

Draco Malfoy's reverie was cut short when Severus Snape regained his attention, "Did you not hear me, Mr. Malfoy? You may leave now, I said". The edge in the professor's tone made the Malfoy nod quickly before rudely excusing himself after gathering his thoughts. As soon as he left the sad excuse of a potions' store room, he was met with his best friend, Blaize Zabini. "How're you, Draco?" Zabini inquired, his eyes examining his friend's posture to see if anything was out of place. The sudden question made Malfoy snap, "I'm fine Zabini, let's just return to the party before anyone gets suspicious why we're gone for far too long. Something tells me that Parkinson won't have it if I'm not there for her to pester, she's so Jody for her own good I don't even know why he's a Slytherin in the first place".

Zabini rolled his eyes at the sudden change of subject but he didn't mind, knowing full well his best friend needed no more interrogating about why had just happened, "Alright Draco, whatever you say". Draco let out a triumphant smirk, his signature Malfoy smirk, before sauntering off back to the Great Hall followed by Zabini at his side as they started to talk animatedly about something any Wizard would never cease to love, Quidditch.


Anger ate away at Granger's heart as soon as a certain Weasley she was unsurprisingly close to started throwing profanities her way though none of them seemed to affect her. Patience was running thin on her side and the only spectator knew that, seeing he was frantically searching in his head anything that could ease the tense atmosphere that had arose the minute the Golden Trio stepped out of the Great Hall and decided to stand in a deserted hallway to settle their.. Conflicts.

Harry Potter thought everything was almost going to be fine when Ron Weasley had stopped throwing a fit but the next thing had him taken aback. The last action the three had expected Ron to do was call Hermione Granger a Mudblood. Lost or words, Harry stared at his female best friend an anticipated her move, knowing this was the last straw for her. She too was beyond words and the anger had gotten the best of her, "Just because I'm a Mudblood doesn't mean that you're so pure, Weasley!"

Before anyone knew it, before Weasley could retort back and apologize for his actions, Hermoine had slapped the redhead with pure agony and hatred. She spared her best friend, Harry Potter, a saddened look before running off to Merlin knows where. recovering from the sudden move, Harry turned to his childhood friend with disapproval, "You have gone too far, Ron, I'm not going to fix this between you two anymore, you've hurt her enough, you know how 'Mione acts when she's called a Mudblood, Ron". Seeing no response from the red-faced Weasley, Harry turned on his heel and looked over his shoulder, "I hope you get things mended faster, this is getting tiring for me to watch, Ron".

"What's this, another petty banter between the Golden Trio? Wonder what you did this time, Weasley. It's easily understandable though, you're a Weasley after all", a very familiar voice sounded, making the intruder known. Harry and Ron looked over to Draco and hissed rather too hostile for anyone's liking but if you were to stay at Hogwarts the minute they did, you'd understand. Harry shook his head, "now's not a good time Draco".

Ron was actually getting ready to get into a quarell but Zabini saw this and zapped a Curse Ron's way, barely missing as it hit the floor inches away from Ron, "cool it Weasley", he warned, not really liking childish quarells like so. Ron glared at the two intruding Slytherins before stomping his way to, again, Merlin knows where. Harry and the Slytherins watched as he left, noting how childish and stupid Rob looked that night. When it felt like centuries before Ron left completely, Harry turned his axe to Draco and Blaize, "could you two help search for 'Mione? She ran off without letting where she went".

Of course, being too used at the hostility between the Gryffindors and Slytherins had caught the two boys off guard, Harry is asking them for a favor? The world must be coming to an end! Harry looked at the direction Hermione had left, hoping she didn't go that far. What Harry considered far was out of the question. Draco shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "if it helps".

Harry smiled as he started to continue his way down a path, "I hope you're good at comforting, Malfoy, Zabini", and with that, Harry disappeared from their sights. Zabini eyed his best friend with pure curiosity, "I'll take this side and you take that". With a nod, Draco and Blaize departed ways in search of a crying brunette.


Hi, this is my first Dramione so I'm a bit inexperienced and in advance, sorry if I mixed up anything in the story to confuse you guys or anything. I disclaim everything except the OCs, everything is rightfully JK Rowling's. no copyright intended.