
So it was officially Christmas, well according to Kinzie who had done some calculations on how the ship orbits the Earth remains who something like that. The Boss didn't really care because to her Christmas and well all festive holidays were pointless. Why give people stuff when with the right inclination they could just take it for themselves? It's not like anyone had given her any presents throughout the years, she had taken everything she has ever owned and she may have had help along the way but she was the master of her own fate.

So Christmas was just some lame ass mushy holiday for lame ass people, except that her fellow Saints seemed to be celebrating it this year too. Well she had known Shaundi and Pierce had celebrated it in the past and she had always made herself scarce and pretended not to notice the small tree in the corner where they thought she wouldn't see it.

She wasn't surprised that Kinzie, Matt and Asha were all in it this year but she was honestly taken aback when Gat and Ben joined in. She had never imagined them to be the kind of men that would even bother with this stuff. But she didn't particularly care what they did for it would all be over in a day and then she could focus on something more important.

"Are you really not going to help out Boss?" Kinzie asked her as she swatted her feet off the boxes as she picked up the golden star to place on the tree.

"Nope, don't see the point. Waste of time really." She explained rather bored with all their antics. Watching them all buzz around like bees trying to get everything together and look just right were downright laughable.

"Not even setting up Nyteblade?" Matt had asked her while waving a miniature figure of the vampire hunter in front of her.

She had to smile at that, and if she was honest she was tempted. Since experiencing Matt's homemade scenario she had come to quite like the Nyteblade franchise. More so because she got to spend time alone with Matt and though she had yet to admit the cyber god was really growing on her. Sure she was sleeping with the guy but originally that had been because he was the only man on the ship that she could stomach the idea of getting intimate with.

"While tempting...No thanks." She thought she had been polite with him but his eyes still looked a little hurt by her refusal.

"Seriously Boss what is with you and Christmas? You're such a Grinch!" Shaundi looked exasperated as she tried pegging another stocking up on the monitor that showed a fireplace.

"I don't know what that means and who says I have to like Christmas?"

Well when everything kicked off with Clawz and saving Santa, she had to admit that the whole thing conflicted with her personality and ideals. Still seeing her friends smile and laugh when they finally dished out their presents was worth it in the end. Plus the antics she and Gat got up to was definitely fun and beating Pierce in a snow ball fight in virtual Steelport was inevitable.

Still she didn't get any presents again this year and she had even wrote a letter to Santa this year! So she had asked for a pony because apparently that's what every girl wants as their first present. Not surprised that she didn't receive any presents it still gave a little pang in her chest. The Boss knew she wasn't the nicest person alive and would never make the nice list but the fact that none of her friends got her anything when she had actually bothered for once was a little painful.

So when everyone had got their presents, she laughed and smiled with everyone before excusing herself as she always did on Christmas day. When she made it back to her room and turned on the lights she didn't expect to find that someone had decorated it for her. There was tinsel and fairy lights wrapped around the bed posts and a snow globe was sitting on the bedside table with a little bow tied to it.

Unsure of what to do; she cautiously walked over to the snow globe and picked it up carefully. Inside it was a little girl standing next to a brown pony happily stroking its mane. She tilted the snow globe and saw that underneath the bow was a little card and the writing in it read:

Dear Boss!

Merry Christmas!

The Saints!

At least they were smart enough not to write their names on it. Still it brought a smile to her face and a strange warming feeling to her chest.

The bedroom door opened behind her and Matt walked in rather shyly. The Boss placed the snow globe back on the desk and faced him curious as to what he was doing here in her room. Sure he had spent many nights in her room but he had never visited her during the day. He didn't say anything as he closed the distance between them and gingerly pointed up towards the ceiling.

Her eyes landed on a small plant with white buds hanging from the light. She hadn't noticed it until just now and wondered what he was getting at. "A plant, what do you want Matt?"

Matt couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips. He knew the Boss could be dense and severely clueless at times but this was something else. "It's Mistletoe, surely you know what that means?"

Ah mistletoe, the Boss definitely knew what that was thanks to many of Shaundi's tales of tackling boys at parties and doing weird stuff while baked out of her mind. So Matt was trying to be romantic and for once she was actually enjoying the gesture.

The Boss didn't say anything and just roughly grabbed him by the back of the head and crashed their lips down in a fiery onslaught. When she reluctantly separated herself from him she couldn't help the smug grin decorate her features. His dark blue lipstick was scattered everywhere and his lips were swollen.

"You know you're supposed to be gentle around Christmas right?" He said huskily and desire darkened his eyes.

"Pffft I'm still new to this Christmas stuff. Now get in bed because the President has a present for you." She bit her lip as she knew that was something that absolutely drove him wild and started to undo her clothing.

As predicted Matt leaned over and turned the lights off. "Merry Christmas."

A/N: So I just played through 'How the Saints save Christmas' and couldn't help myself writing this. Guilty pleasure! Anyway hope you enjoyed this and Merry Christmas!