A/N: Ugh sorry I took so long! I've noticed that I'm getting continuously slower and slower at updating… :\ So, happy black Friday, and happy belated Thanksgiving! :D

Anyway, thank you IceNinja202, Ruby 1334, RC ITC, Universal808, rachealninja10, zimlvr360, and the two Guests for reviewing! Enjoy this filler-ish next chapter! :D

*December's POV*

I fumbled with the keys at the door to my house and unlocked the door, since Mom had 'forgotten' to pick me up from the bus stop, which was all the way at the other end of the neighborhood, and Dad was at work.

I stepped inside and closed the door, then set down my backpack on the floor. "Glad I don't have to carry around that piece of crap anymore," I muttered. Seriously, that backpack had been giving me hell since the day I got it. It was the 3 h's: heavy, huge, and homework-filled.

What made it worse was that it gave Marissa yet another thing to gossip about me. Though, honestly, I wasn't sure how that was even leverage. Maybe it was because her backpack was ridiculously small, unlike her hips.

She was a complete and total bitch, despite every time she acted nice to me and nearly everyone else. But I heard her whisper rumors in History, and once upon a time, I was the subject.

I didn't even get how she was popular. She didn't look like popular girl material, that was for sure.

Not that I had even a sliver of a clue how these things worked.

Well, maybe I did, since my sister used to be popular. Why isn't she anymore, you ask? Oh, only because she's 'on the brink of fame', or at least, that's what the modeling agency said. Which, somehow, is a free pass to not have to go to school (at least, according to our mother).

How was it that we had the same face, yet she was pretty and I wasn't? I honestly had no idea.

I walked over to the mirror and swept my red hair out of my face with a sigh. Did we look different? No, we could've switched places if we wanted to. More precisely, if I was an assiduous enough person to take the time to clean up enough to achieve the level of… well, whatever you call it that she had.

I flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. Nothing good was on. I pressed a button on the remote, and a list of recorded episodes from various shows displayed on the TV screen. I picked one and pressed PLAY.

"For 800 years, Norrisville has been protected by a ninja…"

*Randy's POV (OD)*

I had been here for too long. I needed to get back to Norrisville. What if the Sorcerer had escaped? There was no way the clone was as good of a ninja as me. There has to be some way to get back, I thought, looking around the lab. If another other-dimension machine could be found anywhere, it would be here, in a science lab. But then again, that wasn't the type of science they dealt with here.

What was with this place, anyway? Why did people know who I was?

Oh, right.

The concept of my life since the beginning of 9th grade being a TV show in this dimension, and a cartoon at that, had not been easy for me to comprehend. It felt like my life was a lie, solely created for people's entertainment.

But at least that meant I could check up on Howard and my clone without embarking on the impossible task of getting back to my home dimension. Believe me, I tried. During what would've been my spring break, if I had never left, that is, when all the lights were out and all the people were gone, I explored the entire facility, using the identification card that Dr. Carter foolishly left that first night to gain access to all of the locked doors and secret rooms, looking for something, anything, that could help me get back home.

And after all that, I was still here.

And now my home was a honkin' science lab. Funny how I landed in a place so much like the one I was trying to escape.

I tensed at the sound of the door unlocking, and I turned my head towards the sound. It opened to reveal Dr. Carter. Thank God it was him instead of Dr. Perez. They were the main two scientists who studied me, and they both seemed to… know something. It was like they knew on an instinctive level who I really was, and where I actually came from. At least I didn't have to make up a lie to tell any of them. None of the scientists seemed to care where I came from, instead, they focused on the fact that I was here.

For them to poke, prod, and study.

But the difference between the two was that Dr. Carter seemed slightly friendlier, warmer. It was like he knew who I really was, and he treated me like the equal I was, instead of an inferior pest. Although he tried to hide it. He even seemed protective of me at times, usually when the other scientists were around.

Dr. Perez, on the other hand, was cold, calculating, and impenetrable. Unlike Dr. Carter, she was impervious to me and my attempts to prove... well, just about anything. She viewed me as a bug, a lesser being.

A robot.

"Hi," I muttered.

"Hello, Randy Cunningham," he replied. "How did it go?"

"Good, I think-" I cut myself off, knowing I shouldn't sound too human. God, how the juice did I get myself into this mess? "I mean, well. It went well," I revised, sitting up a little straighter.

I saw him cock his left eyebrow very slightly, almost imperceptible. Maybe I was different now, I wouldn't have picked up on something like that before. "That's good to hear. Shall we make the arrangement a bit more permanent?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, it turns out this wasn't a one-time thing, you can keep coming as long as you like."

"Seriously?!" That was a relief. There were things- and people- I wanted to see again.

"Yes. However, I don't mean permanent permanent. You'll have to stop eventually."

"Of course."

I've decided to come to terms with the fact that I write EXTREMELY SHORT CHAPTERS. I have no idea why, but I just do. Maybe I just have a short attention span… or maybe I would have time to write longer chapters if I didn't keep discovering other shows and getting addicted to them… my newest obsession is Doctor Who. Anyone watch it?

Randy: So, I guess you couldn't keep your longer-chapter promise huh?

Me: Yeah. I feel guilty. But oh well.

Randy: Yeah. But you know what's really wonk?

Me: What?

Randy: That there haven't been any new episodes of my show since the 18th!

Me: I know, right?! I can't believe they're going on hiatus again!

Review! :D You know you want to…