A/N: Hi there, reader! Thanks for clicking! :D This is my first fanfic, yay! The concept is really confusing at first, especially in this first chapter, and it's a little different from the show.

Disclaimer: I do not own Randy Cunningham. All of the OCs are mine though.

R&R (Read & Review) ;)

*December's POV*

Nobody knew the exact reason why he, or, rather, it, was here.

All we knew for sure was that he was. And we were not to crowd him, as it could overwhelm his system.

Of course, none of the girls followed this rule. They all rushed right up to him in complete and utter fangirl mode.

The boys were awestruck too. But who could blame them? After all, it was pretty hard not to be. He was that bruce.

That being said, obviously I was the most ecstatic of them all. Of course, I didn't show it, being December Shows-no-emotion Carter. So I just sat in the back of the classroom, like always, frozen in place with my jaw wide open. I had been taking notes since a big test was coming up, and of course this was science, which I sucked at. So, in other words, I looked like a shoob with my mouth wide open and a pencil, whose point was stuck in the middle of the letter "a", in my hand, which I couldn't seem to get to move anymore.

Not since the moment he walked in.

When Ms. Simmons had said we'd be getting a new student a few days ago, I thought that he would either be another preppy popular boy like Lorenzo, a complete numbskull like Jack, or an over-confident shoob like Ian, who was always hitting on me with lines from One Direction songs. When she said that he was different, I assumed that he had ADD or something. When she said that we might already know him, I had jumped to the conclusion that he had been around town before.

But he was the last person I thought it would be.

Of course, little did I know how drastically my life would begin to change. And it all started with that moment, the moment he walked through that door. Little did I know that everything would change.

All because of him.

He was a robot, they said. He wasn't the real person, since the real person didn't exist. But he talked like a human, moved like a human, and had emotions like a human. He was programmed with all his memories too. Yet, somehow, despite all of that, technically he was an "it". But I chose to call him a "he".

I knew that the others wouldn't think like me. Once the novelty of having someone like him in the school wore off, they would just see him as a bunch of nuts and bolts with a face, and I couldn't let that happen. I didn't know how I would stop it, but I had to. Somehow.

He wasn't like other robots. Even though Ms. Simmons had already made it clear that he wasn't any ordinary robot, I knew that it went beyond being human-like. Even before I knew the truth, I instinctively knew that he was different. And not just because I already knew who he was. Not just because he was a robot based off of a cartoon character.

"Ok students, sit back down in your seats. You're crushing him," Ms. Simmons directed. The other kids groaned and flopped back into their chairs like depressed zombies. I, on the other hand, had ceased to regain control over my body, and was still frozen in place. I couldn't believe what was happening. "You can sit in the empty chair in the back next to December."

"Ok," he replied, and headed toward the back. Towards me.

My subconscious finally gave up the reins over my body and let me close my mouth. I didn't want to look like a complete shoob. Just in time, too, I thought as he sat down next to me.

He was Randy Cunningham.

Randy: Wait, so I'm a ROBOT?! This changes EVERYTHING... :O

Me: No, Randy, you're not a robot.

Randy: Phew! You said I was though. I am so lost here...

Me: I think our readers can relate to that.

It's confusing, I know o_o But trust me, this will all make sense before you know it ;D This was really just a teaser to get you interested though. This isn't actually the beginning of the story. I'll make sure to post Chapter 2 soon. RCIB is out, peace! :D