Hey guys! I know I havent updated in like a lot of months but i can explain! (read on the bottom). Im really sorry but now i finished this up and i want to upload it. I hope you guys like it c:

(Jade's POV – Chapter 11)

I opened the schools doors and walked in and going straight to my locker. I was upset that Beck wasn't there with my daily coffee. It's his fault if I act like a gank today. On the corner of my eye, I saw a perky redhead talking to that puppet boy. I smirked. Beck is gonna feel so dumb, I thought. I took out my pear phone discreetly and took a picture. I tried to make it look that they were close enough to look like they were kissing. Thank you angles. As I grabbed a notebook for Sikowitz class, I felt strong arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"Hey babe." I turned around and grabbed my coffee from Beck's hand. He smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Did you have fun with Cat yesterday?"

"Yeah… She gave me cupcakes, we watched a movie, you know… Stuff like that" I said in a monotone voice. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled. "How about you Beckett? Had fun without your super-hot and talented girlfriend?" He grinned at me. He placed his arms around my hips and pulled me closer. I had one hand placed behind his neck, intertwining my fingers with his hair.

"I like it when you say you're my girlfriend."

"That's because I'm a truth speaker." Beck laughed quietly and kissed me. I suddenly remembered the picture of Cat and Robbie and pulled away. "Hey Beckett. You owe me 20 dollars."

"Why's that?" He asked with a slightly confused face. I pulled out my pear phone from my back pocket and showed him the picture. "Aw crap. I was so sure she liked Andre."

"I'm always right Beck. Never doubt me." I said with a smirk. The bell rang and we walked to Sikowitz class. We had our hands intertwined. As we sat down at the back of the room, I rested my head on Becks shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and whispered quietly words I never thought I would hear. "I love you Jade." And tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably. I felt him squeezing my hand. So this is how love is supposed to feel right?

-Line Break-

(Cat's POV – Lunch time)

Yay lunch time! I love lunch time. I love it because I eat food with my friends and we talk about lots of things! I remember one time that I and my family went to a restaurant but we got kicked out because my brother was being very loud. I didn't think he was loud. Those people are probably… stupid. OH NO! I DIDN'T MEAN STUPID! IM SO MEAN! BAD CAT! Oh my god that almost rimed! Hahaha I'm so funny!

I didn't find any of my friends inside the school so I ran outside to the asphalt café. I found Andre and Robbie (and Rex) sitting on our usual table. I got my turkey sandwich from Festus and perkily sat down in the middle of my best friends.

"Hi guys!" I said happily. I noticed that my other two best friends weren't there. "Where's Beck and Jade?" Andre looked at Robbie hoping to see if Robbie knew. Robbie shrugged his shoulders and continued eating his pizza.

"I don't know Cat. They're probably talking to a teacher or something." Andre said. I sighed and took a bite of my sandwich.

Jade's POV

I wasn't hungry so I grabbed Beck's wrist and dragged him into the janitor's closet. I shut the door and locked it. I wrapped my arms around Beck's neck.

"I think you owe me something." I whispered. Beck raised his eyebrow and immediately closed the space between us. His hands were tracing my spine giving me shivers. It wasn't the bad type of shivers. They felt good. We both pulled away at the same time because we were out of breath.

"Now can we go have lunch?" Beck asked. I nodded my head and dragged him outside. I made him buy me a burrito and coffee. I saw Cat waving at me. She was sitting with Robbie and Andre on our table. I gently punched Beck's arm just to remind him that I won the bet. He looked at me and sighed deeply.

Beck sat next to Andre and immediately they started talking and laughing about something I didn't quite understand. It's probably an inside joke or whatever but Beck and Andre wouldn't stop laughing. This made Cat and Robbie giggle, which made me roll my eyes. Obviously Robbie only started giggling because Cat was. Damn he's really desperate. His smile faded when Cat jumped due to remembering something important she had to do with Andre. She grabbed Andre's muscular arm and dragged him inside school. I wonder if they're going to practice for the showcase or make me give those 20 dollars back to Beck. I hope it's the first one. After they left, there was an awkward silence. I wanted Robbie to leave. He was like a third wheel right now. Almost as if reading my thoughts, Robbie stood up and went somewhere which I honestly don't care. Beck scooted closer to me and I stole one of his French fries.

"Don't you think we should be working on our song?" Beck asked. "We hardly practiced it." I looked at some girls who were singing next to the parked cars. Then I looked back at Beck.

"First of all, I do not need that much practice, although I don't know about you. Second, I don't like the song we chose anymore. I want to sing another song but I still want it to be acoustic."

"Fine then." Beck answered smiling. "Which one?"

"Probably I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket by Pierce the Veil, Therapy by All Time Low, Someone, Somewhere by Asking Alexandria. I think these songs are much better."

"I like that Asking Alexandria one. Come over to practice?"

"I would anyway Beck." I leaned in and pecked his lips. Short and sweet. Just what I like.

Okay so the explanation. Basically my life isnt a roller coaster that only goes up. It has myny twists and turns and all that shit. I've had so much problems throughout my school year (some which arent really resolved) and everywhere i go. And i kid you not that if i didnt had plans with my friends i would update sooner. Ive just been so lazy and busy and stressed. Thankfully music was with me. I did take a break from any sort of fanfic and focused more on bands. Like Pierce The Veil, Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, Bring Me The Horizon, The Pretty Reckless, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Of Mice & Men, Breathe Carolina, Nirvana, Green Day and Get Scared. So if you ever feel sad (in any way) you should listen to these bands. They helped me keep sane tbh.