AN: FIRST! And also I hope this inspires others to contribute to this. This fan fic is based off the film, not novels.
Republic city. The part of the world that everyone of all nationalities are equal, the air temple island sits proudly in the Yue bay with avatar Aang's memorial island not to far from it. Boats and ships line the harbor with dozens of people working, unknown to them all, a new arrival has just docked.
On the edge of the docks sits two figures, "Have I ever told you how much I just hate doing this?" a woman in a suit made entirely of metal asked, the older woman smirked, "Yes Lin, you have, but think of it as mother-daughter bonding." she said as they both watched the docks from the safety of a fake shipping container. Toph Bei-Fong sat with her daughter Lin as the pair stood vigilant on the stake out.
"I'm going to stretch my legs." Lin said as she rose from her seat, "And maybe get some coffee."
"Make that two." Toph said as she walked out the door.
Lin walked alongside the edge of the docks, letting her muscles flex out, and headed towards the nearest coffee shop. As she walked, she heard a infant start to cry, Who the hell takes a baby out at this time of night? she thought as she continued to walk. The screaming was getting louder and louder, Lin then realized, it wasn't coming from up ahead, it was coming from below.
Looking down into the water she searched for any signs of life, looking across the water, eyes stopped on a makeshift raft, were she heard screaming. "Sprits." she whispered to herself, as she was about to jump in she realized something, metal sinks. If she was to actually make it to the raft there was no way to get the baby out.
The cables! Lin thought, she raised her arm and shot a end around a nearby post, leaping down she barely managed to reach it. Lol king onto the small deck she saw what was making the noise. A baby, wrapped neatly in fur blankets, wrapping her arm around it, making sure it wouldn't slip, she repelled the line and climbed onto the dock.
Toph was starting to get antsy, Lin had been gone for fifteen minutes, she was more than able to take care of herself but it still worried her. As she was about to begin to search for her the door burst open, Toph quickly went into a defensive stance, immediately recognizing her daughter, "SPRITS LIN! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed, scaring the baby, Lin looked down at the infant with sympathy, her mother could be scary when she wanted to.
Toph 'saw' that the crying was coming from her daughter's hands, "Since when did 'getting coffee' mean look for abandoned babies?" Toph asked as she looked at the wailing infant.
The mother and daughter stood in the living room of Air Temple Island as Katara looked over the baby, "In a raft?" Toph asked Lin, she nodded, "The thing looked ready to fall apart too, who knows how long it was on the water." she said, "I'll send for someone to retrieve it." Toph nodded in agreement.
As the pair went over the events Katara re-entered the room. "How is it?" Lin asked, the elder woman smiled, "He, is actually vary healthy. Just small really." she said as she set the baby in a Earth crib. "I did find this in his blanket." she said as she handed the paper to Lin, which contained a single word, "Hello, blind here! What does it say?" Toph asked, "Hiccup." Lin read from the paper, "Like the sound?"
"I think."
"Why?" Toph asked, Lin shrugged, "Maybe it's a name." Katara said rocking the crib, "Alright so we got a name for the little guy, now what? We can't just leave him at a doorstep." Lin said as she looked at the sleeping figure. Toph looked at her oldest friend, "Katara..." she began, "No way in hell am I raising him, besides I'm moving to the South Pole next month! He may freeze to death." Lin looked her mother, "Don't look at me! Blind, old, and already a mother!"
The two looked at Lin, "No." she said, "Lin Bei-Fong,"Katara started, "You saved this boy from what would had been a death sentence, to do that you had to have some, instinct on how to protect him, that is what this boy needs, someone to look out for him and protect him." Katara said.
Lin took this in, when she saw that he was in danger she jumped right in with no regard for her own safety. Letting out a sigh she shook her head, "Alright." she said quietly. Toph cheered, "I'MA GRANDMOTHER!" Hiccup woke up to the noise and let out a laugh as the lady fist pumped.
AN: And so it begins. Don't forget to review!