A/N: Hello there! My name is MatsuGlare. This is my first fanfic about Shingeki. I got this idea from my dream and I thought this was a very good concept. Plus, I'm head over heels with Levi. ^_^ Anyways, this fanfic has an actual story, (and it already has an ending, just not yet written LOL). I rated this T but I have one or two chapters that are smut *evil laugh.* I'm just gonna rate those chapters as M. However, most of the chapters are suitable for the general audience.

Disclaimer: I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin, but the HOT and GENIUS, 26 year-old, Hajime Isayama does. However, I do own Ami, Etheria, and the underground forest. Please do enjoy :3

Without further ado, here it is.

++Ami, Princess of Etheria++


Brilliant green lights illumined the deserted pathways that the shadowy figure trod. Walking slowly, perceiving the atmosphere, his facial features revealed a faint awe; the reason behind it was the ravishing vicinity his feet brought him into. Gigantic pink trees that resembled carnations had their petals dancing almost everywhere. A petal gently landed on his palm. He held it…touched its warm surface, feeling intrigued. His harsh steps reverberated faintly as he continued walking further into the picturesque underground forest. The grass on his feet crunched loudly when he stepped on them, giving him the feel that he was the only living creature in that place. Until he heard a sound coming from the bushes, a four-legged animal emerged from it and rendered him a gaze of confusion. He hastily took out his blade ready to fight but the creature with orange fur and a fluffy tail just continued to look at him, poker-faced. It snorted its long but slender nose and walked away from him. All of a sudden, kits emerged out of the bushes, yawning and yipping, all at the same time. They hurriedly followed the vixen while crying for her. Harmless, he concluded and turned around.

He continued to walk the place, marveling at the trees which stood side by side each other, as if never wanting to let go. Shifting his gaze to the cliff, the short guy halted on his steps when he saw a blurry figure near it. The figure revealed to have slender legs and arms and a curvy body. As though his senses told him to move forward, he moved even closer to the figure who was staring into space, looking at something at a far distance. When he focused his eyes to the same direction she was looking, his heart beat fast. He saw a scenic crystal-clear lake beneath the stumpy cliff. It was vast, somehow similar to the vastness of the skies. Dazzled, he was left dazzled, just like she was. He couldn't believe that such thing could still exist in this cruel and pitiful world…..

The person beside him broke off from her trance when she noticed his presence. Her face revealed a smile as the man near him broke off from his trance as well.

"What are you doing here?" She stirred up a conversation as if they were good friends.

He, however, exuded unfriendliness and countered with a long expressionless stare. The brunette with chunky wavelike hair still continued to beam and repeated her question once again.

"So, what are you doing here?" She said cheerfully, her eyes turning into crescents.

There was silence when suddenly his eyes finally met with hers, revealing a glare. "Are you sure someone like you can actually talk to me?" He spoke in a deep but resenting manner.

Her eyes went puffy a little, she was a bit confused, "I don't get what you mean-"

"Princess of the Inner Walls." He stated sharply, not breaking eye contact with her.

Her eyes widened as she was taken aback by what he said. He glared at her even more. She closed her eyes, heaving a sigh, and eventually opened them and rendered a smile again. "I'm that popular then…" She giggled. His brows twitched a little; he was pissed with her reaction.

"So why don't you tell me?" she walked nearer to him "Why are you here?" She neared her face inches away from his. She looked at him intently, "Levi?"

He was stunned, feeling his chest contract a little. Much to his surprise, the lady in front of him happened to know his name as well. The intimidating man maintained his composure but spoke sharply, "So the first princess knows my name as well?" he smirked, "Interesting…"

"Apparently, you're popular too." She giggled again, longer than the former one and slightly provoking.

"What's so funny?" He snapped back, feeling irritated.

"Eh? Why are you so serious?" She asked teasingly, "You will die soon if you continue being like that!"

"Tch." He felt frustrated and glared back at her, "I don't need a long life." He shrugged with deadpan eyes.

She blinked her eyes for a couple of times as she placed both of her hands behind her back in a relax position. Her crescent eyes, focused on his, "Is that so? Then-" She walked away from him, gazed at the lake for a moment and rendered his gaze again to him, she spoke softly, "I don't need one too." She appeared consoling, and giggled again.

His eyes widened a little, feeling his chest throb with pain. It felt like her words pierced right through his heart. It was discomforting for him. He glared at her again feeling agitated. All of a sudden, he motioned impulsively towards her and grasped her hand, tightly. She was surprised, their faces nearing each other gave his intimidating dark blue eyes power over her soft indigo ones. His face looked expressionless but she can sense dread coming from his grasp.

"Since you don't need one, why don't I kill you….right here-" He slowly drew out his blade, "….right now." His eyes exuded horror. The intimidating guy smirked, for he found it amusing to see her eyes, turn wide in fear or so, he thought. "What's this? Can't even utter a word?" He said mockingly. The brunette didn't move, but continue to gaze at his eyes for so long. "Answer!" He was getting impatient. "Or else I'll-,"

"Somebody please help me…." She whispered, slowly closing her eyes.

He was stunned, not sure if he heard it right. He grew frustrated, "Hey bitch, if you don't speak up, I will really-"

"Somebody please help me." She spoke softly, once again, opening her eyes.

He was lost for words, sweating a little.

Both of them were deafened by the long silence when suddenly he revealed a smug, "Nobody can save you, this will be a secret between you and-"

"I didn't want to be like this…..from the very beginning….." She spoke again, gazing at him more intently, deeply as if she was staring right through his soul. Levi couldn't move an inch. What she said completely paralyzed him….enchanted him…. His fingers started to tremble, his expressionless face slowly faltered.

"You bitch, those eyes-," He growled.

"Why does everybody hate me?" Her pupils dilated.


"SHUT UP!" He shouted, grasping her tighter and pointed his blade towards her eyes. She didn't move an inch, even though death was just inches away from her. Still, her indigo eyes continue to gaze right through his soul. His fingers were still trembling, his brows twitching and his eyes almost teary. He was ready to stab her eyes, "I will kill-"

"Levi." She cut him off again, closing her eyes. Unconsciously, he halted his act. She, uttering his name, sent a warm sensation towards his ears and perhaps, towards his soul. She spoke once again, still not breaking eye contact, "Not everyone hates you…" She looked sincere, her expression showed a hint of sympathy. His jaw opened a little and now his mouth was trembling as well. Levi looked down, perplexed. He became dysfunctional for a moment. The girl in front of him touched his hands, and gradually held them. Her warmth felt good on his insensate skin, and perhaps on his insensate self. She gently shoved the hand that was holding the blade away from her eyes. He remained looking on the ground, still bewildered. She reached for his chin and urged him to look at her. For the first time, his dark blue eyes felt fearful towards her kind indigo ones. She stared at him for so long when finally her eyes turned to crescents and a smile crossed her face. "I can save you…" Her eyes became bigger as if she was hugging his soul tightly, comforting its demise. "Come with me…" She uttered as calmness was blatant on her face.

Levi didn't know what to say or how to react to the situation. It was the first time in his life, that someone said the words he has been longing to hear his entire life. Confusion, resentment, and maybe hope ran freely in his head when he finally found some words to utter, "Do you know what kind of person I am?" He asked her, his eyes looked pitiful.

"Yes I do." She said, "You are a 'kind' person." His eyes widened upon her reply.

"How can you say that, you-"

"My eyes can see what the world cannot." She looked at the crystal clear lake again while he focused on her wonderful comforting presence.

"Do you know? We, Etherians, have a God." He noticed she was pale-skinned as she turned her attention to him. "The elders of the Village would always tell me….your sins will not vanish, no matter what you do…." She said in a calm voice, "However…it's not enough reason for you to continue doing them…." She stopped on her words as though she was trying hard to remember the exact words, the brunette continued. "If you really are sorry for them….there's only one thing to do…" she halted yet again, but this time, she gave him another smile.

"Be brave enough to make this world a better place….."

Her words submerged deep into Levi's broken soul. An unexplainable feeling of comforting pain dominated his insides. Slowly the fear on his eyes diminished as his facial expressions suggest a mild satisfaction.

He uttered something as he regained composure. "Tch." She smiled at him still, feeling amused with his reaction.

The brunette walked a few steps away and turned her back towards him. She breathed in and felt the fresh air of the forest and beamed at him once again. She turned around to look at him, jerking her feet at the same time, "Well since you didn't bother asking my name, why don't I introduce myself. I am-"

"Ami." He spoke in a deep voice.

"Eh?" She was surprised.

"Ami….." He uttered again, "Leena."

She flushed a little, feeling her cheeks heavy. "Eh? You know my name?" Her joy was blatant. She looked ridiculous.

"I just said it didn't I." He went back to his normal self, sadistically expressionless.

"Then perhaps, I'm really that popular." Ami giggled once again.

Her silvery evening gowned danced with the night breeze as she took one final look at the beautiful scenery.

"Levi….I'll be waiting..." Her soft indigo eyes glinted together with the fireflies that were slowly gathering around them. He looked a bit disappointed as she walked away from him. The sadist, ironic as it is hesitantly tried to reach for her back….farther….and farther….into the darkness….slowly….until….

Her face betrayed another smile…she beamed to herself upon hearing the rumbling footsteps behind her…..

A/N: Well what do you think about it? :3 Please shoot me some comments :) I thought that gigantic pink trees were a little odd to be in the forest, but i like the idea all the same. haha. According to Greed from FMA Brotherhood, "There's no way, there's no way." The world has countless possibilities. Updates will be weekly or bi-weekly depending on my schedule. But, most probably bi-weekly. :3 See you guys again. :3