Movies And New Jobs

"Sara, wake up," Spencer said, cautiously poking me in the forehead.

"I'm awake," I answered, my eyes firmly shut. "What?"

"It's only seven at night and you're already passed out on the sofa, you need to get out of the house," He said, I assumed he was frowning.

"And?" I asked tiredly, opening my eyes a hair to glance up at him.

"Your sleep pattern is both irregular and disturbing," He said matter-of-factly. I noticed that his coat and shoes were still on even though he had been home a few minutes.

"I've been sitting around the house for a week with nothing to do. Give me problems, give me work! And besides, you're the one who always talks about how awesome naps areā€¦ and what do you mean by disturbing?" I demanded, sitting up and adjusting my glasses.

"I'm working on finding you something to do, but in the meantime you need to keep busy. Yes, naps are 'awesome,' some cultures even encourage them. And as for disturbing, you were asleep under the kitchen table yesterday!"

I smirked, "Scared you pretty good when you came in for breakfast though, huh?"

Spencer sighed at me, "Do you want to go to a movie? Morgan, Garcia and Seaver are waiting in his car downstairs."


"He thought my sleep patterns were disturbing and irregular, so he brings me to a horror movie," I thought, trailing beside Morgan as the five of us strolled away from the theater.

"It's not necessary! There's too much gore and blugh!" Garcia complained, pointing back towards the theater.

"Garcia it's a slasher film, how do you do a slasher film without violence?" Spencer asked, looking confused. Ashley walked beside him, a grin on her face.

"You imply it!" she exclaimed, pointing a finger at my brother.

"Baby, the film is called Slice 6, what were you expecting?" Morgan asked.

Here she faltered. "Uh- A refreshing beverage with a twist of comedy. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks!"

"With everything that we do and see on a weekly basis, that got to you?" Ashley asked.

"Listen, noob, you may be all Sigourney Weaver-ass kicking-tough, but the mystical maidens of innocence like myself and Pixie jump at things that go bump in the night!" Garcia insisted, shaking me by the shoulder.

"Me? That didn't bother me at all! In fact the special effects were barely up to par. Animated blood, come on now," I said sarcastically. "As for you, you have Morgan to protect you!"

"Yeah, as long as he's not jumping out of his chair like a pre-pubescent school girl!" Spencer laughed.

Morgan turned to glare at him, "The only reason I jumped is 'cause you guys woke me up."

"How could you sleep during that?" Garcia demanded.

"Easy! You guys drag me out after a twelve hour work day. You're telling me that girl didn't know the unsub was waiting for her upstairs?"

"Villain," Spencer corrected him. "In movies unsubs are called villains."

"My bad."


"What we didn't see coming was that the Slicer's brother was in the closet!" Spencer was energetically explaining to Rossi the following morning.

Having told me that I was going to work with him today, Spencer had spent most of the morning insisting that I dress nicely, wear comfortable shoes, and have something for breakfast even though he never did. So far nothing that had happened since our arrival at the FBI had given me any hint as to why I had made these special preparations, but I suspected it wasn't just so Spencer could tell Rossi about new horror movies.

"Frightening," Rossi said, feigning interest as we made our was towards the bull pen.

"His betrayal had consumed him until he was obsessed with making him his own private hell."

"Speaking of horror," Rossi said. We could see Strauss in Hotch's office, deep in discussion.

"What's Strauss doing here?" I wondered aloud.

"Whatever it is I cast my vote on 'not good,'" Said Garcia.

The group dispersed and I followed Spencer to his desk. He sat down in his chair and began pulling files out of his desk, acting oblivious to my presence. I watched him for a minute or two before asking anything.

"Spence," I said.

"Uh-huh?" He asked, adding his signature to the end of a case report.

"What am I doing here?"

"Working," He answered promptly.

"Working?" I asked, looking around the bullpen.

"Working," Anderson repeated, appearing beside me. "Well, we have to get your paperwork squared away first."

"Wait, what do you mean? My internship doesn't start 'till Fall!" I exclaimed.

"I called in a favor; Anderson found a spot for you. You're going to be working with him from now on," Spencer explained.

"How does coffee runs and making millions copies sound?" Anderson asked.

I considered this for only a moment, "Sounds good boss."