The standard disclaimer usually sits right here, so don't worry.

AUTHOR NOTE(S): ~ Please read it so hopefully there won't be any confusion ~

[ 1st ] I would like to thank everyone who ever read the original posting of this story and has either Followed, added it as a Favorite, and, or has left a Review. It may not seem much to you, the readers; however, to me it means a great deal. So, once again, thank you.

[ 2nd ] ~ If you caught on to what I said above, then you are correct about this being a newly rewritten, slighly better edited, posting of this story. The reason behind it is simply: I was appalled with it when I read as a viewer. Now, even though I did change a good bit, the story is still similar in the points I made after the story (which are also still the original ones I made in the first version).

[ 3rd ] ~ REPEAT: This is not a continuation chapter for "Reason".

So without any further ado from me, I hope you enjoy reading this new version of "Reason" as much as I did writing it.

~ Thank you



A day in Konohagakure no Sato was like any other day. If changes happened to the village but wasn't deemed significant, then it wasn't too noteworthy. If the daily lives of its citizens seemed a bit different but didn't set off any alarms, then there wasn't a need to take too much of an interest. It was how life was; even for those returning home after a lengthy mission. That is until the members of Team 7 spotted a flash of pink in the Market District.

A shade that could only belong to one person.

There was no need to change their route to reach their intended destination, but there was a reason. A reason the lone female on the team with her plain brown hair and equally plain brown eyes wasn't ignorant to. Kazuko Eriko knew why their team's leader turned to take what was actually the longer path to the Hokage Tower, and it was because of her – Haruno Sakura-san; the original female member of Team 7, and the place Eriko knew she would never be able to make as her own despite having been on the team longer then the other girl.

Having reached what could only be described as the edge of the "safely inconspicuous" zone the rest of the team keeps to, (regardless if it forces them to stop and stand in the middle of the busy, crowded street) it was safe to assume that Sakura-san wasn't alone. The familiar red and white uchiwa standing proudly on the black shirts Uchiha Itachi-san and Uchiha Shisui-san were wearing, respectively.

As a shinobi, Eriko believes that knowing one's body language, be it enemy or not, helps determine how some things should proceed. Upon seeing Itachi-san, Sakura-san and Shisui-san interact with one another, what Eriko knew, simply didn't add up. Itachi-san was standing away from Sakura-san at a respectable distance, but was still closer then what could be considered as "just friends". However, despite Shisui-san invading Sakura-san's personal space, Itachi-san didn't appear upset, or bothered, by his older cousin's familiarity towards the girl.

Sasuke and Naruto are like that, and they're just friends. Maybe they are too?

"Please, Sakura-chan!"

"Surely, Shisui, you can ask any girl out. You did with me."

Shisui-san sputtered. Likely in outrage from seeing the amusement shown clearly on Sakura-san's features; knowing that whenever he did ask any girl out, it would be a simple lunch filled with laughter before agreeing to go their own way as nothing but good acquaintances.

"That's completely different, and she isn't just some girl!"

"You're right," Sakura-san lightly laughed. "You wanted to keep me."

"That's not funny, Sakura-chan." Shisui-san pouted, until a thoughtful expression crossed his boyishly handsome face. "Though I think okaa-san still wants me to. She's always been fond of you."

Standing there, Sakura-san seemed to have unearthly glow about her as she radiates happiness.

"I wouldn't put it pass Asa-oba-san." With a smile, the girl shook her head with a sigh. "Really, Shisui, just go talk to her. It can't possibly be that hard."

At the sight of his older cousin's short impersonation of a fish out of water before his cheeks redden with a blush, Itachi-san spoke up.

"Actually, Sakura, Shisui does have difficulty stepping a foot within her direction before deciding to back down."

"That- that's not true!" Shisui-san cried out, paling at seeing the smirk curling the corner of Itachi-san's lips.

"Then am I to assume that the other day when you suddenly stopping in front of a team of Genin, who were practicing Ninjutsu, served no purpose?"

"Why you-!"

"Alright, that's enough." Sakura-san said with a exaggerated sigh when Shisui-san made to take a step towards Itachi-san.

Eriko couldn't help but watch with a frown how Shisui-san, the Shunshin no Shisui; an elite Konoha shinobi known for his speed and intelligence, didn't catch, let alone notice, the devious look that flickered in Sakura-san's green eyes.

"If you're that desperate Shisui," The girl patted the glowering man's shoulder in a friendly, reassuring manner. "Then why don't I talk to her?"

The brooding Uchiha perked up, taking hold of the hand not on his shoulder. "You would do that for me, Sakura-chan? Really?"

"Of course!" She chirped with a big smile.

A smile practiced to hid lies if the way Team 7's leader lifted his book a little higher than usual was anything to go by.

With no warning, Sakura-san suddenly had a tight grip on one of Shisui-san's wrists; ignoring his startled yelp when she yanked him along with her as she lightly jogged to a vendor's cart a little ways down the road with an arm waving in the air.


While it was slightly amusing to watch Sakura-san effortlessly drag an adult male of Shisui-san's build (blatantly tuning out his pleas for her to stop) with Itachi-san quietly and calmly following behind, Eriko didn't see why the older Uchiha was putting up such a fuss until a young woman with long, wavy hair like fire, easily maneuvered around a group of civilian children playing, to give Sakura-san a one-arm hug.

"Hello, Sakura-chan. It's so good to see you again."

"I know. I'm honestly happy I spotted you when I did."

The red headed woman blinked a couple of times, confused. "Oh?"

"Yep! You see," Sakura-san unapologetically jerked on the wrist she had a hold on; causing Shisui-san, who was struggling to get free, to stumble a bit. "Shisui here wanted to ask you something and you know with missions and clan business, he just can't seem to find a chance."

When the woman, Akahana-san, went to face Shisui-san, catching him in the act of actually using a flat piece of metal to wedge under the fingers tightly gripping at his wrist, he froze in his attempts and slowly turned towards her, nervously laughing.

"Ha, ha, ha. That's me. Busy, busy, busy and all that."

Akahana-san simply nodded her head, taking the answer for whatever it is. "So, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

As if those were the magic words, Sakura-san's steel-like grip loosened enough for Shisui-san to snatch his hand away, shooting a glare at the smiling pink hair girl as he rubbed at the angry marks which no doubt would bruise later. Itachi-san, having stayed behind Sakura-san through the exchange, gently tugged on the tail end of her vest, pulling her back to give his cousin and Akahana-san some space.

Clearing his throat as he switched from nervously rubbing the back of his head, to stuffing his hands into his pants pockets, only to remove to tug at the front his shirt, Shisui-san's shoulders slumped forwards in what could only be defeat when nothing seemed to save him from the embarrassment he was about to face.

"So, uh, the thing I wanted to, um, you know . . . ask you, is if you maybe possibly would, uh, g-go on a, d-date with m-me?" At the wide eyed look of surprise from Akahana-san, Shisui-san started to panic; waving his hands in front of him as he tried clearing up any misunderstandings. "I-I mean it doesn't have to be like an actual date sort of date. I mean, well, it-it could be, and it-it would be nice since I like you and all . . . Or-or we could do that, um, double-date thing like that one time, and, uh-"

In realizing the faux pas in his bumbling attempt to ask for a date, Shisui-san groaned as he dropped his head into his hands. Obviously, it wasn't going the way Shisui-san wanted it to, and was one step away from where he could fully sympathize with the shy Hyuuga heiress when she was faced head-on with her longtime crush. Midway in the stuttering, fidgeting, and blushing as Shisui-san began to brood again (grumbling about his title as Konoha's Smoothest Talker With The Ladies was completely obliterated by scary chakra infused hands that oddly looked similar to Sakura-san's), it wasn't until Akahana-san lifted his head from his hands to press her lips to the corner of his mouth in a chaste kiss that Shisui-san found she had shortened the space between them.

"Uh, what was that for?"

Whatever innocent act Akahana-san had been playing disappeared the second she grinned. "A little preview for tonight."

Shisui-san's eyes widened. "You-"

"Mmmhm, so, I'll see you at seven." With a wave, and a promise to Sakura-san to meet up for some "girl-time", Akahana-san left.

Half paying attention when Shisui-san rushed off to chase after his date upon remembering something, Eriko watched a satisfied smile spread across Sakura-san's face as she turned towards Itachi-san.

With a forlorn sigh, focusing on picking a non-existing piece of dust off his shirt, Sakura-san raised her head to look at him.

"Well, I better get going. The hospital is short staffed, and thanks to Tsunade-shishou's bet with Ibiki-san, it's going to be a busy day with all the physicals that need to done."

Had Eriko not been carefully observing them, she would have thought to have seen the Uchiha Itachi-san pouting, but with what she has come to find out in the brief moment of watching them, nothing is as it seems. This included when Itachi-san pulled Sakura-san closer, dipped her backwards and began to show some very public displaying of affections; never minding the wolf whistles or Shisui-san's loud return as he pointed and yelled, "Show off!". Once upright, the dazed, happy look of being thoroughly kissed colored Sakura-san's cheeks.

". . . and what was that for?" It would take a lot for the grin to disappear from Sakura-san's lips.

A smirk. "No real reason." I love you.

A giggle. "Walk with me?" I love you too.

Another kiss. Shorter and on a spot that had Sakura-san squeal as if being tickled. "Hn."

With shoulders brushing, hands intertwined in a relaxed but firm hold, Sakura-san and Itachi-san started their own trek to leave. Shisui-san, stuffing a piece of paper he had returned with in a pocket, lengthened his strides to catch up; stepping up to the other side of Sakura-san's before throwing an arm around her shoulders. The three of them sharing a laugh at some unheard joke.

From where Eriko stood a little further ahead of her team, she would easily see each man if she glanced over shoulder, but she didn't though. Eriko knew that if she did take a peek, she would also see the down casted, guilty, regretful looks shadowing the men of Team 7's faces, and the reason was getting further and further away with each step she took.




Crossing off the last and final name from a list of all Konoha shinobi who were on the active duty mission rosters in ANBU, Sakura let out a tired sigh of relief. "Thank you so much for helping me, Aka-san."

Waving her hand in a dismissive manner, Akahana grinned. "I should be thanking you, Sakura-san! Your plan worked out great!"

"I think I was more worried about Shisui possibly fainting on you then the actually plan. I don't think I've seen the man blush so much before!"

"Is that even possible? To faint, I mean."

With unladylike snort, Sakura checked off a couple of things in one patient's file, and signed the release form for another. "Oh, it's possible alright. Do you know Hyuuga Hinata?"

"Isn't she the one we see on occasion following Naruto around? The really shy and quiet girl?"

"The very one." Handing over a stack of patient files to a passing nurse to be filed away, Sakura shrugged on the haori she's recently started wearing. "Hinata has had the biggest crush on Naruto since our Academy days. She gets so easily flustered when around him that she really does faint. It doesn't help that the idiot is largely obtuse about how she feels."

Akahana cooed. "Aww, and I bet they would make such a cute couple too!"

In a fit a feminine laughter, causing the old lady behind the reception desk to glare up at them, Akahana and Sakura shared a knowing look before breaking down in another, although quieter, fit.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Sakura sighed. "Well, I've got to break the news to Tsunade-shishou that she lost the bet to Ibiki-san. Hope you have fun on your date."

"Don't you worry about that." Akahana said with grin so full of unspoken, X-rated innuendos that Sakura almost, almost, felt pity for Shisui. "I, most definitely, will make sure of it."

For an added effect, Akahana jokingly teased her hair in a way that had Sakura laughing till her cheeks and side started to ache. After the old receptionist shooed them out of the hospital, barely managing to say their goodbyes in-between bouts of giggling, they parted ways with a wave, and promises of drinks later in the week.


1st - Unfamiliar Characters!

Kazuko Eriko, Asa-oba-san and Akahana are my OCs. Kazuko Eriko is who "replaces" Sakura in Team 7. Asa-oba-san is Sakura's term of endearment toward Shisui's mother Asa. Akahana is naturally the girl Shisui is attracted to.

2nd - Meaning Behind the Characters' Name!

* Kazuko Eriko - Kazuko (first child; obedient child) ['last' name], Eriko (child blessed with logic) ['first' name]

[ I ] ~ I chose Eriko because of how I started and ended the main story. I didn't want Sakura's "replacement" to be some dizzy, bimbo that doesn't know anything. So, instead, I made her as a relatively smart shinobi who could figure things out without having Kakashi, Sasuke and/or Naruto's help. The reason behind Kazuko goes into a different story that I'm writing.

** Asa-oba-san - Asa (morning) oba (aunt) san (despite familiarity, is respected)

[ II.a ] ~ Oba means aunt. Not grandmother. Not grandma and not hag. (As an avid Inuyasha fanfic reader, I find this to be a very reoccurring aggravating mistake and can not stand it when seeing in other fanfictions.)

[ II.b ] ~ Obā-san/Obaa-san means grandmother and Obā-chan/Obaa-chan means grandma. It's the dash above the 'a' that trips people which is why some add the second 'a' when addressing someone as grandmother. Those that ignore it- don't. It's two different meanings. The difference between grandmother and grandma is that grandmother shows less familiarity unlike grandma.

[ II.c ] ~ Onibaba is the rude term for hag. (I simply added this as extra information.)

*** Akahana - Aka (red) Hana (flower)

[ III ] ~ Translated as red flower or red rose according a translation website (which aren't always reliably sometimes, unfortunately). It is for this reason why I gave her red hair. Unimaginative, yes; however, I wanted a stark contrast against the Uchihas' dark looks.

3rd - Reasonings Behind the Writing!

Instead of working on a full blown multi-chapter story (and likely won't ever do it), I decided on a one-shot. It still has a Team 7 "abandoning" Sakura background plot, but condensed to fit the title Reason. It also stills has the non-mass love between Itachi and Sakura because it's easier to write and they're my top favorite Naruto universe pairing. Now, what's different is that it's meant to be told from the view of the girl (Kazuko Eriko) who has "replaced" Sakura. Many of the ones I read are usually in Sakura's and/or other actual Naruto characters' point of view, so, I wanted it to be different. Yes, Eriko's parts are small, but developing her as a solid character with emotions and feelings would throw off the whole point of the story. [This point may be invalid based on, and depending how you, as the readers, interpret the newer version.]

Many may wonder, "Then why did Akahana have larger part? She isn't that important either." Or "If it's a Itachi-Sakura story then why is Shisui and Akahana seem to be the main focus?" Simple. It's based on Sakura's interactions with others who are not members of Team 7, and letting it show the harsh truth Team 7 faces.

Please review to let me know what you think!
