Here it is the last chapter, the thrilling conclusion, the dynamic finisher. Here is where our story ends. I want to thank everyone who reviewed and waited for this chapter, sorry for such a long wait. I hope you enjoy.

Maybe Chapter Seven

Bebe and Wendy wasted no time getting to the old elementary school, running as fast as their legs could take them. It was very cold that particular night, the wind seemed to hold a bone crushing chill that danced through the air. Nichole must have left early since only Cartman and Stan stood at the school in front of the doors. They were less fighting and more arguing, once Wendy and Bebe had gotten closer to the they could see slight bruises on Cartman's arms and shoulders and Stan's eye.

"What the hell is going on Stan?" Wendy asked, approaching the pair, her feet slushing in the snow.

"Wendy, thank god, tell me what did he do to you babe?" Stan said, lowering his voice from a loud yell to a softer tone.

"Babe? I am not your babe." Bebe stood in silence watching them.

"Wendy come on, I love you." Stan pleaded.

"You love me? That is bullshit, Stan! You cheated on me with some blonde whore, you cheap out on all our dates, you never fucking listen when I talk to you, and every time you fuck shit up like this you give me half wit, meaningless apologies." Wendy's face had reddened with anger lightly.

"I... I... But Wendy, Cartman really? Why him? What does he have that I don't?" Stan stuttered. Wendy looked to Cartman, then Bebe, and finally back to Stan.

"Cartman isn't a complete douchebag." Wendy replied.

"HAH! When is Cartman not a dick?" Stan said.

"Fuck off, hippie." Cartman sneered. Wendy looked to Bebe for help, Bebe only shrugged.

"Don't call me a hippie, fat fuck. I can't believe you stole Wendy from me!"

"Stole?! You fucking gave her up Stan!" Cartman shouted.

"I never fucking gave her up, ass!" Stan shouted, throwing a punch towards the other boy's cheek. Cartman recoiled once he was hit, moments later Stan threw another punch. Only this time Cartman blocked, throwing a punch of his own towards Stan.

"Stan! Stop!" Wendy yelled, pushing Stan into the snow.

"Why are you taking his side Wendy?"

"No, shut the fuck up Stan! I'm tired of this shit."

"Is that why you went to Cartman, for help." Stan said, making air quotes on the word 'help.' Wendy's fists tightened.

"Shut up Stan, you have no idea how much I've had to go through because of you. YOU! I can't fucking take you anymore Stan. Cartman may not be the most morally correct person, but he's been nothing but kind to me. He helped me when YOU killed me inside, Cartman brought me back on my feet when YOU knocked me down. He made me laugh when YOU made me cry. Cartman healed me when YOU hurt me. But most importantly, Cartman loved me when YOU... YOU became indifferent to me. And... I don't love you Stan, I love..." Wendy hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and continued. "...Cartman." It went dead silent, both Stan and Cartman were in a state of shock. Each, for different reasons.

"No, no-no-no-no-no-no." Stan muttered, reach for a nearby shard of broken glass. Slowly he stood up, the glass shard tightly in Stan's hand causing light cuts across his palm.

"Stan? Stan?!" Wendy looked confused as Stan completely ignored her calls. Stan leaped for Cartman, tackling him to the ground. With one quick motion, Stan raised the hand with the glass shard and plunged the glass shard into Cartman's shoulder. Cartman screamed in agony, as his blood poured down from his shoulder in to the snow. Stan continued driving the shard into Cartman's shoulder.

"Oh My God, Bebe call 911!" Wendy screamed, running towards the pair. With a few attempts, Wendy was able to pull Stan off.

"Cartman! Cartman are you okay?" Wendy screamed, using her hands to cover up the enormous gash where Stan had stabbed Cartman. Behind them Stan laid in the snow, mumbling to himself.

"It'll be okay Cartman, can you hear me?" Wendy applied more pressure to Cartman's wound. "It'll... It'll be okay." Wendy mumbled to Cartman as he lost consciousness.

12:50 PM

Wendy shifted uncomfortably in the hospital's waiting room. She looked down at the gossip magazine in her hands, attempting to distract herself for the next ten minutes until visiting hours. Cartman had been rushed to the hospital yesterday, shortly after he passed out. Unfortunately Wendy was unable to stay the night with him. So her she sat in the middle of the afternoon. Wendy looked up at the clock in the room.


Wendy bit her lip, thoughts rushing through her mind at a hundred miles an hour. What if he never wakes up? What if he lost too much blood and didn't make it? What if the doctors couldn't help him? What would happen then? Maybe something even more extreme happens, like he loses all of his memories? Wendy only stopped when she felt the light trickle of blood come from her lips. She pressed her against the bleeding spot on her lip and looked back up at the clock.


Only eight minutes left, Wendy repeated to herself setting down the magazine and picking up another. The cover showed a nearly naked modle and large, bold, colorful text around her saying things like, '50 Things You NEED This Summer!' or 'The Secret To A Perfect Beach Body!' Wendy flipped through the pages, barely skimming them, but one page caught her eye. 'Eight Ways To Tell if He's Crushing Back.' Unlike Bebe, Wendy didn't worship the advice the teen magazines gave, but Wendy found herself reading the article.

1. You catch him looking at you when you're reading, watching TV, exc, exc.

Wendy sighed and looked back up at the clock.


Wendy tried to look back on her and Cartman's encounters. There were a few times he was staring, but she had just brushed it off as Cartman just staring off into space or she had something in her teeth. She continued to read.

2. You catch a momentary glimmer of hurt when you talk about other guys.

Again Wendy tried to think back, she distinctly remembered back a year or two she was talking to Stan in his group of friends, (Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle.) Cartman may have been a bit hurt. But again, Wendy brushed it off. She read some more.

3. He knows important dates like your birthday.

Wendy laughed to herself at that one, remembering last year. Stan had forgot and he and Kyle struggled to find a gift and wrap it a the very last minute. And, if Wendy remembered correctly, Cartman had wished her a happy birthday in the morning before first period. Of course he said something like, 'Happy birthday, hoe. Sixteen straight years of bitching.' Wendy looked up at the clock.


Only six minutes Wendy said to herself flipping the page.

4. He pays attention when you start rambling about on about the finer details of your friends life, and remembers details like names and relative facts.

Wendy nodded slightly, remembering when she and Cartman where at the old dinner only a few days ago. Wendy read ahead.

5. He thinks you're absolutely gorgeous when you wake up even with foul breath and unbrushed hair.

While Cartman had never seen Wendy in the morning there was one day when she woke late and had to rush to school without getting properly dressed. Of course Bebe helped her after first period, but she remembered Cartman making some sort of comment on her wild hair. Wendy looked up at the clock.


Half-way there, Wendy kept on reading.

6. He cancels his plans to cheer you up.

Wendy remember Cartman doing this right after Stan had cheated with her nearly a week ago. Wendy smiled at the memory.

7. He's mentioned you to his parents.

Wendy rarely has seen Miss Cartman, but she seemed to know Wendy. But then again, they all did live in a small town. Wendy shrugged and looked to the clock.


Wendy flipped the page in the magazine and read the last bit of the article.

8. He takes you out during the day.

Wendy smiled, Cartman has done this multiple times this week. From skipping detention to random after school outings. Wendy looked at the clock again.


Had four minutes just gone by?! It felt like mere seconds to Wendy, quickly she got up and walked to the reception table.

"I'm, uh, looking for Eric Cartman." Wendy said to the rather large lady at the reception desk.

"Sign your name on the sheet." She said, with a nasally voice that reminded Wendy of Craig. Grabbing the pen near the clipboard, Wendy signed her name, the date, and time all at the top of the sign in sheet. The lady typed a few letters on the computer before responding to Wendy.

"Room R34, on the third floor." She continued typing on her computer, never looking up to face Wendy.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Wendy said. the lady only responded by pointing to the elevators to the left. Wendy walked over and pushed the 'up' arrow. In seconds the doors opened with no passengers inside, Wendy stepped inside and pressed the '3' for the third floor. The elevator's doors slid shut and it began to move upwards. Soon, the doors opened revealing an empty floor three. Wendy stepped out and walked towards the first room. 'R31.' The sign said in bold black letters. Wendy continued past 'R32' and 'R33' until she got to 'R34.' Wendy opened the door and walked inside. The room was bland with white walls and white tile flooring, there was a bed in the center with Cartman tucked snuggly inside. The only other person in the room was the doctor, who walked up to Wendy.

"You must be one of Mister Cartman's friends," He said, looking down at his clipboard. Wendy only nodded. "Well, good news is he's stable, but he'll have to remain in the hospital for up to a week. I'll leave you two alone." He left the room closing the door behind him. Wendy sat down in the chair next to him, Cartman rolled over to face her.

"So you just couldn't stay away, could you Wendy?" He asked raising his eyebrows. Wendy rolled her eyes.

"You're so full of yourself." Wendy smiled.

"I always knew you had a thing for me, hoe. I know, it's hard resisting someone so sexy."

"Shut up fatass." Wendy said, leaning in and pecking him on the lips.

"So does this mean we're a thing now?" He asked.

"I guess."

"Sweet." Cartman said, right before they kissed again. Wendy love the feeling, never in a million years would she have believed that, but it was true. The way Cartman held her made her safe, the way he made fun of her made her feel cared for, and the way they kissed made her feel loved.

"Hey how's my favorite fata-" The two parted at the sound of Kenny's voice. "Aww, did I interrupt your fairytale ending?"

"God damn it Kennah, get the fuck out!" Cartman shouted.

"Well than, I'll just come back later when you're not on your man period. See ya later Wens." Kenny smiled and the room, barely dodging the box of tissues Cartman sent flying towards him. Wendy giggled.

"Now where were we?" Cartman asked before they went back to kissing. Their lips in near perfect harmony, and Wendy loved every minute of it. And right now she never wanted this to end. And maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't.

Wow, the story's done. Since this my first real finished chapter story I kinda wanted to write a little behind the scenes. I was going to have the story all be about Wendy and cartman faking a relationship to get back at Stan, but it didn't work out in the end. Also, if you look back and reread there are two foreshadowings to Cartman getting stabbed with the glass shard, it's very subtle, but there. I really hoped you enjoyed. Please review, it'll make my day.