Hope you guys enjoy! In this story some one does get drunk and I myself have never been drunk, drank, or even seen a drunk person. So, if the drunk person doesn't seem drunk that's why. They are about sixteen in the story we'll say.

Important! When you see this '-_-_-' it switches to Wendy's point of view when you see it again it goes back third person.


By: thecrazierone

It was another lonely, Friday night for Cartman. His mom was busy... "working" and it was getting very annoying for Cartman. All of the whore's sex noises and screams were making it hard for Cartman to work. What was he working on you ask? No, not school work, when was the last time he cared about stupid high school. Cartman was working on his fool-proof plan to ruin Kyle's life. First, he would sneak into Kyle's room when Kyle was asleep. Then, he would find some blackmail evidence. But, what would he do after that? This is what Cartman was wondering at the time. The moon shined brightly through the window as Cartman tapped his pen on the piece of paper with his fool-proof plan written on it. More moans came from his mother's room.

"God damn it." He whispered to him self picking up what he was working on and heading out of the house. It was the middle of the night and since South Park was such a poor red neck town, there were no lamp posts to light the path. But, Cartman didn't need any light to know were he was going, he had the route from his house to his secret hiding spot memorized. He found the spot when he was in fourth grade, around ten years old. It was on a night just like this one, his mom was busy with her... "job" Cartman went out for peace, after walking around in the forest for around an hour, he found this perfect little spot. The spot was around the size of his bedroom, it was almost completely flat. Now, ever time his mother does her... thing he comes here. Cartman walked down a very faint path, he had created just by walking to the spot and back. He could hear all the small sounds that the nighttime creatures made. He finally made it to the isolated spot and sat down near a large log. Cartman tapped his pencil on the red notebook he held. What was the next step in his plan, what would he blackmail the Jew to do? Cartman scraped his teeth together focused on his plan. If Cartman wasn't so focused on his plan he would have noticed the small stumbling girl behind him.

"H-hey Cartman" The small girl stumbled out before going into a giggling fit. Cartman turned around to see Wendy dressed in a very... well... suggestive outfit. A tight purple shirt that went only to her mid section, showing off her stomach, and a small yellow skirt that barely covered her ass. At first glance he could tell Wendy was pretty drunk. Wendy had the smell of cold, cheap, beer all over her, she stumbled over closer towards Cartman. Cartman only rolled his eyes, of course the ho would go out partying on a Friday night. Wendy, after a bit of stumbling, managed to sit next to Cartman on the log. She then went into another giggling fit. Cartman wondered how the ho had found his perfect spot in the forest. Wendy continued her giggles as she scooted even closer to Cartman, making the larger boy uncomfortable.

"What do you want ho?" Cartman asked not pleased with Wendy interrupting his plans.

"Y-You have.." Wendy started to say before going back into a fit of giggles. " You have pretty eyes Cartman." Wendy managed to get out before breaking into more annoying giggles. Cartman tried to tune out Wendy's drunk giggles, but the more he tried to ignore her the louder the giggles became.

"Can you go the fuck away bitch?" Cartman snapped, which made Wendy stop her drunk giggles. She just gazed at Cartman, eventually she spoke.

"B-But, I don't want to." Wendy slurred as she began to play with a strand of Cartman's hair that was poking out of his hat. Cartman swatted her hand away, but it returned.

"Stop that ho!" Cartman shouted. "Shouldn't you go off make-out with your gay boy-friend." Wendy and Stan had been dating for awhile and it was going well for what Cartman could tell.

"Don't talk about that dick!" Wendy screamed, nearly waking the whole town. Instead of breaking out into giggles again, Wendy sobbed smearing her mascara and making little black lines that went down her face. Cartman had no idea what to do, it was clear that Wendy wasn't going to leave him alone for awhile. Cartman had no idea what the hell went down at that party.

"Woah ho, calm your tits! What the fuck happened?" Cartman questioned, not because he cared, no, Cartman didn't give a crap about the ho's feelings. Cartman just wanted to get this over with, yea, he didn't care.

"W-Well,"Wendy began.

-_-_-Before the Party-_-_-

Bebe and me were sitting in her room picking out what she should wear for the party. I had already picked out my outfit, but I hadn't put it on yet.

"Okay," Bebe began, "I know I'm going to wear a dress so these outfits are out." Bebe tossed away two outfits that didn't have a dress with them.

"I don't really like the green one, it doesn't go well with the way you've done your hair." I told her, twirling a strand of my hair. Bebe had used a product in her hair that made it so that her hair wasn't all frizzy and curly, but instead it made it straight, silky, and smooth. The green dress was too dark for her straight blond hair.

"You're right Wendy," Bebe confirmed throwing the dress and matching shoes off her bed and into the closet. "That only leaves two options. The pink, or the white dress." Bebe tapped her chin and looked at both outfits. "What do you think Wendy?"

I looked at both outfits, Bebe was a careful eater so she could pull off a white dress and not get any stains on it. The pink dress would look amazing with her hair, but she would have to do her make up very carefully for that dress.

"I think you should wear the pink dress, you'd look amazing in it." I told her.

"Yea, I think you're right Wendy. Bebe agreed holding the dress up to her to make it look as if she had it on. "Now,"Bebe twirled around, "What shoes would go good with the dress?"

I looked at Bebe's collection of shoes which she had laid out on her desk earlier, but that wasn't enough room, so she had to put the rest on the floor. "Well, the green shoes are out they would contrast against the dress same with the black ones." Bebe took the green and black shoes and put them back in the drawer where her shoes normally went.

"How about the white ones?" Bebe asked. Hmm, I looked towards the pink shoes that where laying down. Nah, she needed shoes that complemented the dress, yet not take too much attention away from herself. I walked over and picked up a pair of light blue heels.

"How about these?" I asked showing her the heels.

"Right color, but the style just looks weird with a strapless dress." She stated, and I had to agree. She picked up a different pair of shoes that were the same color as the others, but looked different.

Before she could even ask the question I gave her my answer, "Those are the one's Bebe. They look perfect."

Bebe smiled, and set those shoes aside, so she could put the others away. Once we had the rest of Bebe's ginormous shoe collection away, I went to the bathroom to change into my party outfit when I has done, Bebe did the same. The next thing to do has our make-up. Bebe started on mine first, after the foundation Bebe added a light blush to complement my outfit. For my eyes she put on a little bit of black eyeliner and some black mascara. Lastly, she added a light shade of pink to my lips. When she was finished I did Bebe's make-up. After foundation, I gave her the same light blush, but for her eye's a did a very light shade of pink eyeshadow, along with deep mascara. Lastly, I gave a medium shaded pink for her lips. Both of us looked amazing after we where finished.

"How long do we have until the boys come?" I asked Bebe. She pulled out her phone and responded "About half-an-hour." So, we were doing good on time, now it was time for the last thing, the other little accessories, like the purse, jewelry, and jacket. Bebe was letting me wear some of her jewelry and use on of her purses, because I forgot one of my own. We walked back into Bebe's room, and quickly choose out our jackets and jewelry. Bebe had a necklace with a light pink heart. I choose a light pink bracelet with no real decorations on it. For the jackets, Bebe had a light weight purple zip-up. I choose not to take a jacket because I loose my jackets all the time and I didn't want to loose one of Bebe's jackets. But, we both got got stuck on the purses. I was stuck between a light pink purse with small metal studs around it and a darker pink one a purple heart on the lock. Bebe was stuck between blue purse with pink dots all over it, and a plain white purse. Evenly, I choose the darker pink purse, and Bebe choose the blue purse.

"How long do we have until the boys come now?" I asked Bebe. Bebe checked her phone. "Ten minutes exactly, that gives us enough time to pack the purses." Bebe stated. So we began stuffing our purses. I didn't see exactly what Bebe put in her purse. In my purse I fit: my phone, extra make-up for touch ups, about twenty bucks for a cab, and some other small things. Once we where done, Bebe and me chatted in her room for a while. But, our conversation ended abruptly when the doorbell rang. We both quickly made our way down the stairs and to the fount door. Bebe took a breath in before she opened the door. Stand behind the door, were Stan and Tweek. I never really understood why Bebe asked Tweek, she had gotten over her crush on Kyle long ago. She only recently told me about her crush on Tweek, when I asked her she only said she loved his eye's and his cute little twitches. Stan looked amazing, he wasn't all dressed up, but he still looked handsome none the less. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed, even though we had been dating since the beginning of high school it still embarrassed me a little bit. Tweek twitched but didn't say anything and Bebe also didn't say anything, but I knew she's going to tease me about it later.

"You girls ready?" Stan asked, Bebe nodded. I looked down and realized I had forgot my purse.

"I got to go grab my purse, I'll be right back." I told Stan, then turned around to go grab my purse. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the little end of Bebe's carpet, I tripped right over it and fell down. Luckily,I has able to stop my self from doing a face plant into Bebe's marble flooring, but I couldn't stop my skirt from flying up and showing off my ass. I if I wasn't blushing before, I was now.

"Oh Jesus!" Tweek let out and covered his eyes with his hands "To much pressure!" Bebe burst out in to laughter, which didn't help things. I got up off the floor and made sure my yellow skirt was down and covering my ass.

"You okay?" Stan asked, he was always so sweet.

"Yea, just embarrassed." I replied and continued back to Bebe's room to get my purse. Once I reached Bebe's room, I grabbed my purse and shut the lights off. I slowly walked down the steps making sure not to fall down again.

"Okay, let's go." I told Stan. We all walked out the fount door and Bebe closed it and locked it once we were all out. Bebe's parents where on vacation in god knows where, Bebe's parents have gone on a lot of vacations, so many that I've lost count. Stan jumped into the fount seat of his car, I don't know what kind of car or model I never really understood cars, Bebe on the other hand could tell everything you ever wanted to know about cars and more. Bebe and I took the back seats while Tweek took shotgun. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to my mom.

hi mom we're off to the party love you :)

A few seconds later my mom sent a text saying the normal 'be safe, have fun' stuff. It wasn't very far to Token's house, which is where the party was at. Stan parked the car as close as he could to Token's house. Inside the place was packed, people where everywhere. The music was loud, but not deafening.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go find Kyle I'll see you in a bit." Stan said, then he pecked my on the lips and and went off into the crowd.

"Come on Wendy let's get something to drink, you too Tweek." Bebe told, but more like commanded as she grabbed both my arm and Tweek's and dragged us to where the refreshments where. Bebe had been to all of Token's parties, so she had the layout pretty much memorized. I had been to a few of Token's parties, about five or six. I have no idea about Tweek, but by the looks of him he probably wasn't a bit fan of parties, he seemed even more twitchy and nervous then usually. Bebe grabbed a beer, Tweek didn't take anything, I think he said something about it being poisoned by the underpants gnomes. I hesitated to grab a beer, but I decided why the hell not, I wasn't driving us home. Our plan to get back home was to have Kyle drive us home, since he walked here and he really didn't want to drink anyways. I made sure to drink slowly, so I didn't get drunk too soon. We saw Craig head up towards us.

"Hey Craig," Bebe uttered. Craig only flipped her off.

"Tweek, Clyde is looking for you." Craig dully stated and before he dragged Tweek off into the crowd.

I turned to Bebe and started speaking,"Well, Bebe I guess it's just you and me. What do you want to do now?" Bebe shrugged, "I'm going to go find Tweek, you can go try to find Stan." Before I could say anything, Bebe ran off in search of Tweek. I sighed and drank the rest of the beer feeling a bit tipsy. Maybe Stan went off in the backyard. I grabbed another beer and took a small sip. I sneaked through the crowd, which was pretty difficult with everyone partying and all. I managed to get to the backyard which was this huge amazing garden.

"H-Hey Wendy," Came a slurred voice from behind me. I turned to see a very drunk Kenny. "D-Damn, Wendy you have huge boobs. If S-Stan doesn't do it for you I'm always here for you babe. That was Kenny, I never really like Kenny that much. Before I could tell Kenny to fuck off, he ran off after some other girl. I shook my head and went off into the garden. I looked around for about ten minutes, but there wasn't any sign of Stan, I gave up and started walking back into the house. Once I got inside, I had to manage to get my way through the crowd of drunk dancing people, but I got back to the snacks in one piece. I drank a second beer and had some water, I once read that drinking water with beer helps prevent a nasty hangover. By now I was pretty drunk not as much as Kenny, but pretty drunk. Where the fuck could Stan be? He couldn't be upstairs, that's where all the people having sex were, and Stan would never cheat he's too good for that, right? It couldn't hurt to check, I made my way through the crowd again and to the steps. I noticed a few things while heading up one, the further I made it up the stairs the more couples I saw making out, and two, there was no Stan anywhere around. But, Token had a third floor so I decided to check up there. I head up the second step of stairs. As soon as I got to the top, I felt like was going to tumble right back down those steps. There a saw the lying, cheating, bastard, making-out with some brunet with huge tits right next to the first room.

"You bastard!" I scream. Every making-out couple on that floor turned there heads, including the dick himself. The whole hallway was quiet and watching.

"Wendy?" Stan barely manged to spit out, his eyes were wide with a mix of shock, and fear.

"Damn right it fucking is." I yell out, "You fucking bastard, what am I not good enough for you?" Stan stays silent, I walk closer to him. "Answer me you asshole." I spit out in rage. By now I can see out of the corner of my eye a small crowd had formed blocking the stairs going down.

"No, babe it's just..." Stan began, but I cut him off.

"It's just what Stan, did you accidentally stick your tongue down her throat! Or did she force you to have a make-out session!" I shouted, I could feel the tears coming down my cheek. "Don't even try to explain why or how this happened, I am through with you, done!"

"But Wendy..." Stan starts.

"Don't even, you son of a bitch." I shout, I can feel my voice going hoarse from all the yelling I'm doing. But, right now I don't give a fuck, I storm down the stairs. No one even tries to stop to me. I head to the snack table grab two beers and then I get the fuck out of there. I can here Stan calling out to me. I am in no mood to talk to that asshole. I run away, anywhere but here would be good. Anywhere, turned out to be the woods near the houses. I stop after going a ways into the woods. And I just let everything go, tears start coming out at an uncontrollable rate. I open one of the two beers a grabbed before I left. I knew I'd be needing these to help. And in no time the first beer is gone. I feel drunk, and in no time the second one is gone as well. The tears stopped and where replaced with giggles. I have no idea why I started giggling, but it just felt better then crying. I stop when I hear a voice, it's not Stan's I can tell instantly. I drunkenly decide to go towards the voice. After god knows how long, I make it to a small clearing in the woods, and I can see who the voice belongs to the one and only Cartman.

-_-_-Present Time-_-_-

"S-So that's what happened," Wendy finishes. Cartman sighed.

"Come on ho, let's go." Cartman commands picking up his things with one chubby hand and grabbing Wendy's wrist with the other chubby hand. Wendy doesn't protest, mostly because what else was she going to do? The two walked through the small forest path that lead back to Cartman's house. The car in the driveway was gone so Cartman's mom must have continued her whoring elsewhere. Cartman let go of Wendy and unlocked the fount door then lead Wendy up the steps and to his room. Cartman went into his closet and pulled out an extra pair of pillows and blankets.

"Here ho," Cartman tossed the pillow and blanket. "You can sleep on the floor." Wendy said nothing to object.

"Uhh, thanks Cartman, this was really nice of you." Wendy uttered out silently.

"Don't thank me ho, I'm just doing this because I know wouldn't leave me alone." Cartman mutters as he turns in his bed so he faces the wall and has his back to Wendy. Wendy say's nothing and just gently falls asleep. Morning arises faster then normal for Wendy. She wakes slowly, wondering where the hell she is, but then it all hits like a big wave crashing on the beach. The first thing Wendy remembers is Stan cheating on her with some girl, then coming home with Cartman. The rest of the night filled in her memory slowly. Wendy lifted her head up from the pillow on the ground, and instantly her head throbbed and she felt sick to her stomach. Wendy reached over to her purse which was beside her. She dug around inside until she found what she was looking for, her cellphone. Wendy immediately deleted all the voice mail's and texts from Stan. Wendy reminded herself she needs to delete him from her contacts. She began to scroll through all her messages.

Bebe: wendy were r u?

Bebe: wendy i heard what happened r u okay?

Bebe: hello?

Wendy smiled it was nice to know her best friend had he back. Wendy send a text back to Bebe telling her she was alright and she spent the night a friends house.

Mom: Wendy are you okay? It's mom.

Of course her mom would type out her texts with perfect grammar and spelling, the only other person that did that was Kyle. Wendy sent a text to her mom telling her the same thing she did to Bebe, that she was alright and she spent the night at a friends house.

Kyle: Wendy I know you really don't want to talk to Stan right now, but he really wants to explain what happened last night can you call him please?

Wendy frowned and deleted Kyle's message, there was no way in hell she was talking to that mother fucker for at least two responding to the messages Wendy listened to the voice mails.

Hey Wendy it's me Bebe I was just wondering where the hell are you, I heard what happened with you and Stan. Remember, I'm always here for you if you want to talk about. Love yea. End of Message.

Wendy couldn't wait to rant to Bebe about that fucking bastard named Stan. Bebe would understand what I'm going through, Clyde had cheated on her once, that's why she wasn't dated him in two years.

H-Hey Wendy babe, it's Kenny. Since you and S-Stan are no longer a thing let me know if you want to take this guy for a ride, you though, like... doing it. Call me. End Message

Wendy sighed and deleted Kenny's voice mail. He must have still been drunk, a sober Kenny is still perv-y, but wouldn't have the balls make a message like that.

Hey... Wendy, it's Stan. Listen, I ju...

Wendy immediately deleted that message. No questions asked, Wendy didn't want to hear any of Stan's fucking bullshit. And that was all the voice mails she had. Wendy tossed her phone blindly back into the purse, and collapsed down on the ground where she fell asleep. Hangovers were no fun at all, while the water did help she still had a horrible headache. Wendy turned towards Cartman's bed, expecting to find the large boy sleeping, but the bed was empty. Wendy's mind said she should go see where he is why? She had no idea maybe it was just her conscience speaking. Wendy lifted her head up, but her hungover body stopped her from getting any farther then that, she just plopped back down where she was before. Wendy stared at the ceiling for awhile, thinking about random things, like her relationships, life, school, what the future was going to hold. She was interrupted in the middle of her thoughts by the creaking of the door opening. Wendy turned her head to see who was there, it was Cartman with food.

Meanwhile at the Broflovski home, Kyle was trying to comfort his Super Best Friend. Now, Stan was not a pussy nor was he a crier, that was more Clyde's thing, even as a baby Stan rarely cried. But, right now Stan had Niagara Falls and her twin in the place where his eyes should be.

"Don't worry dude." Kyle supported, "Wendy will know it wasn't your fault once we explain it to her." Kyle was trying his hardest to support his friend who had been nonstop crying ever since Stan left the party, which was right after being seen by Wendy, only to be broken by falling asleep.

"B-But Kyle, oh god how could I have let this happened. It's all my fault." Stan managed to spit out in between tears and cries.

"Stan we both know that's not true, that bitch had you cornered with those pictures. You had to do what you had to do." Kyle sternly told Stan. Deep down Stan knew Kyle was right. The bitch had blackmail pictures of that one night he and Kyle had back when they where only thirteen.

Stan and Kyle where sleeping over at the Marsh home on that particular night, the young thirteen year olds where all alone since Shelly was at some boy band concert and Stan's parents where out on some couple date thing. Both of them were sitting on Stan's bed in their pajamas.

"I don't know Stan." Kyle mumbled hold the pillow to his chest..

"Well Kyle, I don't know if I am and you don't know if your gay right?" Kyle nodded and Stan continued, "Since no one is here we can just get it over with now and find out. No one will know and we can never speak of this again."

Kyle huffed out a breath of air and stood still for a moment unsure of what to do, eventually Kyle spoke.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" Kyle questioned even though he knew Stan would never do that.

"I pinkie promise." Stan answered sticking out his pinky finger for example.

"Okay" Kyle huffed out. They both stood still for what seemed hours before Stan slowly leaned in towards Kyle, Kyle did the same, leaning towards Stan. Eventually their lips met, Stan and Kyle had no idea what to do after this point. They both just kept their hands to their sides and closed their eyes. After about a minute Stan backed away separating their lips.

"So..." Stan started.

"Nah, I don't think I'm gay dude." Kyle responded before Stan even asked the question. Both of them burst out in a fit of laughter. They never spoke of that moment again until that night whit the horny bitch and the blackmail photos. She told Stan that if he didn't give her some she'd spread it around the school. With how little they'd change since then combined with the angle she took the photo it could pass as being taken a week ago or so. But, Stan still cried laying his head on Kyle's shoulder. Kyle did nothing to stop him and just let him rest there, crying it out. Kyle had tried to call Wendy and explain, but she just hung up on him at first, then she didn't even pick up on his calls.

"Come on dude let's go see how Kenny's doing. He's probably really hungover from last night." Kyle suggested, Stan only nodded wiping the tears off his face. They both got up off the floor where they where sitting, and headed for Kyle's door.

Wendy pushes aside the finished plate of food, setting down her fork and knife. Both of them sit in awkward silence, waiting for the other to break the ice. But in the end, Wendy broke the silence.

"Why?" She blatantly asked.

"Why what?" Cartman followed up with a different question.

"Why did you do all this," Wendy paused for a second then continued. "You didn't have to do any of this, you normally don't do any of this. Why start now?"

Cartman breathed out, "I don't know ho, I just wanted to." Wendy shook her head, Cartman has lying he never did anything unless there was something in it for him. Wendy knew this all too well, Cartman must have wanted something out of her. But, what is the real question.

"You obviously want something Cartman just spill it all ready." Wendy's voice escalated with each word, but it never got to the point of yelling.

"I don't want anything bitch," Cartman nearly shouted.

"You always want something fat ass." Wendy shouted for real this time. "Just fucking tell me what."

"How many times do I have to tell you ho, I. Don't. Want. Anything." Cartman screamed at a high pitch that could break glass but luckily, it didn't. Wendy stared down into Cartman's eyes looking for any signs of dishonesty or lying. But, no matter how hard she looked Wendy couldn't find anything of that nature. His deep, chocolate brown eyes showed no hint of lying.

"Ho? Bitch? Hello? Earth to slut." Cartman waved his hand in front of her eyes which broke Wendy trance like state of spacing out.

"Oh sorry," She mumbled out, "I guess I, uhh, underestimated you Cartman. Sorry." Cartman looked a little bit confused by Wendy's sudden apology.

"Whatever ho" Cartman uttered. The room went silent as the Saturday morning birds chirped in the trees, it was a nice bright day.

"So you want to go the arcade or something?" Wendy bit her lip after she asked the question, awaiting Cartman's response.

Cartman only replied with three words, "Hell yea, bitch" Wendy smiled and rolled her eyes her hangover felt a little bit better, she got up from her spot and headed for the door to Cartman's room. Maybe just maybe Cartman's not that bad she thought. Maybe.