Declaimer: I do not own Ed Edd N' Eddy in any shape or form, if I did Kevin and Edd would have been kissing canonly at twelve years old *snicker*

AN/: This is my first venture into this fandom shipping but I'm fairly confident I can bring something to the table so bare with me!

Warnings: Past and present self mutilation, severe bullying(violence) hate crimes, possessive behavior, mature content of the M/M variety,mentions of past suicide attempts; anymore warnings will be listed as they come along

The years after middle school have been both good and bad to the children of the small Cul-de-sac. The story varied on whom you bothered to ask the tale from.

On the very top of the food chain, as always, stood Kevin and Nazz proudly as ever.

Nazz, having grown into a spunky tomboyish blond bombshell, unsurprisingly became head cheerleader.

Kevin, the hot-tempered bully of his childhood, had sprouted up to put Ed's height to shame at 6'3, having managed to juggle being captain of both the baseball and football teams.

Then, there were some of the members of their childhood memories, who were no longer around.

Such as Rolf, who at the end of seventh grade, had decided to go back to his homeland out of sheer homesickness; and then there was poor Johnny who had mysteriously moved away after a very hushed up stay at the local Psych ward in Peach Creek General Hospital.

Sarah and Jimmy were still as close as ever. They hardly ever left each other's side for even a moment. Both of them have managed to become well-known popular freshman fashionistas, who even ran their own school fashion glam page in the school paper.

Last, but not least there were the Ed's (they were so aptly labeled), but not so attached at the hip anymore. In fact, Edd could barely even remember the last time they had spoken aside from a brief "hey" while passing in the halls.

Eddy had ditched them the first chance he got at being popular, in one of the grungy underbelly type gangs of the school. The kind of gangs that shoplifted, smoked, and did drugs.

The endearing and loveable giant, known as Ed, had tried his best to stay friends with both of us. However, he was easily distracted as he usually is. That was quite the task to accomplish.

Eventually, he found his way through to several gamer/comic books-loving groupies. He even managed to join the hockey team eventually.

I suppose everyone changes over time, as they grow older, so it was only natural to start branching out onto different paths, finding new hobbies so to speak. He had never expected it to leave such drastic, numbingly, harsh changes to his life. Though he was not by any means friendless, he had a few acquaintances here and there.

Then again, whom was he kidding? He was the very definition of lonely.

He clenched his knuckles, which were already white, against his grey messenger bag that was slung over his shoulder. He wrinkled his nose slightly at the cold air, that he knew was rapidly beginning to turn his pale cheeks to a soft rosy color.

Trudging through the two-inch high layering of snow, which covered the sidewalk, he felt a deep sense of overwhelming, self-consciousness; hit him like a tidal wave. It has been a few years since he had felt completely confident in his own skin.

Rubbing his left black and white checkered, armband that covered his wrist, he let out a shaky breath to try, and collect himself before he walked into a mailbox - or god forbid, a Jock or something.

That is all he needed a beating from more meat headed rocks for brains jocks.

"Oi, D you better be wearin' the outfit I fucking picked out for you," said a gothic black clad female, with navy black hair, that spouted out in a teasing grumble as she suddenly materialized next to him.

Jarring him from his thoughts, the form of Marie Kanker came into view.

Ah, yes that was another big change in his life, past stalker to friend. The wonders never ceased.

Pursing his lips into an almost half pout, he motioned to himself. He shifted uncomfortably in black form fitting skinny jeans, showing off a black, muscle tank shirt, with the logo of the band "Skillet" on the front. To top it all off, he was wearing a thin black hoodie. To his displeasure, it did not help against the chill of the winter wind. In addition, as usual, he wore his black and white beanie hat, which had been his only concession and rule to his new "make over".

"Hmmmm, it'll do for now, I suppose, but you're so wearing eye liner tomorrow. No buts." Grinning, Marie looped her arm with one of his thin wiry ones.

Marie is built like a model and was a head taller than he was. Which she loved to lord over him, whenever the situation presented itself; claiming he was simply "adorkablely" pocket sized at a humble 5'5.

Grumbling he resigned himself to be pulled along toward the school his new gothic black lace up boots stomping leaving impressions in the snow in their wake as they went.

Snow flurries of biting frost, fluttered down in abundance, as several students of Peach Creek High scuttled hurriedly along in various levels of hierarchy clicks. Most were chattering and flirting obnoxiously to friends, or hopeful future boyfriends or girlfriends.

The air was frigid, and the white, grey spiral of clouds over head looked unforgiving, as to when the weather would turn for the better. "This fucking snow. I swear, if we get anymore, I'm gonna god damn scream," his companion complained, as they passed by several Jocks who sneered in their direction. She glared back, baring her teeth at them, and promptly flipped them off.

A small smile made its way onto his lips, "But Marie, this is a fairly good natured winter, and we haven't had the need for any snow days at all thus far."

"Dude, that's completely the point! We need snow days! If I don't get the right number of days off during the school year, I'll kill someone, I just know it." She groaned dramatically as she flipped her bangs out of her eyes.

Snorting, he shook his head at her and skillfully detached their tangle of arms as he did his locker combination, making the door of said locker (in need of good oiling) creek open.

Collecting his books almost in a mechanical manner, his thoughts wandered again as his eyes darted across from them, landing on Kevin. Kevin was standing off to the side with his hands in his white, washed, blue jean pockets.

Kevin's face was stoic and completely bored looking. His green eyes flickering with immense disinterest as a gaggle of chattering cheerleaders (and Nazz) surrounded him.

"Earth to Double D, oiiii D!" Marie's annoyed voice growled out, "Don't ignore me; I know you're all gay for Kevin, but fucking listen when I talk to you."

Turning crimson, Edd's blue eyes goggled at her, "Marie, shhhh! What if….oh dear me…what if he heard you?!" he nearly yelled out in panic.

Marie just rolled her eyes. "Yeah right," she scoffed, "like he pays attention to anything other than tits, swaying hips, and sports."

Sighing, he closed his locker, "Please in the future refrain from shouting out my sexual orientation and possible-feelings-of-infatuation-in-hearing-range-of-said-person-of-interest?"

With a snort, she patted his head, "Yeah, yeah. Geez, don't blow a gasket, Double D. I ain't gonna tell no one about it. Your secret is safe with me."

Looking up at her, he frowned slightly. "Much appreciated."

"I'll see you at lunch then, D." Marie winked and patted his cheek as she walked off down the hall to her own locker.

Rubbing his face, he spared a quick glance back toward Kevin, and was startled to lock gazes with shocking emerald. Smirking a bit, Kevin grinned at him, almost tauntingly.

Then the bell rang overhead signaling everyone to go to their homeroom class.

Hesitantly looking away from the red head's hypnotizing gaze, he hurried off to his homeroom. "Let's get this over with shall we…?"

By third period, his energy was undoubtedly flagging which was putting it mildly. Seated in AP Biology, he could barely keep his eyes on the board. The words on the chalkboard were garbled and mismatched in his head.

"Mister Vincent, I said Eddward did you hear me?" The teacher was suddenly in front of him and looking straight at him.

Snapping out of his daze, he straightened up faster than the snap of a whip. "Y-Yes sir, I'm so sorry but I…I didn't quite get what you said…could you please repeat it?"

Frowning slightly in annoyance, the graying elderly teacher sighed. "I said your lab partner is Mister Barr. Please, do try to pay more attention."

Standing up Edd nodded, but looked confused. Mister Barr is it? Was that Kevin's last name? How did Kevin get into AP Biology?

Frowning, he looked around to see his other classmates were already sitting with their assigned partners, chatting over ideas for their projects. Jumping some, he turned and nearly squeaked out in surprise, "K-Kevin…I…yes I'm quite alright just a bit low on blood sugar on my part. It's nothing to worry about, I assure you."

Lifting an eyebrow at him dubiously, the red head shrugged in return. "Yeah...whatever just don't make us fail or nothing. I need to pass this class, okay dweeb."

Flustered, Edd nodded rubbing his wrist nervously. "Yes, yes of course you do…so…what did you have in mind for our project?"

With a groan, Kevin took a seat next to where Double D was sitting. "Dude, sit down. You look like you're about to piss yourself or somethin'. I ain't gonna beat on you or anything. We're in class."

Chuckling weakly, he sat down his hands gripping his pants in a guarded manner, "H-Ha-ha my apologies, I'm a bit worse for wear today it would seem."

"No biggie, just get your head in the game already because we don't got all day. The period is almost over and we still have to figure out what we're doing," Kevin muttered as he suspiciously eyed the smaller male out of the corner of his eyes, with a hint of something almost akin to slight, worry.

Looking over their biology book, Double D stuck his tongue in-between the gap of his teeth, as he pondered on what to suggest working on. He shifted as he felt the burning gaze of emerald eyes again on his person.

Looking up, he gulped swallowing his nerves, "Um, well perhaps we can do a study of the various types of muscular systems…you are after all…a good specimen of a healthy active teenager."

"Did you just say I'm hot?" Kevin asked with a blink, and looking at him in a weird way.

Paling, then flustering in a matter of seconds, Edd squawked, "I…er….no…but…n-no of c-course not! Nonsense! I was merely speaking of your strong biceps which are perfect for our projects and…and…oh dear I'm…going to stop talking now."

Wishing to disappear into his hat, he tugged the front down to cover his eyes. Kevin was going to kill him. Any second now, he was going to…

Full-blown genuine laughter met his ears. Stiffening in confusion and curiosity, he lifted up the brim of his beanie.

Kevin was wiping his eyes and holding his stomach. "Damn, that was fucking hilarious…oh god. Double Dweeb, you haven't changed a bit." He continued to snicker and snort as he tried to calm down, but continued to stare at Edd with laughter dancing in his green eyes.

"I...urm…thank you I think…?" murmured the smaller male in confusion.

Suddenly the bell rang, ending the class and the moment they just shared. Standing, the red head picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, staring down at Edd. "So, your house or mine?"

"P-Pardon...?" Edd stuttered with wide-eyed.

Rolling his eyes, Kevin snorted. "The project dork. Where do you wanna start it?"

"Oh, home would probably be the best choice; I have the most materials on hand." Edd stood as well and gathered his belongings.

"Fine, so I'll meet you after football practice at about 6."

Nodding in return, Double D watched as the jock left the room, leaving him alone in the now deserted classroom.

What had he gotten himself in to?