Hey guys, sorry I still don't have chapters for you... If you read about my computer dying, then this will hopefully clear things up.

First of all, after a long time of testing and troubleshooting, it has been determined that my laptop experienced a motherboard failure. This is a problem that could be repaired, but would cost more than getting a new laptop. Anyway, this basically means that as far as we know, THE HARD DRIVE IS UNAFFECTED. Therefore my stories (and a lot of my personal work...) are most likely safe. In fact, knowing that the computer was useless but the HD was probably fine, I went out a got a nice aluminium case for converting an internal HD to an external. This will allow me to plug it into another computer and access the documents from there.

Unfortunately, we have two problems with connecting the drive to another computer. First off, I'm not sure if there is any malware or similar on the hard drive. I also am really hoping the drive is not corrupted.

Secondly, there is a problem with hooking the drive straight to a computer, which is that the computer may try and boot off the drive and wipe it. THIS WOULD BE VERY BAD FOR BOTH THE DRIVE AND THE COMPUTER. So before I do anything, I need to do a lot more research...

On the other hand, I am saving up for a new laptop, but it will be a long time before I have enough money for one.

Meanwhile, I have kind of gone off writing for a while with all the problems going on, so chances are I won't be back until I have sorted out the drive problem and recovered the stories and other data. I'm really sorry, and I know how many of you are gonna whine and cry about this (JK), but you won't be getting any new chapters for a while longer. I can still read your guys stories and respond to reviews and PMs, but there won't be any more story for some time. Sorry again... :(

In other news, my online friend spark n' Jetz has been writing a spin-off of Base of Operations, called "The black ops", which has actually turned out rather gripping. ;P I would definitely recommend going to his profile and reading the story.

That's all from me, so until further notice, farewell and happy fanfictioning. XD

- AxleMC131