Chapter 1: A New Person Chapter: Amnesiac Boy
June 1984
Hinamizawa was a peaceful little village with a population of roughly 2000 people. Of course this village hid a deep dark secret. Every year, for four years since the building of the dam, during the night of the Watanagashi Festival, one person had died and one person had gone missing each year. This was known as the Curse of Oyashiro-sama.
Now, it'd been a year since the Hinamizawa Disaster was prevented. Many times before, in other worlds, the disaster had taken place causing the death of all the villagers. It'd all been started by Miyo Takano who was obsessed to prove her grandfather's research was true and she didn't care who she had to sacrifice. Fortunately, a group of kids were able to defeat her and save the village. They became famous for being Hinamizawa's heroes.
The story itself would've focused on the following characters: Keiichi Maebara, Rena Ryuugu, Satoko Houjou, Rika Furude, Hanyuu Furude, Mion and Shion Sonozaki. However, that would not be for our story would focus on a new character who would likely change Hinamizawa forever.
When a person is running it has a reason, when a person has a reason to run it means it's the question of life or death, when the person is running for life or death means it wants to be freed. A strange person is currently running for its life, it run straight to a hallways of darkness, the person look behind as it is following by figures who are after it.
As the person runs it could see a light from straight the hallways, as it continued to run for the light its gaining closer, closer, closer in till...
"Urrr..." a boy groaned as his eyes slowly fluttered open and he found himself looking at the ceiling, then he slowly sit up, he looking to his surroundings to his right; a window, to his left; curtains and straight; it was a man in white coat and has brown hair, when the man turn it reveals he wears glass. "Ah, your awaked, I'm glad." He said. "Satoko-chan! Rika-chan! Hanyuu-chan! Your friend is awaked!" He called.
He heard a door opened and reveals that it was three girls around his age; a girl with long blue hair in hime cut and purple eyes, she wears a white short sleeved shirt with a pink bow, a navy-blue skirt, navy suspenders, white socks and brown shoes, the second has blond hair with a black headband wearing a green dress with a yellow bow, a white sailor collar and black tights with brown shoes and last one has purple hair but he could have sworn he saw a pair of horns on her head, wearing a school outfit with a red plaid skirt, a short sleeved white blouse, a blue vest with a blue bow, white socks and brown shoes. "Where am I?" The boy was very confused he doesn't know what's going on.
"My clinic, in Hinamizawa. These girls found you and brought you here, so I treated you." The man said.
"We were very worried, you were covering in blood." The purple haired girl said.
"Blood...?" The boy was confused.
The blue haired girl looked at the boy. Something was wrong. "What's your name?"
The boy looks at the girl. "I…my name is…" the boy clutched his head, "My name is…" He was drawing a blank. "I…can't remember…"
"Amnesia," the man reasoned. "You did have a concussion when I examined you."
"You mean he's lost his memories?" asked the blonde.
"That's right, Satoko-chan," said the man. "I'll call the police and make a missing persons report, in the mean time I'll exanimate him. Now I suggest you three to go to school."
"HAI!" They respond.
As the girls went, the boy glanced on the girls for a few seconds. "They're cute aren't they." the man said as he had thoughts that the boy might like one of the girls.
The boy only nodded, they were cute, especially the bluenette.
"Oh, by the way, my name's Dr. Irie"
After a long day in bed and some examinations, the boy was wondering who he is, he asked Dr. Irie if he lives here but Dr. Irie simply says and explained that he never saw him before and that that Hinamizawa was a small village that he could easily recognized the faces, it was the first time he saw him. If it was true that means he's probably live outside the village, but where, how did he got here in the first place, how did he lose his memories? All of this question making him stressing, Dr. Irie advice him to take a rest, too much is not good for an amnesiac.
The boy was currently in bed but not sleeping, in appearance; he has black hair, red eyes, slightly pale skin, his chest is covered in bandages and the only clothes he has is a pair of shorts. He was thinking about this little piece of memory, true when he wake up he only have this little piece of memory, he's not sure what it is or what it means but a memory is a memory. He heard the door open, once he was sit up to now who it is by curiosity, it reveals that it was the three girls from this morning.
"Hello, were back." The bluenette said.
"Oh, back to see your amnesiac friend." Dr. Irie said.
"He doesn't remember anything at all?" The purple haired said with sincere worried.
"An Hundred percent," Dr. Irie began to explain. "I did a few examinations from his brainwave, I'm afraid it might take some time before he'll fully remember."
"Well...actually, I do remember something since I woke up" That makes Dr. Irie surprise and the girls relieved that he has a little bit of memory. "Well is something like this; Shadow...and...Angel." He clutches his head to remember.
"Kage... Tenshi," The purple haired girl repeated and got an ideal. "Hey, that can be your name!"
"Hanyuu!" The bluenette snapped. Kage Tenshi?* that wasn't a name.
"Actually, I like it," the boy said. "Tenshi, my name is Tenshi Kage." The boy now named Tenshi was glad to have a name even it's not his real name.
"Good thing," Dr. Irie said.
"Oh, we forgot to introduce are self," The bluenette said as she start to introduce. "My name is Rika Furude, Nipah!" She finished with her catchphrase which that makes Tenshi blush. Then it was the blonde's turn. "My name's Satoko Houjou." It was the last one's turn now. "And my name is Hanyuu Furude." She said with a sweet smile.
"It's nice to meet you all." Tenshi said polity.
"Dr. Irie is it okay if Tenshi-kun will come live with us when he gets discharged?" Rika said to Dr. Irie. Tenshi look at Rika a bit surprised, even Dr. Irie with a face of unpleasant one. "Are you sure? He is a boy." Letting a boy living with girls will make things uglier.
"The three of us had made a decision, plus he looks harmless enough." Rika said.
Tenshi seems very flatter of her offer, even her two friends agree. "Thank you."
One week later...
Early in the evening, Tenshi have been living in the house with the three girls for a week now. He really had nowhere else to go and the police was still unable to find anyone who knew about him or could identify him. He wasn't a freeloader; he would help out around the house like doing the laundry (he stayed away from the girls' underwear), doing the dishes and sweeping the floor. It was his way of thanking them for giving him a place to stay. At first, he was surprise that the girls were living together without parents, Rika and Satoko are orphans and Hanyuu was the only family Rika has.
He was currently doing the dishes while thinking. He still thinking about of his past, he wonder where did he got here, where he from, what was he like before he loose his memory, did he have parents? He wasn't sure, as long he waits he'll definitely uncover the true.
Then he heard the door slide open and turn to see the girls who have finished their day at school. "Welcome back" he welcomed theme as the girls had went inside.
"Guess what Tenshi-kun," Rika begin the news. "You can come to school with us." She finished. "Isn't it great?!" Hanyuu beamed with a smile.
Tenshi look at the girls surprised. "Really?" He asked.
"We asked Chie-sensei and the principal, they said you could come." Rika said.
"When do I start?" He asked. "Tomorrow." Rika respond. Tenshi could actually go to school like all other kids.
Tenshi look down a bit, he doesn't know if he's ready. He never went outside, since his awaken he lock himself inside surrounding by walls, last weekend when the girls were about to go groceries they asked if he will like to go with theme but he said he doesn't want to be a porter so Hanyuu had stay in the house to keep him company. For him; his a stranger without a past and he feels little scare. "Girls I don't know if I'm ready to go outside." He said in a depression tone.
"Oh no, you don't Mister. You need to get out take some air, a proper education and see other peoples." Satoko said with her hands on her hips like a mother.
"Tenshi, you need to stop lock yourself," Rika begin to speak to make sense in Tenshi. "You been locking yourself for a week now, is time to free yourself." Tenshi looked at Rika as she tries to help him.
"You're sealed yourself in the darkness Tenshi-kun," It was now Hanyuu's turn. "Locking yourself from outside means your lock inside the darkness. In the darkness where you're alone, you most walk out the darkness to escape and the only exist is the light. Walk through the darkness once you reach that light you're freed. Get out and go outside will help you meet new peoples and make friends. You can even create new memories here. " Tenshi looked at Hanyuu that she just makes sense. He has a dream once; he dreamed running in the hallways of darkness, when he saw a light he knew he most go to it, that dream was the first dream before he has awakened. Could this be what Hanyuu was saying that if he stays inside he'll be alone in the darkness? And also creating new memories he could do that. He's thinking for a moment. "Okay." That was the only respond he has.
The three girls were happy to hear, the whole week locking himself and tomorrow he'll be freed himself. He'll meet new people, making friends and friends who will help him.
The school of Hinamizawa was the only school, it has one classroom and one teacher, mixed with children of different ages and grade levels. It has grade schoolers, middle schoolers and high schoolers all in one classroom. The older students would sometime help the younger students with their studies. Hinamizawa was a small village so it has one school. Today was the day of the new student.
"Everyone we have a new transfer student." A woman with blue hair name Chie-sensei announced as Tenshi was right next to the teacher.
For school days Tenshi was wearing a white t-shirt black pants and black shoes. "Errr...my...my..." Tenshi was very nervous being the center of the attention. All the students were watching him, Tenshi was looking at Rika for encouragement, she only smile that gives him enough. "MY NAME IS TENSHI KAGE! NICE TO MEET YOU ALL!" He said with all in his lungs and bowed.
"He doesn't have to yell like that." Satoko said with a sweat drop.
"Well I did when I came to class." Hanyuu said.
"I'm pretty sure our friends will help him get used to it to the class. Nipah." Rika finished.
Suddenly an orange-brown haired teenage girl wearing a sailor fuku, complete with a yellow ribbon and white socks with dark brown shoes was breathing heavenly and stars in her eyes was looking at Tenshi, she only got one mind in her head. "Sooooooo Cuuuuute! OMOCHIKAERI (I'm taking him home)!" Then she suddenly grabs Tenshi and makes a run for it. "Ryuugu-san! You mustn't suddenly go and "take home" a transfer student!" Chie-sensei said.
After saving Tenshi from kidnapping and the first period over. "OK, time to ask random questions to our new classmate!" Announced the green haired ponytailed teenage girl wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with green tie and wears a yellow, unbuttoned vest, a long reddish-pink skirt, black socks and brown shoes.
All the students were gathered as Tenshi was sitting to a chair, he was little nervous but if the students wants to know he'll be happy to it. "What's your favorite food?" a boy asked.
"Fried rice"
"What's your favorite color?" a little girl asked.
"Hmm... Red..." answered Tenshi, then recalling Rika's hair. "And blue."
"Are those really the color of your eyes?" another boy asked. "My eyes?" Tenshi was confused about the boy's question. "Yes they are, their my natural eyes." Since Tenshi's awaken he saw his own eyes from a mirror, he didn't expected those kind of color but Dr. Irie says that some people have eyes of different color.
"So who's the next to ask?" the green haired girl declared. "If anybody will, I'll ask what color of his underwear is!"
Tenshi looking at the girl in confused for a few seconds. "Do I have to answer that question?" He asked Rika.
"No, no, my sister just playing with you." A girl who looks identical to the ponytailed girl but her hair is tie down, wearing a short sleeve buttoned white shirt with a blue striped ribbon tie around the collar and a blue mini-skirt.
"OMOCHIKAERI~!" Yet again the orange-brown girl grabs Tenshi and makes a run for it. "Hey you! Don't do stuff like that!" The ponytailed girl said.
After they saving Tenshi again, the brown-orange girl was tie in a chair and whining. "Seriously Rena-chan, last year you were trying to kidnap Hanyuu and now the new kid? What are we gonna do with you." Said a brown haired teenage boy, wearing a white collared over a red t-shirt, black pants, a belt and black shoes.
"I can't help it, he so cute, Hauu~." The girl now named Rena whined.
"Where you're from?" Said the green haired girl kindly. That hits Tenshi deeply. "I... don't know." He responds with his head down.
"You don't know?" She repeated.
"To tell you the truth," Tenshi said in depression. "I have amnesia." That hits all the students to hear that, amnesia? He doesn't remember?
"OMOCHIKAER~I~I~!~!" Once again Tenshi was being kidnap by Rena who broke freed from the rope.
"We told you to stop that!" Said the brown haired boy.
After saving Tenshi from Rena...again, the day continued as the students continued their studies, as the day past its lunch time.
"You live at Rika-chan's house?!" The same brown haired boy named Keiichi asked. Tenshi and the girls were eating lunch together with the girls' older friends; Keiichi, Rena and two girls who are twins Mion and Shion, they all gathered their desks together and they are currently eating their lunches.
"Yes." Tenshi responds with a nodded as he took a bite. They didn't have a change to get to know Tenshi more since no other students will like to question him again because they were feeling sorry for him for his amnesia.
Keiichi looked at Rika, waiting for answers. "We found him a week ago. We took him in and take care of him." She said.
"And you girls had been hiding him all this time?" Keiichi gasped.
"Is my fault," Tenshi said as everybody looks at him to hear. "I've been locking myself surrounding by walls. Keeping me safe but also keeping me from seeing the world."
"And yet, you're finally got out and seeing the world, good for you!" Mion said, a person who lock him/herself most have the guts to busted it out and see the world and meet other people. Tenshi look at Mion as she was smiled him, then giggle. "And also, if Rika, Satoko and Hanyuu hadn't found you, Rena would've taking you at her place and keep you." She teased.
Now Tenshi was looking at Rena, her keeping him home? "Do you always take people at home?" He asked. "No, no, I don't take people at my home. Only cute stuffs! Hau!" Rena answered.
"Rena-chan only takes things that she consider cute." Rika explained. Tenshi blinking twice as his point himself. "She considers me...cute?" He was so confused right now.
"Well personally I think you are." Mion said, as she put her fingers to make a square shape to 'take a good look' at him. "I have to agree with onee (sister), you do look cute" Shion said. Again, Tenshi blinked twice, the twins think his cute?
"Ah, now I get it." Keiichi snickering and put his finger and thumb on his chin. "You three took him 'cause his cute." Keiichi teased as Mion joint. "Oh, looks like there's a square love between Rika, Satoko and Hanyuu for Tenshi." Mion wouldn't stop teasing even Shion joint. "Satoko-chan we don't know the whole thing about Tenshi because of his amnesia, till he focusing of remembering, you're not dating him for awhile. And I think I might approve him." That makes Satoko blushed of embarrassing.
"T-T-That's not it, b-beside it was Rika's idea!" She snapped.
Everybody look at Rika. "I should know you were the one behind this." Mion said. Truth that the group already knows that than Rika had let Satoko lived with her since the disappeared of her big brother and now she let Tenshi living with theme because of his amnesia.
Then Mion close her eyes and put her finger and thumb on her chin to think. Then she snapped her fingers. "Ok, is decided, this weekend were going to give Tenshi here a tour to our village!" She declared.
"Huh?" Tenshi look at Mion in confused.
"Well your new here and you nearly know about this village, so we're gonna give you a tour." Mion explained.
"Yeah, after locking yourself, you have to see the village." Shion said.
"We're going to have lots of fun!" Rena beamed.
Tenshi couldn't help but to be flattered, they're going to giving him a tour to see this village, it might help him to get used to see other people and also, deep down he wants to spending time with them they already become his friends. He'll have to repay them someday.
"What are you all doing?" Tenshi asked. School had ended, it was time for all the students to go home, except for Tenshi's new friends. They all gathered their desks again and it looks they're about to having a meeting or something.
"Well we're having club activities." Mion respond.
"Club activities?..." Tenshi repeated in confused.
"Oh right, you see we're the Hinamizawa Gaming Club," Mion began to explain. "Our purpose is playing games and whoever the loser is will get a punishment game, is all about being the top and giving all we got!" She said as she act almighty, true that she's also is the class rep.
"What is a punishment game?" Tenshi asked more questions.
Mion continued to explain. "Well if someone loses to a game, they have to do a penalty, like dressing Keiichi into a maid outfit." "HEY!" Keiichi snapped in irritating.
"Say, want to join us?" Mion asked to Tenshi.
"Me?" Tenshi pointed himself.
"Well yeah, having Rika-chan, Satoko-chan and Hanyuu-chan skipping our meetings for a week for some reasons that we don't even know before, you're might joined." Mion said, Tenshi look at the three girls, skipped the meetings for the whole week?
"We couldn't stay to our club meetings the whole week because we have to make sure you were alright at home all alone." Rika explained like she already know that that Tenshi was wondering why. "But having you to our club will be nice. Nipah!"
"Okay, let's officially welcome Tenshi Kage into the club!" Mion declared. This makes Tenshi blinking twice in confused, he didn't say he'll join a least he said he'll join.
"All in favor?" Mion asked. Everyone raising their hands, Tenshi was surprised of this action that everyone wants him to join. "All opposed" They dropped their hands. "Welcome, Ten-chan!" everyone cheered.
"Yippee! We didn't have new members since Hanyuu joined!" Rena beamed.
"And I won't be the only boy anymore."
"Now, what about if we play the old maid!" Mion declared as she holding a deck. Tenshi has no choice, he grab a chair and as they started the game.
10 minutes later...
"Can you repeat that?" Mion asked.
"I said I'm done." Tenshi answered as he reveals the cards complete.
"EHHH!" They all gasped.
"Okay how does an amnesiac knows how to play like a pro?!" Keiichi said.
"It must be Tenshi-kun's lucky day!" Rena said.
"Well we did help him a little." Satoko added.
"Gongrats you did it *clap clap clap*" Rika clapping her hands.
"Gotta say I'm pretty impressed you done so quickly, for a newbie." Mion said, she was pretty surprise that he play well and win.
"Then that means... you'll get a punishment game Mion." Keiichi said with a grin which makes Mion creep out, "Yeah onee, you have to accept it." Shion agreed.
"Well this is lest humiliated." Mion said. The gang were walking together on their way home as sun was setting. Since Mion lost she has to receive a punishment game. But Tenshi doesn't want to give her a punishment, he was too nice to think something humiliated, so the others had deciding on their own, but Tenshi interfered for something big, so he thought of it and that's how he found one; drawing weird pictures on her faces. The others thinks it's hilarious even Mion laugh a little.
"I could come up something better." Keiichi said.
"Like pervy things." Satoko said.
"Well good thing Tenshi is too nice to think something humiliate... or pervy." Shion said.
"The flower on Mii-chan's face is so cute! Hau~ Omochikaeri!" Rena said as she keeps staring on Mion's face.
Tenshi was enjoying walking with his friends, his first day of school was great, he have befriended with his new classmates and the three girls' older friends. As they walking Tenshi was staring at the sunset this whole time, he couldn't get his eyes off of it, "The sun is beautiful." The others stop then looked at Tenshi and then the sun.
"Yeah it does." Mion said.
"I never noticed it, before now." Keiichi said.
"I always enjoy seeing the sun setting." Rena said.
"It feels great to see this scene." Hanyuu said. All of them seeing the sun setting was a beautiful moment, even Rika always enjoyed seeing the sunset since her suffering past was over last year.
"See Tenshi, the world has scenes that you never seen before." Rika said to Tenshi as he still staring at the sun.
'It's like the light I was reaching from darkness was actually the sunset.' Tenshi thought, 'And I already found it.'
"How it is, Satoko?" It was night time, after a long day of school and club activity, Tenshi and the girls have arrive at their home, and were relaxes from this long day and doing homework. Tenshi was currently helping Satoko in cooking as he showing her the potato. "Tenshi-kun you don't have to show me every potato you cut, just peel the skins out and that's it." Satoko explained and was a little annoying every time Tenshi shows her the potatoes he cut.
But still, seeing Tenshi handle a knife was impressive for an amnesiac, maybe he once helps his mother cooking. "But thanks for the help by the way." She thanked with a smile.
On the table, Rika and Hanyuu were watching Tenshi helping Satoko, "Tenshi-kun I think you should take a break." Hanyuu said, Tenshi turn his head at Hanyuu with a look of confused, "But I just got started 8 minutes and 40 seconds ago." He said which that gives him the looks from the girls, "I know because I counted." He explained.
"Well true that you already finish your math homework so quickly," Hanyuu said, true that Tenshi had finish his math home worker only for 3 minutes, even in class he already answering all the math problems. "But I don't mean cocking I meant the chores you did. This morning you roll up the futons for us, even doing the dishes when we done eating breakfast then you put the laundries outside to dry and when we arrive you take them and folded and you started sweeping. Don't you think is time you take a break" Hanyuu said.
Before Tenshi could say something he was cut off by Rika, "You know she's right Tenshi-kun, you did all the chores in the house for a week now, none of us asked you."
Tenshi look at Rika for moment then looking to the floor "Is just...I wanted to repay you all for letting me stayed here and...for trying to help me to get use to it." Tenshi said with honesty as the girls look at him, "I was so grateful from your generously that I want it to return it." Tenshi finished.
The girls look at each other's then, "But we are grateful, you did everything to make us happy, now we're even! Nipah!" Rika said. Tenshi look at her in widened eyes, "Really?"
"Of course really, it's not like we wanted you to be our butler and you don't have to go through just to make us happy. You just have to do at little and let us handle it the rest, we're friends right?" Rika said. Tenshi couldn't help by what Rika said, it makes him feel happy, very happy and...blushed.
"Thank you," Tenshi said then turned to the potatoes. "I still need to finish this and then I'll take a break."
"Oh no you're not!" Satoko said as she pushes Tenshi to the table, "You done enough for today, now sit there and relax. I'll finish preparing the diner." She said as she put Tenshi to sit down.
Tenshi was now sitting with Rika and Hanyuu, Tenshi couldn't stop blushing when he sees Rika, he doesn't understand why he was feeling that way.
Later that night, Tenshi was wearing his night clothes a pair of black shorts and white t-shirt, it was bedtime but Tenshi is currently outside looking at the sky. He doesn't know why he was outside. But by looking at the stars and the moon makes him feel better, for some reasons he feels he needing it and another reason he can't figure it out. He also listening the cicadas singing, he enjoys it this night. But when he figures it out it was late he returns inside and went to sleep in his futon with the rest of the girls sleeping in theirs.
"GRAOOOOOHG!" A gorilla-like dark bulky figure roared as it charge to the person who look at it in a strange dark place, as the creature was about to do a move the person punch it in the chest.
"6 Hits; Jackhammer Punch!" said the person as the fist made contact to the chest, the creature was send flying by 6 impacts of shockwaves from its chest and landing on the floor.
As the creature was about to getting up, "Wind...KICK!" suddenly the person send a slash of wind direct to the creature, when the slash hit the creature it cut it in half vertical and blood splashing...
"AAAAAAH!" Tenshi was suddenly screamed and immediately sitting on his futon with sweats, he looks around and saw the girls looking at him.
"Tenshi-kun, are you okay?" Hanyuu ran to Tenshi then on her knees with worries.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Rika asked as she was joining with Hanyuu also with worries. "Yes I...guess." Tenshi respond as he wipes out the sweat on him.
"Well, roll up your futon and let's have breakfast, that'll relax your mind and forget that bad dream" Satoko suggestion holding a spatula on her hand, she was currently preparing breakfast for four.
"Hai!" Tenshi respond. After that, Tenshi and the girls were eating breakfast, while the girls were discussing, Tenshi on the other hand was wondering about the dream he have, 'What was that dream?' he though.
At school...
At the end of it, Keiichi was covered in flour, had water poured over him that made the flour wet, and covered in feathers. "Sa…To…Ko!" Keiichi seethed.
"Ohohohohohoho!" the blonde prankster laughed. "Once again, Keiichi-san got caught in one of my traps!"
Everyone else couldn't help but laugh as Keiichi began to give chase at Satoko. The only one who didn't pay attention was Tenshi, he was currently thinking about that dream he have, the dream wasn't a pleasant one; the part of blood spilling out made him ill. For some reasons it looks familiar to him, also the first dream he has when he wake up in Hinamizawa looks also familiar and that dream he had one time;
"Please...Angel-kun...the humanity depends...on...you..."
It was a dream about a little girl lying on the floor talking weakling, surrounding on her was what made seen to be red liquid, after hearing her last breath he hears his own voice. Those dreams were familiar to him, were they just? Were they memories? Were they the secret of his past? He doesn't know.
"Hau~ Tenshi-kun is cute when he pass out, Omochikaeri!" Rena who pop out of nowhere grab Tenshi in her arms into a hug, their friends look at her and started to laugh, as Tenshi was trying to get some air he still in his thoughts, 'Who am I?' he'll have to find out one day, to uncover the truth.
To Be Continued...
If you are a fan of Higurashi and glad there's a happy ending in the show, you can read this story at my account, were it has more chapters.