Dearest Diary,
Let me introduce myself. This is a new diary after all, and the first entry I've written in one since I was twelve.
I'm Harleen Quinzel. DOCTOR Harleen Quinzel.

Even after nine years of school to become a Doctor I keep forgetting to use my newly-acclaimed title.

I'm 26 years old, 5"5, blonde, blue-eyed and an ex-cheerleader/gymnast… I'm assuming you know the drill here. Being short, blonde and fit is great for sweet-talking myself and my best friend Pam (also known as Red) into clubs and concerts, but not so good when you're desperate to become a respected doctor.

I suppose I had a good childhood up until my teenage years. My mother died when I was sixteen after an OD and ever since that moment I knew in my heart that I wanted to help troubled people just like my dear Mother. My father, being the only other inspiration I've ever had in my life, has always doubted my dreams of a psychological career. He always wanted me to become a pharmacist, which I blatantly refused. I'm certainly very headstrong when it comes to the things I'm passionate about.

I've recently become a psychologist at Arkham Asylum, Gotham City. My internship finished a year ago and I had the choice to stay at Arkham, or move to Blackgate. I chose the latter simply because I was more comfortable having my one good doctor friend, Guy Kopski, to stick with rather than going to a whole new place and starting all over again.

Today Dr. Joan Leland called me to her office, which made me think I'd done something wrong instantly. Leland never had one good thing to say to me than 'goodbye'. Anyhow, I strolled into her office at 9AM on the dot to be greeted by Leland who wore a smacked-ass expression on her face. Nothing changes huh? She pretty much sat me down and told me that there's gonna be a huge meeting with the Asylum's board members and myself, because they're assigning new 'more challenging' patients. I couldn't help but chuckle when she told me because my only current patients right now are a woman who killed her family because 'her cat told her to' and I also get a few other people throughout the weeks. Oh, boy. Now that I think about it, this is huge. I'm actually being given a responsibility…. A big one…. By Joan Leland. I need to call Red…

But yeah, BIG DAY FOR QUINNY TOMORROW. Wish me luck!
