Hello! This is a response to a request by inordertolivelife on Tumblr. I published there first but I choose to publish it here too.
The prompt was Carson/Hughes and Accidental Kissing.
Enjoy (?)
Carson/Hughes - Accidental Kiss
Charles entered her parlour without knocking that morning.
"Mrs Hughes? Are you in here?" he asked, not seeing her in the room.
"I'm over here, Mr Carson," came her muffled voice.
"Under my desk."
He neared her desk and saw she was actually under it. "What on earth are you doing there?"
"I was writing and my pen slipped through my fingers and fell under the desk. I switched on the light but I can't find it anyway."
"I'll help you," he offered, kneeling down.
"Mr Carson, there's no need for you to..."
"Nonsense," he cut her short. "Two pair of eyes is better than one."
She smiled slightly as he started moving his hands on the floor, searching for her pen. She followed his example and put herself on all fours.
They were very close to each other, their shoulders brushing and their hands almost touching.
They weren't young folks anymore and soon their laboured breaths broke the silence that enveloped her parlour.
"I think I've found it," puffed Mr Carson after a while.
"Have you?"
"Yes!" exclaimed the butler, grabbing the pen and sitting upright on his legs, forgetting he was crouched under her desk.
He bumped his head hard on the wood and let out a whimper of pain.
"Mr Carson!" She turned to him, alarmed, and pushed herself up, bumping her head as well and accidentally brushing her lips against his while sitting instinctively back on her legs.
Their eyes got wide and they both blushed, still massaging their own heads.
"I'm sorry..."
"I apologize..." they spoke at the same time. They stopped and glanced at each other.
Charles was looking at her with red ears and a startled and confused expression, while she was looking at him with cheeks burning red.
"Don't be sorry," she whispered.
Charles' heart was pounding in his chest. "I am not," he admitted.
She was so beautiful in that moment, with her pretty blushing and her coy expression.
He was so handsome in that moment, with that curl on his forehead and his ears beet red.
Their mouths crushed together at the same time. His hands went to the small of her back, bringing her closer, while hers cradled his head and entwined in his greying hair.
Elsie moaned in his mouth and he teased softly her lower lip with his teeth, moving his hands up and down her back.
When they separated they were both blushing profusely, panting slightly.
"I must admit that was quite unexpected."
She smiled at him. "It was. But not at all unpleasant."
He nodded in agreement.
Elsie kissed the bridge of his nose and took the pen off the floor, where it had fallen. "Thank you."
It was his turn to smile. "I think we'd rather thank your pen, Mrs Hughes... Elsie."
"Yes, it has always been a good and faithful pen. Whatever shall we thank it for, Charles?"
He took her again in his arms. "For this," he whispered, kissing her softly.
"Mmm," she murmured. "I think we should thank it again."
He was more than happy to oblige.
I know this was a little silly fic but it would be lovely if you left a review to let me know what you think about it. Have a good day! :)