Behind Closed Doors
Summary:What's behind your door, Doctor?
Disclaimer:I don't own Doctor Who
A/N:Takes place in a dreamscape sometime in The Doctor's timeline after the hotel with Amy and Rory. Because if he believes in anything, he believes in her.
We walk in hand in hand and all smiles. He's gorgeous in his tux and I can't help but to keep looking at him out of the corner of my eye.
"You look lovely in your blue dress," he says, smiling at me. I smile back. I wore this dress because it was the same color as his ship. His favorite color. Because as he regenerates two things never ever change. He always loves bananas and his favorite color is always TARDIS blue.
"Where are we going?" He asks me and I smile at the ground. It feels so good to hear him ask that for once.
"The only place I can take you where you'll be happy," I say and he purses his lips. I can tell what he's thinking and I know he thinks happiness is unattainable for him.
"Are we seeing River?" He asks almost in contempt with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Nope," I respond popping the 'p'. He sighs and slows his pace but doesn't stop or yank his hand away.
"Why should I trust you?" He asks me all of a sudden and I laugh.
"Isn't that what your companions usually ask you, Doctor?" I question and he shrugs his shoulders.
"You're not an ordinary companion," he whispers, speeding up a little, "you know everything about me without having to be told. And you're visiting me in a dream."
I smile. So he knew it was a dream.
"Ah yes, Doctor. I do know everything. It's not so hard to figure out. Especially once River sent out the help beacon telling us you were dying."
"Well I didn't die," he responds, "I'm always okay, me. The king of okay." I chuckled.
"Oh Doctor. I know all about you. And I know you're not okay." He swallows thickly as I continue, "you haven't been okay in a long time."
"What else do you know?" He asks, voice shaking and I smile at him, placing a finger over my lips
"Spoilers," I respond with a giggle and he sighs, gripping my hand tighter.
"Do…do you know my name?" He asks almost breathless and I turn to look at him.
"Your name is The Doctor," I respond, that's good enough for me. I almost release his hand to cross my arms across my chest. I never understood his new companions obsession with his name. He was The Doctor. It was good enough for 1200 bloody years of time and space. It was good enough for me.
"No, my true name," he whispers, eyes very nearly wide with fear.
"Names are power, Doctor," I say and squeeze his hand, "no one should have that power over you." I can see him gape at me from the corner of my eye as I slow to a stop.
"Here we are Doctor," I say motioning to a door in front of me that reads 11. He blanches.
"It can't be," he whispers, voice cracking in terror.
"It's not," I reassure him, taking his hand and putting it on the knob. "Open it."
"Is she in there?" He asks, looking at me with wide eyes, "is she there waiting still?" I smile and shake my head.
"I don't know Doctor," I say, "you tell me."
He opens the door then and he sees her for the first time in years. Well, this her anyways. He saw a lot of her younger self quite often in this incarnation. He couldn't stay away from her it seemed. Maybe that's why it had always been so easy for her to love him. He had imprinted on her. Probably around the time he held her as a baby.
He says her name and the sound is swallowed as I shut the door. She's always there waiting. I don't know why, but they both needed happiness. Finally.