I can't believe he just said that...after everything.

It's not my fault I can't bloody answer him! I love him! But it doesn't matter because he doesn't love me!

I cry silently to myself, watching him as he disappears into the forest.

He just...left me.

I can't believe he would do that.

I fall to the ground, upset and hurt about what has happened over the past two days.

Why am I surprised?! This is Riven; he only cares about himself and his massive ego...and anyway, he's left me before.

My loud sobs echo around the clearing and I begin to shake uncontrollably.

I just can't hold it in any longer.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and my head whips up.

Riven?! What the hell is he doing back here!?

"Hey...um...I'm going to take you back to Alfea, so get on." He mumbles, gesturing to his leva-bike a few meters away.

I walk over to it, unable to thank him, and slide onto the back seat

"A simple thank you would be nice you know." He mutters, glaring at me.

Thank you.

Too bad he can't fucking hear me.

He stands there and watched me for a while, waiting for an answer.

After a minute, he rolls his eyes and gets on the front of his bike.

"Oh yeah, forgot who I was talking to..." He says under his breath, only I can hear it, thanks to my sonic hearing.

I feel tears in my eyes but I blink them away, and wrap my arms around his waist.

He stiffens and straightens up.

"Musa...I-I...never mind." He says, before starting the engine on his leva-bike and driving away.

I feel the wind on my face as we zoom through the traffic and across the roads.

He's awfully keen to get back...he probably wants to get rid of me as soon as possible.

I wake up to him prodding me on the shoulder.

I didn't even realise I went to sleep!

I get off his bike and awkwardly stand outside if the gates to Alfea.

"So...um...bye." He mutters, turning to leave.

Uh-huh, he is not getting away that easily.

I reach out and pull him into a hug, my face resting against his chest.

He flinches slightly at my actions, not really sure wether to hug me back or not.

He does.

I feel his warm, strong arms wrap around me, protecting me from the world. I feel safe, like nothing can harm me ever again...

"M-Musa...why don't you talk to me? Don't you like me anymore?" He whispers, stroking my hair.

Well for one; I'm under a spell, two; I don't like you...I love you.

He sighs at my silence and lets me go.

"I'll leave you alone from now on Musa...you won't get hurt anymore...I'm sorry." Riven whispers, getting into his bike and with one final glance, he rides off into the night.

I start to silently cry again as I slowly make my way back up to my room. I know I should go to the nurse...but I really can't be asked. I just want to sleep in my own bed tonight.

After managing to make it up to my room un-noticed, I open the door and silently close it behind me.

Letting out a sigh, I turn around and wipe away my tears.

Suddenly, the light flickers on and I can see five very familiar girls standing in from of me; not looking too happy.

"Where the hell have...Oh my god Musa?! What happened to you?!" I hear Bloom shout, rushing towards me.

I mimic writing and they seem to understand because a few minutes later, I have a pen and piece of paper in hand.

I wrote down a short kind of summary of what happened, including the spell.

After passing it to Bloom, I collapses onto the sofa and watch as the girls read it.

"That little piece of-" Layla starts, but I quickly cut her off by signalling for her to keep on reading.

Their heads all fling up at once and stare at me, their mouths forming perfect 'o's'.

They quickly gather around me and mutter a convergence spell. I feel a warm glow engulf me as I watch the dark energy receding from my body.

"YAY! I CAN TALK!" I yell at top volume, which FYI, for me is pretty high.

All if the girls laugh at me and they sit down on the sofa.

"Okay, I know you're glad to get your voice back and everything, but we still need details. So...you went to the forest, ON YOUR OWN, got attacked by Darcy, managed to escape and then found your way back to Alfea? Is that all of it?" Bloom asks, looking very curious.

I decided to leave Riven out if it. I didn't want the girls to know about what happened between us and besides, I don't really want my friends to have another excuse to murder Riven...that would just cause problems.

"Yup, basically that's everything." I say, leaning in and grabbing an apple from a bowl.

"I still think you should go to the nurse, you look really bad Musa." Stella cuts in, glaring at me disapprovingly.

"Guys, I don't need to! That convergence practically healed a lot of the minor ones." I say, trying to get out of it.

I know that the convergence didn't heal lots, but it uplifted my mood quite a bit and boosted my powers as well.

"I think I'm going to go to bed now..." I say, getting up and stretching.

"You'd better! Class starts in just under two hours...you've been out all night Musa." Flora says, concerned.

"Okay, wake me up at like quarter to. See ya." I say, walking out if the room and into me and Tecna's dorm.

My head hits the pillow and I fall into a deep sleep, a never-ending dream.

I love you Riven...bit I guess it's too late to tell you that now.

Told you guyz I'd do three chapters! ;)
R&R thx