Hey guys :D

So yea, this is ma first FanFic...DUN DUN DUUUN!

But I'm not gonna say don't flame me cos I really wanna know what you guys think :)

So yea...read on!

I watch as she walks away from me, upset and angry.

Well...it wasn't the first time.

I just had to step it up a level and bring up her past. But wait, it doesn't stop there, I had to go and hurt her even more by using it against her.

Way to go Riven.

I sigh and run my hand through my short magenta hair. Part of me wanted to run to her and comfort her, apologise for everything I had done to her for the past years.

But no. You see, I was so scared to hurt my pride, I couldn't even say sorry to the girl.

The other part of me wanted to tell her to shut up and walk away, never turning back again.

Somehow I couldn't bring myself to do either of those things, knowing that I would never live it down.

She sniffs, breaking through into my thoughts and I look at her, shivering in the rain.

I quickly played the conversation we'd just had over in my mind.


"Hey Riven." Musa says, looking as beautiful as ever.

Her long, dark blue hair had been pulled up into two bunches, with two pieces at the front left to frame her face.

Just how I liked it.

It made her look kind of girly, although I always knew that the same hard-headed and cocky tomboy would lie underneath.

She was wearing a red off shoulder top, which finished just slightly above her waist, showing off her flat stomach. She wore blue full cargo pants and red sneakers, her rebellious personality shinning through every single item.

She looked stunning but just as casual as ever, which is one of the things I adored about her; her constant street-cred.

"Hey." I said back simply, not wanting her to know what I was thinking about her at the precise moment.

"You look great Riven..." She complemented, smiling. She shifted from one foot to another, looking out of place.

"I know." I answer, looking away.

Arghh! Riven! Real smooth. Just complement her back for crying out loud!

"Um...so-" She started, sounding kind of nervous.

"Yeah, what?!" I cut her off, sounding impatient. I quickly bite my tongue, stopping any more rude and regrettable words coming out.

Danm...why do I always have to do that? It's just...it makes me uncomfortable when she goes all 'nervous' around me. It's like she wants to talk about something to do with like...feelings or something...

I shudder at the thought and watch as a slight look of hurt crosses her face.

"Yo, you don't have to cut me off Riven, ever heard of waiting?" She joked, hiding her real emotions.

"Well I do have to cut you off Musa, otherwise you would have gone on about some stupid thing!" I shout at her, letting my anger free.

I swear I could hit myself right now.

"Oh, so now everything I say is stupid?!" She shouts angrily, not bothering to hide behind a smile.

"Yeah, as a matter of a fact it is!" I scream at her, again her eyes fill with hurt but only for a split-second, they soon become masked with anger.

This is not good...Riven stop for gods sake!

I ignore the small voice in the back of my head, which at the moment, was starting to sound a little to much like Helia. Next it'll be saying 'Go buy her some flowers' or 'Write a poem' or something annoying like that.

"Well you know what Riven?! I don't think that's stupid, what's stupid is you and me!" She shouts, tears forming in her eyes. She quickly blinks them away and turns around.

"Oh, so we're starting a list now are we? I think that you're stupid. You think everyone has to feel sorry for you, just because your mom died and your life is sooo hard. Yeah right. Here's a news flash Musa; it's not all about you." I say, instantly regretting it as soon as I blurted it out.

I froze in shock at what I had just said.

*End of Flashback*

She stands a couple of meters away, trembling and sobbing away.

I start walking away, the rain pouring down, heavily landing on my head.

"Yeah that's it Riven, run away when things get tough, you're a coward. Just like your parents." She whispers, just loud enough for me to hear.

I clench my fists and storm over to her. She has turned around and is now looking at me full in the eye.

I see regret in her eyes, but it's not enough to stop me.

"Riven, I-"

I pick her up and pin her against the wall, stopping her in mid sentence.

I feel the anger welling up inside me as I hold her there, her feet hanging a few inches above the ground.

"R-Riven...y-you're hurting me!" She says, tears welling in her eyes.

But I can feel is the pain she brought to me as my nails dig deeper into her arms.

"Musa you-"

A single tear runs down her cheek cutting me off.

Suddenly realising what I am doing, I let her go and she drops to the ground.

I stagger back, disgusted by what I just did. Millions if thoughts run through my mind, like a stampede of wild animals. I look down in horror at the girl at my feet.

I crouch down and quickly place my hand on her shoulder.

She flinches back and moves away, looking hurt and scared.

Well done Riven. You have succeeded in hurting the only girl you love, here, take a medal why don't you?

The voice mocks me, pointing out the truth, as easily as if it were the sun in the sky.

I sink down to my knees and watch as Musa gets to her feet and walks away, leaving me standing outside Alfea, regretting my actions since the day I met her.