Prompt #106: What would you do with three wishes?
Word Count:
Rating: K+
Characters: Wally and Artemis.
Prompt from: www .creativewritingprompts. moc
Remove spaces and change moc to com.
Artemis knew she didn't come from a normal family. She knew she wasn't normal. She knew that most people saw her as normal. But what she didn't know was that one of those people would ask her possibly the hardest question ever.
Out of all people, why would Wally be the one to ask it? Why would the most annoying person in the world ask her the question?
Well, it all started just a few hours ago.
Artemis happened to be doing her homework in The Cave, trying to escape from the constant text messages Barbara and Bette would send her. She'd ditched both her phone and her mother.
It was a typical day at the cave, there hadn't been any missions for a while. On the other side of the sofa, Wally was scarfing down his sixth batch of cookies. And M'gann had been baking them non-stop for hours.
And suddenly, it happened. While Artemis was busy pulling her hair out over a math question, Wally had stopped shoving cookies down his throat to ask her a question.
"What would you do with three wishes?"
Artemis blinked. "What?"
"I said, what would you do with three wishes?"
Artemis blinked again. Why would Wally stop eating cookies to ask her a question? It took her a moment to register what Wally had said. What would she do?
If Artemis could have three wishes, she could make her life perfect. She could make her family an actual family. She could wish that Sportsmaster never became Sportsmaster. She could wish that her Mom could still walk. Heck, she could even wish that Superheroes didn't exist. Artemis could wish for a thousand things. But just choosing three out of all those things she could wish for? Artemis wished that she wasn't as selfish as she was. She knew there were people who had suffered far more than she had. And being a hero, she shouldn't really have that many wishes to make.
All those wishes would have made her happier. But all those wishes would change everything she knew, everything she cared about. She wouldn't be here in The Cave with all the others. She wouldn't see Robin going ninja on everyone, she wouldn't see M'gann rushing through The Cave to get to her cookies in time. Artemis wouldn't see Superboy staring at the static on the TV screen, she wouldn't see Kaldur dripping puddles after he finished swimming. Maybe, Artemis would miss Red Arrow shouting at the zeta beams every time it got his name wrong. And maybe, just maybe, she would miss arguing with Wally about those tiny little things.
Thinking about it a little bit harder, Artemis knew that she would give up everything for this team.
Wally stared expectantly at her.
She didn't answer him.
Wally wasn't sure why he had asked the question, maybe he was just curious. He'd already asked everyone else on the team, and he had gotten a very big range of answers.
It was a long time before Artemis had finished thinking. She kept her mouth shut, but gave him a tiny smile.
It was the best answer he'd ever gotten.
Although the question got Artemis thinking, she blamed Wally completely for making her fail all of her tests the next day.