Forbidden Feelings
Chapter 3
"You got your phone and everything?" asked Mio's mother as she drives Mio to Ritsu's house.
"Yes mom, I always have it with me." Mio said smiling. "Why you ask?"
"Well, I heard that there is a dangerous man on the loose and I just want to be sure that you're safe. I will call up every 30 minutes, okay?"
"Mom…" Mio said looking at her.
Her mom sighed then said, "Fine, every hour."
"Thank you." said Mio happily.
Once they reached to Ritsu's house, she got out of the car, waved her mom goodbye as she drove off, then walked to Ritsu's front door and rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" said Ritsu inside the house.
Mio waited patiently until Ritsu opened the door.
Ritsu opened the door then yelled, "Mio, hi!"
"Hey Ritsu!" said Mio with a big smile.
"Come in!" exclaimed Ritsu.
Mio walked into the house and placed her stuff down.
"I made salsa and I bought chips, sweets, and soda just for us!"
"Wow Ritsu, you paid for all of that?" asked Mio.
"Yeah, it was not that much." Ritsu said with a smile.
"Where are your mom and dad?" Mio asked curiously.
"Oh, both my mom and dad are out of town, so we have the house all to ourselves," Ritsu said then smirked. "Which means…SCARY MOVIES."
"Ritsu! You know I hate scary movies!"
"I know, but come on, please? What's a sleepover without a movie?" Ritsu gave Mio the puppy eyes.
Mio hated when Ritsu did the puppy eyes because she does it so darn well. Mio only sighed then said, "Fine, we'll watch a scary movie."
"Yay! My puppy eyes never fail." said Ritsu with a fist in the air. "Want to eat something before we watch a scary movie?"
"Sure, I'm kind of hungry." Mio said looking and rubbing her stomach.
"Okay, follow me!" Ritsu linked arms with her and they both walked to the kitchen together.
"We have pasta if you want some." said Ritsu opening the fridge.
"Sure, pasta sounds good right now."
Ritsu took a container full of pasta out of the fridge. She was on her way to the microwave to heat the pasta up, but as she was walking there, she hit her knee against a kitchen chair. She yelped and dropped the pasta and herself to the floor. Mio gasped and ran to Ritsu.
"Ritsu! Are you okay?" Mio asked concerned.
"Y-Yeah…just...hurts a bit is all."
"I'll go get ice from the fridge." Mio said as she stood up then walked to the fridge to get ice. She walked back to Ritsu and got on her knees with a pack of frozen peas. She placed it on Ritsu's knee softly. Ritsu whimpered softly as she felt the coldness on her injured knee.
"T-Thanks Mio…" said Ritsu watching Mio.
"You're welcome, Ritsu…"
After leaving the pack of peas on Ritsu's knee for a while, she took it off.
"Does it feel a bit better?" Mio asked looking up at Ritsu.
"Yeah, it does," Ritsu said looking at Mio. "Thank you once again."
"You're welcome." Mio said once again, but with a soft smile. Mio looked back at Ritsu knee and rubbed it softly. "This…this is the injured knee…where Grace kicked you, huh?" Mio asked still looking at Ritsu's knee.
"Heh, yeah…I don't regret pushing that bitch." Ritsu said then started laughing a bit.
"Why don't you regret it? Don't you feel a little bad?"
"No…" Ritsu placed both of her hands on Mio's cheeks to make Mio look at her. "Because I got to protect the most precious person to me…"
Mio blushed deeply. "Oh Ritsu…you don't mean that." Mio said, trying to avoid eye contact with her.
"Oh Mio, but I do mean it…" Ritsu started stroking her cheeks with her thumbs softly. "That was the best day of my life…getting to meet you…the most beautiful girl in the world…no one can compete with your beauty, Mio."
Mio looked at Ritsu, blushing madly. "You…really mean that Ritsu? You think…I'm beautiful?"
Ritsu chuckled a bit then said, "I don't think, I know."
Mio closed her eyes softly. "Thank you, Ritsu for your kind words."
"Hey, just telling the truth."
Mio opened her eyes again and looked into Ritsu's eyes and Ritsu looking into Mio's eyes. They were just staring deeply into each other's eyes.
Ritsu wanted something, she wanted it really bad. She knows what she wants…Mio.
'Shit…I think I have fallen in love with my best friend.' Ritsu thought to herself.
"Mio…" Ritsu suddenly leaned down close to Mio's face then kissed her lips softly. Mio's eyes widen what Ritsu is doing. Her heart started beating really fast. Ritsu pulled away and looked at Mio.
"Mio…I realized something…"
"Mio, I realized that I'm in love with you."
"Mio…I'm in love with you…I'm IN love with you."
"Ritsu, s-stop kidding around! Your teasing is not funny!"
"I'm not teasing you, Mio! I love you, Mio!"
"Ritsu," Mio stood up. "Quit teasing me! It's not funny."
Ritsu stood up as well. "Mio, I'm not, I swear! I kissed you, didn't I? Doesn't that tell you something, Mio?"
"Are…are you serious…?" Mio asked looking down shyly.
"I'm dead serious," Ritsu said as he grabbed Mio's hands and held them. "I would never joke about anything like this…"
Mio blushed even more then looked to the side.
"Mio…stop looking away from me," Ritsu tried moving her face so she can look at her. "Tell me, Mio…do you feel the same towards me?"
Mio kept looking away with her eyes covered by her bangs.
Ritsu sighed then said, "Look, if you're disgusted by me and you don't want to talk to me again, then I understand." Ritsu looked down shamelessly. She feels embarrassed and rejected. Ritsu was about to walk away, but then she felt a soft and gentle hand grab hers. She looked at Mio, with her eyes still covered by her bangs. "Ritsu…" she then looked up slowly with a serious expression on her face. "I…I feel the same!"
Ritsu started blushing. "M-Mio…are you serious?"
Mio nodded. "I…I felt like that ever since 8th grade…"
Ritsu gasped. "R-Really…?"
Mio nodded.
"Mio…I'm sorry for not noticing any time sooner…"
"It's okay…at least I know how you feel about me now, Ritsu…" Mio said with a soft smile.
Ritsu smiled as well and moved closer to Mio, pulling her close.
"I love you, Mio." Ritsu said looking at her.
"I love you too, Ritsu." Mio said looking back.
Ritsu gently kissed Mio's lips and Mio kissed back.
A scream could be heard in the scary movie that Mio and Ritsu were watching.
Ritsu was holding Mio on her lap. Ritsu looked down at Mio and held a little close. "Are you scared?"
"N-No…I-I'm fine." Mio said shaking a bit.
Ritsu chuckled then kissed her head. Mio, as usual, blushed.
She snuggled in Ritsu's chest. "I love being in your arms…"
Ritsu blushed as well and kept holding her tightly.
When the movie ended, Ritsu looked down at Mio who was already fast asleep. She smiled at how beautiful Mio looks when she sleeps.
"I'm so lucky to have you…" Ritsu whispered softly to herself then started closing her eyes and fell fast asleep with Mio in her arms.
Chapter 4 coming soon!