Here's this next chapter for you. Another short one, I think I'm gonna do a bunch of short chapters till I finally finish this off.

Fall of a Hero, Rise of a Legend

Chapter 48

"Justice Forever. This group just continues to amaze me." Came the voice of a reporter on the tv.

"Yeah… it's amazing that a group of children, came together, and is fighting for our city. These people, have been fighting for over a year now, and they're holding out against a terrorist group that has evaded government agencies for years." Another reporter replied.

"Still… I can't help but wonder how they're feeling, especially after the quiet time that has recently occurred. The fighting has ceased and an uncertain atmosphere has descended on New York City, but… I just can't help but wonder what's going through the mind of JF, while this ceasefire is occurring." The first reporter stated.

They went on and on as the recalled many of the battles that JF fought. The reporters continuously heaped praise onto the young heroes, many of whom watched from their TV's in JF headquarters.

With a sigh, Mindy shut off the TV. She enjoyed the praise but sometimes it made things much too real for JF. It brought into their minds, how truly lucky they were, in facing off against Cain.

The things they survived, the mere fact that many of them were still living living was a testament to their ability to survive. Mindy held few disillusions, she knew Cain was hunting for them, intent of bringing the fight to their home. She and the others were starting to see shadows everywhere. Many of them were hesitant to leave, only moving about by using the tunnel they had dug between the headquarters and the apartments.

Mindy herself, never stood directly in front of windows anymore. She knew that all it would take is someone to see her as they walk past, and they were be screwed. JF had been putting their all into training. They had been working their asses off, and yet still they felt unprepared. Their home was booby trapped. The headquarters was literally turned into a hellscape of their own making. Anyone whom tried busting in would run into many traps and defense. Many of them designed with legionaries in mind.

With another sigh, Mindy turned and head towards the bedroom. Sarah was asleep, and Dave was resting in bed, so the apartment was quiet.

Mindy made it to the room and eyed Dave's sleepy form on the bed. The lack of action was actually starting to take a toll on him. He was tense, just like everyone else. They were all, always looking over their shoulders now, waiting for someone to catch them.

That's exactly what they needed right now, more stress.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, Mindy crawled into bed, next to her betrothed. She cuddled up next to him as he let out a tired breath and his eyes fluttered open.

"The building of fire?" Dave inquired sleepily.

"No. Go back to sleep." Mindy replied as she snuggled close to him.

Dave simply nodded and let his eyes slide shut once again. Mindy listened as silence, overtook the room. Soon the only noise was Dave's quiet breaths.

Mindy wondered to herself, how they had come so far so quickly. It had been over a year since all of this started, since Dave's father died and he started his crusade as The Fallen. Mindy remembered back to those days, god, everything seemed so much simpler back then.

Mindy thought back to the days of Kickass and the revolution he had started. Back then their biggest threat was Chris. They would catch purse snatchers and drug pushers. They weren't fighting a war. Mindy eyed Dave's sleeping form for a moment before letting out a giggle. She also remembered how dorky Dave was back then.

When did she realize she was in love with Dave? That was something she never really pondered. Did it just happen? Or was there a defining moment when it occurred? Thinking back, Mindy could remember feeling this way after she and Dave had separated back in school. She remembered how much she missed him and her crime fighting ways, when she had been forces to take off the cape.

That was probably when she actually started to like Dave, when she remembered how much she missed him, but the real moment probably came later. Yeah, it had been when she learned the truth about his father's death and how he had become The Fallen. She had seen him so broken in those moments, and she just wanted to make him feel better.

It was probably at that moment, she realized that she liked him more then a friend. When she had heard from him, how much he feared losing her, and how much she cared, that was the first time Mindy allowed herself to open her heart to people other then family. Did she regret it?

Hell no!

This past year, had been the hardest of Mindy's young life, but she wouldn't have given it up for the world. Fighting by Dave's side, fighting to protect New York, living each day like it was their last… that was simply what life was for Mindy.

She couldn't even fathom what she would do, when it was all over. Would she put down the cape once Cain was dead? Maybe… if only for a little while. Once Cain was gone, could finally devote herself to other things. Like getting married and having a family, then she could back to fighting. Heh… that would never leave her. That desire to fight. The yearning for justice. She'd fight injustice all her life. But… nowadays… she thought about more then fighting. She wanted more then to just be a hero.

After all of this… Mindy finally wanted to live.

Dave's thought process wasn't much different. Even as he lay there with his eye's shut, he never truly fell asleep. He was thinking about the future… about what his life with Mindy could be like once all this shit was done with. Would he stay in New York? Maybe. Would he keep being a hero? Maybe. Did he plan on taking a few years off and enjoying some well deserved R&R? Absolutely.

Once Cain was put down, they would finally be free to just relax. Cain… and Chris. Dave couldn't help thinking of his old nemesis. Chris was still out there… and Dave didn't doubt that the shit was working his ass off for a final confrontation. Dave looked forward to it. When he saw Chris again… he'd finally kill that little shit.

Meanwhile, in a bunker, hidden deep within the sewers of NYC, Chris D'amico was having a very similar moment of reflection. What would he do once Dave was dead? Once Mindy had been put down like the wild dog she was? He would rule. Cain had no interest in NYC. Once they killed JF, Chris would get the city all to himself. That deal worked out just fine. Months of training, months of the most mind numbingly painful training he had ever experienced, and Chris felt he was ready. Soon… very soon, he'd finally get his revenge. Just today… their scouts had reported that they had located JF's headquarters. Now it was only a matter of preparing an attack. Chris felt himself chuckle… those ignorant fucks in JF wouldn't know what him them.

Elsewhere in the bunker, Cain the Nightmare, sat in a room. He was surrounded by burning incense and meditating to clear his mind. He now knew the location of his target. In a few days time… they'd move out. And when they did… he would face his destiny and slay Dave Lezewski. His fanatical beliefs had brought him this far… he wouldn't fail again. The next time they fought… Dave was a dead man.

Back at JF headquarters, Samuel was on the phone with Harper.

"It's time to draw him out. I sent my agents to leak the information of JF's location. Get them ready… he'll be coming for you soon." Samuel listened as Harper explained the situation to him.

"Here, we have the advantage. You only leaked the info to him about the warehouse… he'll strike there. We'll set the surrounding area up as a kill zone. The Nightmare will not survive again." Samuel replied.

"I hope so. Get them ready. It wont be more then a few days now. He's coming." Harper stated before hanging up.

Samuel pocketed his phone and stared off for a while. Finally he turned and headed off… he needed to inform JF of this development. Harper couldn't find Cain so he wanted Cain to come to them. They'd fight on home turf… and with that advantage… they'd make Cain bleed for every step he marched.

To Be Continued…

Okay… another short chapter. The final fights begin next chapter. Hopefully I can get out these final chapters soon. I'm eager to finish this. Hope this was descent set up for the start of the fight. I kinda wanted to get down some of the main character's state of minds. Anyway… hope you enjoyed the like bit of reading. The fighting starts next chapter. Probably only three of four more, before the end. Afterwords, I'll write a nice long epilogue for you guys to enjoy. :)