Hey people from all over the world! It's my first time on writing a story about HTTYD, so please be nice about it :). It's going to be a modern Hiccup and Astrid romance story with zombies in it. If you're asking yourselfs, 'why zombies?' Well I've been watching a lot of zombie movies these days and I wanted to try it on HTTYD xD. And, yeah, I'm a Hicstrid fan, so maybe you'll see later on on the chapters some fluffy romance stuff between them (also counting a lot of killing, blood, and so on cause there's zombies in it. Obviously) So I'll probably stop saying things cause I think i'm giving a lot of info about the story.

One thing before the story starts: Have you guys seen the trailer for the second movie? It's awesome! I thought I lost the power of breathing when I first saw it (which was about a month and two weeks ago), and I still have the same reaction everytime I see it. I'm a HTTYD movie (and books) fan since I first saw it and I've been waiting for some info that will officially announce that there's going to be a sequel... no, TRILOGY. There's going to be two more movies from the first one! Ahhh! I can't wait 9-10 more months for HTTYD 2, it's too much for me, *sigh*.

So enough chit chat, I don't own HTTYD and their characters, only some of the OCC that might appear later on. Here's chapter one and hope you guys like it. Enjoy!

Morning sunrays iluminate our view presenting us the view of a small but beautiful island. Trees than houses took half of the island, while the rest had urban and rural areas and also an area where the suburbs was. As we get closer, the island shows small lights everywhere around buildings and houses meaning that some people had already woken up and already started their morning routine. So as we get a bit more closer to the island, we see a big sign that says: "Welcome to Berk."

Now that you already kind of know where we are, we'll head to a certain big house, which is the only big house in the whole island.

Nearing the house, or mansion, we head straight to a window up the second floor. Looking inside the windows room we get to see the bedroom of a teenaged boy, considering the stuff in there.

Turning to the bed we see him.

He had auburn/brown hair and an amount of freckles on his cheeks and bridge of his nose. He laid asleep on the bed on his back, snoring lightly as he kept dreaming of something that made him have a small smile on his lips until-


The boy woke up all of a sudden with a small yelp as he stood up in a sitting position in his bed. However, he did that in a quick motion that he got tangled up in his covers and fell face flat on the floor with a loud thud, the covers falling on him covering his body. He groaned, half from the sudden outburst and the other half from the pain he got from falling from his comfortable bed to the uncomfortable floor.

"Henry! Time to wake up! You're going to be late on your first day of of school!" The same voice that startled him yelled again at him.

The boy, Henry, got the covers out of his face and sighed. Getting up, he yawned and stretched like a cat would as he headed towards his closet to get his clothes.

"Henry?! Are you up yet?!" That voice yelled again from downstairs.

"I'm up!" the boy yelled back at the person as he rummaged through his clothes.

'My name's Henry (as you already know) Horrendous Haddock III'. The boy grabbed a green t-shirt, black jeans, a brown sweater that he always rolls the sleeves three inches below his elbows so it doesn't bother him while doing something and clean underwear. 'But everyone calls me 'Hiccup'. Great nickname, I know; but it's not the worst, there are some kids of my age that have even weirder nicknames than mine. So it's fine if you call me that... I'm used to that name since my first year in high school'. He went to a door at his right which lead to his bathroom. 'I'm seventeen years old, even if I'm not that muscular, strong, or that athletic like some kids at school of my age, so the only thing that makes people know my age correctly is that I'm tall... well, not technically tall, but enough to make me look like a seventeen year old and not a thirteen year old'.

Hiccup took a quick shower and when he was out, he turned to look at himself at the mirror and saw: an auburn haired boy with messy hair, with freckles that had started to slowly disappear but were still visible for someone to notice at close distance, forest green eyes, he had a sharp jaw, which had begun to show a little of facial hair, a thin but perfect mouth, a straight round nose, and the only slight flaw in his face was a small scar he had always had as long as he can remember. To put it short, he looked quite handsome and he couldn't help but agree a little about that. Since he began his freshman year at Berk High School, he hit puberty and luckily, it was treating him well; no acne problems and he didn't had any big problems about his change of voice. He still has the same nasal voice, but it's a little deeper now.

Getting out of the bathroom, he grabbed some new clean socks and grabbed his black converse. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he started to put on his shoes.

"HENRY! Get down here right now!" The same voice from downstairs yelled at him, desperately now.

"Coming!" Hiccup yelled back as he got up from his bed. He grabbed his backpack, put his wallet on his back pocket jeans, then grabbed his Samsung touch cell phone and put it in his front pockets.

Hiccup ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen, where a man was seated at the table, reading todays newspaper with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Sorry for taking this long, dad," Hiccup said to the man.

The man looked up from the newspaper and said to him. "Didn't you turned on your alarm clock last night like I told ya, son?"

'That's Stanley Haddock, my dad. And he's also the mayor of Berk. Yes, you heard right, the mayor of Berk is my father'

Hiccup's dad looked nothing compared to him. Instead of being skinny or looked weak, his father was a muscled man with a big beard and mustache. He was big and looked threatening when he looked you straight at you. He almost looked like he was a box fighter. Instead, he was the major of Berk. Hiccup never got the idea on how on earth his father had an offspring like him who didn't inherit his broad frame. Before his mother died because of a heart attack, she used to tell him that he got the same stubborness and height from his father, including his temper.

"Yeah, I did, but I guess Toothless unplugged my alarm clock... again," Hiccup replied as he went to the table and grabbed an apple. He only took a bite from the apple when he added, "By the way, where's that stupid feline?"

On cue, a black cat entered the kitchen, headed towards Hiccup and began to rub himself against his legs, purring loudly. Then it meowed, meaning he was hungry.

"I still don't know how that cat can stay that way when he eats four times a day," His dad said as he stared at the slim cat who still kept rubbing his body on Hiccup's legs, and still purring with a few meows.

"Neither do I," Hiccup agreed as he went towards a cabinet and took out a cat food bag. He then poured a small amount of food on Toothless's bowl, who when the bowl was full, he started eating it. "Stupid feline," Hiccup muttered as he watched him eat, which earned a meow from Toothless.

"You need to control that cat of your's," Stoick told him as Hiccup got himself a cup of juice and sat down on the other side of the table from him.

"How can I? He's not a dog," Hiccup exclaimed as he gestured the cat, who had stopped eating and stared at him as if saying 'Don't you dare compare me to a dog.'

"I know, but can you at least try and make him stop unplugging things? Like he did with my TV last week," Stoick told him.

"Yeah yeah, sure. I'll take care of him when I get home from school," Hiccup replied rolling his eyes.

He got up and headed to the living room. He turned on the TV to watch the morning news. When he did, a woman was saying the weather news. As he expected always, today was going to be another cloudy day with few rain in the evening. 'Same as always. Good old Berk.' He thought sighing. When he was about to turn off the TV, a sudden news caught his attention. He grabbed the control and increased the volume to listen better.

What the man of the news was saying was:

"Today we received some news on Tokyo that the recent experiment of an antivirus for a disease got out of control when a patient who they were testing on, reacted on a weird manner." The man stopped his sentence so they could show a video of a woman about her thirties in a doctors room, sitting on a desk while the doctor was looking at some papers he had on a clipboard. Suddenly, the woman attacked the doctor with a scream of anger and bit the doctor's right arm. The video ended and the news returned to the man talking about it who contined talking. "As all of you saw right now, the woman was injected with the antivirus, like I said earlier. She got locked up on a security room where some doctors will try and figure out what the problem went wrong with the antivirus was. However, the doctor who was bitten by the woman, disappeared from the hospital and left the city of Tokyo. We don't know were he might of went. So we inform all of you to be aware if you see this man-" They showed a picture of the doctor. Apparently his name was Dr. Tokideru. He had short black hair with a mustache, he looked kind of chubby. He looked about being in his 50's. For clothes he wore his white coat that doctorsa. "To call this number and inform us where he is so we can find him." Then they showed the number. "That's all for today's news. Thank you for your time. Now, heading to the sports-"Hiccup turned the TV off.

He couldn't believe what he just saw. He didn't even know how to react about it. He stood where he was until his father poked his shoulder making him jump.

"Son, you're going to be late on your first day of school," his father told him, not noticing Hiccup's stiffness or even looked like he saw what he just saw on the TV.

"R-right," Hiccup muttered nodding and grabbed his backpack from the couch. "I better get going."

He grabbed his car keys and headed towards the front door. Before he opened the door, he got stopped by his father's voice.

"Son, wait,"

Hiccup turned around to look at his father.

"I- uh..." his father tried to tell him something and Hiccup noticed that he looked nervous about something. He lifted his left eyebrow, urging his father to continue. "Well, I want to tell you that I- um- I need to go somewhere out of the island and..."

"And you won't come back in a few weeks?" Hiccup offered to him, not showing his surprised face. His father never left Berk. So this was new to him.

His father nodded at him. "Yes, I won't be home for a few weeks... or months," He looked at Hiccup's face and added, "I will try and come home as soon as I possible, but some mayors from other islands-"

"Don't worry dad, it'll be fine. I will be fine. I'm seventeen now, I can take care of myself." Hiccup told him.

His father looked at him unsure. "Son.." he started but Hiccup beat him.

"If you don't feel sure on leaving me alone in the house, then you can call Gobber and tell him to come every few days to check on me." Hiccup told him with a small smile. 'Yeah, I need someone to look at me cause then I'll make a big party in here with a bunch of teenagers,' Hiccup thought sarcastically.

"Of course, I'll tell him. You've known him since you were a baby," his father said with a nod. "I'll call him and ask himif he can do it."

"Sure, when you do, tell him I said 'hi'," Hiccup said.


Both of them stood at the front door awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"Sooo..." Hiccup said with an awkward smile at his dad. "When will you leave?"

"In the afternoon. Around 1 o'clock."."

"Ok, so..." an awkward pause. Hiccup then looked at his watch on his left hand and clasped his hands together. "I better get heading to school right now. Can't arrive late on the first day of school." Hiccup chuckled nervously.

"Right, right." his dad nodded repeatedly. "So, have a good day at school and... take care of yourself when i'm gone."

"Don't worry dad, I will." This time, Hiccup's smile was real. He sometimes liked when his father cared of his health and safety.

Hiccup then said a small 'goodbye' at his dad and left the house. He headed towards his black Honda Accord (one of my favorite cars :D).

He then started to head towards his school.

'Hopefully this year will get better at school,' Hiccup thought with a bit of hope inside him. 'Today can't get more worse than it already is.'

He didn't know that thinking those few words could make his life turn upside down in an impossible and disgusting way.

There ya go! Hope you guys liked it :) Please review. I would LOVE to see some reviews of my first chapter and hear what you guys think about it. So, this is kinda like a prologue, or just to introduce our main character of this story :). Later on about two chapters, we'll probably get to the good part. You'll see ;) See ya on the next chapter! :D