Hello! I was in a Megstiel kinda mood, and this sprang out of my head. Anyway, enjoy!

There was no way out of this. Only one was going to walk away alive, and Meg knew who it was going to be.

She turned to the youngest Winchester. "Go. Save your brother. And, my unicorn."

Sam backed away, eyes kept on Crowley.

As soon as he disappeared from sight, Crowley smirked at her. Timon and Pumbaa...tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the Gates of Hell, sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons - you included."

Meg smiled sweetly. "You had me at 'kill you,' Crowley."

Crowley then proceeded to beat the shit out of her. The next thing she knew, she was all bloody and broken. Crowley hauled her up.

"I could beat on you," he snarled, "for all eternity."

Meg tried to smirk. "Take all the time you want, you pig"

They heard car doors slam, and Crowley turned around. The Winchester brothers piled into their beloved Impala, and turned in their seats to watch the demons.

"No Cas in the back seat," Meg said, almost disappointed. "Your stone is gone."

She stabbed Crowley in the shoulder. He cried out in pain, pulled out the blade from his shoulder, and plunged it into her stomach. The last thought that ran through her brain was her first and last prayer. "I'm going to heaven, Clarence."

Castiel was on a bus, which was very slow. He looked at the tablet temporarily hidden in the pocket of his trench coat. The angel sighed. This was going to be a long ride. A thought suddenly pulled on his mind. He listened and heard her dying
wish, a prayer to him. A silent tear ran down his face. "I swear, Meg," he whispered. " As soon as this tablet thing is taking care of, I'll come back to you. We'll be together in Heaven, I promise."

Well that's all. I'm sorry if anyone was OOC. Anyway, review, comment, and all that jazz.