Finally the March break has arrived, which means more updates and crap :D

I don't own Transformers; I only own my OCs and the plot.

Bumblebee- bjvbjdbvk

Comm- ~ioiop~

March 6th 8:59pm (Pacific Coast) West of Klamath Falls

The lone man stood on the elevated cat walk basked in the soft glow of moon that reflected against the large body of water near their hidden base deep in the shadows of the outskirts of a town where no one would think to look for them. It was perfect, the last place his adversaries would look for them, being the person who liked to be prepared Silas had set up several different bases throughout North America to lead the so called group the "Autocons".

It was almost laughable to Silas as he watch their futile attempts of trying to find their valued members, to see after very failed confrontation the hope that their team members would ever return again alive fade, one of the aliens were bound to snap eventually then and only then would against both Deceptions and Autobots when they were distracted.

Hearing the ground shaking of two sets of feet Silas turned to nod at the oncoming brainwashed Cybertronians, both carrying supplies needed to complete MECH's little project. Ratchet was carrying several beams over his shoulder, while Knock Out had draped 20 feet of cable around his neck to avoid ruining his finish, Silas noted that even though is slaves were thoroughly brain washed with their actual consciousness drawing in inner turmoil some personality quirks still held strong.

"What in Primus' name do you need all this junk for?" Ratchet asked

"Just put them over where the men can get to them easily." Silas replied

Oh yes their personalities still fully intact, as much as Ratchet's constant scoffing on how inferior earth tech was, and Knock Out's constant complaining about his finish and lack of wash racks, grated on Silas' nerves he needed his two pawns, it's not like he had to put with the two much longer. Once he was done Silas didn't intend to keep his two new additions, after the outlived their usefulness, he would simply get rid of them. It was a shame really to get rid of such valuable bargaining chips but the anti-energon only lasted so long.

They needed to get the work they needed done, done before the effects wore off and the extra muscle running of telling their leaders of what MECH had planned, like the good little trained dogs they were, it would only delay or completely ruin MECH's plans for a high pulse electric impulse disrupter or HPEID, a device able to stop the electrical impulses from anything mechanical or organic in the range of 50 meters, stopping or disrupting the electrical impulses would either disrupt the Cybertronians enough to send them into immediate shutdown, stasis lock, or so disorientated it be killing a mosquito to slow to do anything to stop the inevitable.

For any organic the results would be much more painful way to go, stopping the electric impulses from the brain, would immediately send the body into cardiac arrest with no impulses telling the heart what to do, or it would slowly shut down each body function the slower more painful way, blood pressure lowering, causing the limbs to go numb without any blood flow, internal organs expanding to uncomfortable sizes and bursting, then finally not having enough blood flow to lungs and slowly suffocate, one of the unsavory ways to die.

Fortunately for the MECH soldiers they had developed a new body suite keep the radiation and effect of the HPEID from killing or causing irreversible damage to their bodies.

Looking over at his working troops and two brainwashed additions he was pleased by the amount of progress they were making in no time they would be able to drop this little surprise once they had everyone out in the open.

"Silas, sir I have a report on when we are able to mobilize." A feminine voice from his right called.

Looking over his shoulder he spotted one of the many females that worked under him, this on unparticular worked as an assassin and project director, her skin tight body suit was a dark green with greenish-blue stripes signaling her rank and roll in the MECH troops, as well as the array of killing tools strapped to her hips, legs, arms and back was any indication on how dangerous she was.

Looking from her silvery goggles down to the clip board, Silas let a self-satisfied smile cross his features; they would be able to mobilize in six hours.

"Sir?" The young women asked

"Very good Wrench, make sure everything keeps on track."

"Sir, yes sir"

Yes Silas was very pleased with himself, turning back to the floor to ceiling length window to think of the reaction of the mighty Autobot leader once he saw his team drop dead.


It was late and June's patience was slowly wavering as the constant stream of data flew past her as she tried to see any errors in the antidote would arise. Between her long work shifts with unruly patients, then rushing here as fast as she could and working several hours on the formula, no on blamed June for her current mood.

Quickly looking over the progress of the decoding screen, it flashed an update saying the decoding and de-bugging was 67% done, and two hours and thirty minutes were left for the second last stream of code, the same thing has been going on for the past hour. It was the same thing every watch each section of code 12 in total, and enter access codes via Shockwave's instructions to help the codding along.

Rubbing the bridge of her nose June let out a long suffering sigh, once the formula finished decoding they were that much closer to getting Ratchet and Knock Out back.

Putting the computer on auto-watch so June could get a bite to eat and stretch, being in a chair for more than three did a lot more to the body the what most people. Getting up and walking away, June didn't see the green notation popping up on the main monitor.


Returning, a bit reluctantly June settled herself into to the chair, checking over each monitor until she paused the dry task to stare dumbfounded at the last message. Rubbing her eyes June checked it again, and here it was clear as day.

Decoding complete-Formula functional-Proceed for processing?



Jumping out of the chair she ran over to where Shockwave was sleeping or recharging, it looked like he was in it quit deeply.

"Shockwave?" June whispered, even if both sides held a shaky truce didn't mean that anyone could simply drop their guard, and being around a giant emotionless scientist that was at least 20 feet taller then you were was a bit disarming.

"Shockwave." June asked a bit louder, and still no movement from the purple bot.

Sighing June slowly climbs up the supporting beams of the berth, barely dodging a shifting hand when she managed to make it to the top of the berth. Calling his name all June got was a blast of an ex-vent and him turning away from her.

'Well for a scientist with no soul he certainly has a rather teen way of sleeping' June thought with a smirk.

Walking up to his audial and semi-shouting to tell him he needed to see something and tapping the side of his helm managed to get him awake.

"What is it, Mrs. Darby" Shockwave said while making a move to stand, as June explained the situation when making her way done the support posts.

"It seems that the formula exceeding our expectations will work in our favor, the sooner we have it processed the better." Nodding in agreement June jogged beside the scientist to help with the last phase of the formula.


March 6th 2:59am(Pacific Coast) Autobot Base

The blaring alarm of the base had several half-asleep bots and cons sort of running into the main bay, walking over Arcee typed in the command code and pulled up an aerial view of Nevada only to find a familiar signal just North-west of their position.

"It's MECH" She said.

"Shockwave what is the progress of the formula" Megatron asked.

"It will be finished in the next 20minutes my lord." He responded

"It looks like we're going to need everyone to participate in this confrontation if we want our team mates back" Ultra Magnus said.

"Alright so what's the plan" Smokescreen inquired.

Several minutes later the ground-bridge opened only leaving Shockwave to supervise the processing of the formula, and would be joining them very shortly.


The plan was simple, hold MECH stationary until Shockwave arrived with the antidote, then apply it to Ratchet and Knock Out, kick MECH's aft, leave, then get back to the war effort, which shouldn't be too hard, being on how the factions acted towards each other.

'Well that easier said than done' Smokescreen thought as gunfire whisked passed his helm,

Turns out MECH was preparing something big, and they didn't want any interruptions at all.

Running towards the barricade he was suddenly body checked to the left by a yellow and black blur just as a large fiery explosion went off right where he was running, looking up he saw said yellow and black blur hold out a hand, taking the hand and being pulled up Smokescreen continued firing on the barricade that kept them from their goal

"Keep your head down if you want to keep it Smokescreen, we need to get this done for Ratchet and the team." Bumblebee said grounding his position next to him,

"I know Bee, the base hasn't been the same since the Doc's been gone, it'll be nice to have him back, no one else could keep us in repairs and train us at the same time." Smokescreen acknowledged with a cheeky smirk, before throwing an explosive courtesy of WheelJack.

"That is true." Firing at the bomb to explode beforehand to get as much damage as possible

The Autocons were divide up into pairs to divide and conquer Ultra Magnus had put it, Smokescreen and Bumblebee were on the North-west flank of the pentagon shaped formation, Optimus and Megatron had taken the lead, where once in contact with Ratchet and Knock Out they would bridge Shockwave from his position to catch them off guard and administer the antidote, then after that, no one exactly knew whether the truce would hold and the newly dubbed Autocons would become permanent or would both factions try and kill each other like they had been doing for the past several eons.

~Bumblebee, Smokescreen, status update~ Arcee comm'd them

~We're breaking through a rather well barricaded area, no back up needed their efforts are wavering and we'll be able to get through in the next three clicks.~ Smokescreen replied

~Affirmative~ was the response from Arcee before they resumed comm silence

Arcee had been paired with Ultra Magnus, in the South-Eastern position guarding Shockwave's right flank, while WheelJack and Bulkhead were in the South-Western position guarding the other side, Shockwave was near the center of the group but slightly further back to reduce any detection.

Each pair having their own problems

Bulkhead & WheelJack

"BULKHEAD!" WheelJack shouted as the boulder of a mech went flying as an energon bomb went off near him, the splatter of whatever remained landed on the surrounding area and igniting on fire, running towards the blast sight, stepping on the small flames WheelJack ran to his longtime friend.

Looking around he didn't see a trace of the green mech only the debris of the explosion "Bulkhead…. Bulkhead where are you?" WheelJack shouted, to no avail.

The smoke from the building fire was obscuring his view making it harder and harder to focus his optics, getting into his internal systems corrupting the internal wiring, blinded and defenseless the next thing he knew was the sound of a rather large machine gun powering up.

~Magnus,~ WheelJack Comm'd his superior officer

~What is it WheelJack, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment~

~I'm sorry, we aren't going to be able to hold our position anymore, tell the Doc that he won't need to worry about a loose cannon anymore~ And with that he shut off his comm.

Arcee & Ultra Magnus

~Soldier! WheelJack!~ Magnus shouted through the comm but to get no response

"Ultra Magnus what is it?" Arcee asked

"WheelJack reported that he and Bulkhead are no longer able to hold their position,"

"You don't mean," Arcee stopped not being able to continue the train of thought.

"For now, yes, we are going to have to believe the worst, but we must press on then tend to our fallen comrades if they are still with us." Ultra Magnus finished.

Arcee wanted to argue that fact but if they left this mission incomplete they wouldn't have a medic to patch up their wounded, she prayed that the two wreckers could hold on until help reached them.

Rushing forwards Arcee put her anger into her battle with the motor blockade, several bunkers chocked full different artillery and explosives, while Magnus Had them distracted with his bulk, she went around them into some foliage to get the jump on any incoming back up, and when it did she jumped in front of them slamming her fist on the hood of the car flipping it in the air. Turning to the next one and jumping over it to land on the one behind it, using the momentum of the car she flipped over onto the cargo hold of the truck destroying the back axel.

"Arcee let's go this area is clear for now, it's better that we get a move on so we can keep the mission on schedule." Ultra Magnus said

"Right." Arcee responded transforming after her commanding officer.

Megatron & Optimus

"This bring back any memories Optimus?"

"What do you mean Megatron?"

"You know fighting together like with Unicron or back on Cybertron where I would used to train you with your weapons." Megatron said

"I hardly nng- think that this is the place or time to be thinking about such things, you and I both know distractions on the battle field can lead to fatale mistakes, it would do you good not to underestimate our enemy Megatron." Optimus replied as he took a hit to the upper shin.

"You are right in those aspects; these tiny fleshlings are certainly putting up a fight that would impress some of my hardest troops" Megatron commented after blowing up another bunker with his fusion cannon.

"Speaking about troops don't you think that its tine to check our own?" Megatron asked

~Ultra Magnus status report~

~Of course sir, Arcee and myself are on our way towards your location, Bumblebee and smokescreen are on their way as well after a small delay, but unfortunately WheelJack and Bulkhead's position has been compromised and I haven't heard from them since, but there seems to be a large structure just a little more north we can tell the troops to meet us there~

~Alright, understood~

"Bulkhead and WheelJack are no longer able to guard Shockwave's left flank, they are either offlined, or in stasis, what about you?"

"Starscream and Soundwave are a little bit behind where their supposed to be but will catch up shortly, and Shockwave has the formula ready and has had no interference with MECH." Megatron said as he gave his update to his so called partner.

~Ultra Magnus tell Arcee we will be meeting in the oncoming warehouse.~

~Understood sir~

Transforming into his alt mode Optimus drove towards the warehouse to complete the job he set out to complete with his team.


Sorry for the late chapter I have been super busy the past month with the OSSLT and bunch of other tests but the next chapter will come rather quickly because I actually split up this chapter into two parts for being to long and a bit too busy for my liking.

Anyway drop a review and tell me what you thought