



I don't own anything except for my OCs and the plot.

I also don't own the Avalanche car design that goes to Chevrolet.

October 11th 2013 (8:45am Pacific Coast) Military Base

"Can Lieutenant Richard Etcherson report to the brig immediately, two of your men are in here waiting to be released." States a commanding voice over the military speakers at the Jasper, Nevada Base. I'm guessing that you're wondering who Sargent Richard Etcherson is, and why he is going to the brig. I was known as Ratchet Team Primes and the Autobot's CMO, but that's all in the past now. It's a long story that I'm willing to share, but first things first the two members of my team that are in the brig are the hellion twins Oscar, and Owen Willson the two pranking twins are always getting themselves tossed in the brig. The other members of my team are Peter John, Jack Smith, Ian Connors, Elizabeth Pat, and Carly Samson who all bring unique and valued sills to the team. This "situation" that I have found myself in all started on a normal day at our new base building E.


January 6th 2013 (12:31pm Pacific Coast) Autobot base

It started out as a normal day at our new base; everything that was still in one piece was moved into building E on a military compound in Jasper, Nevada. Optimus was alive and well with some major upgrades, and along with him the rest of the team came out alive as well, the children were in school, Bulkhead, WheelJack, and Arcee were out scouting for energon. Optimus Smokescreen, Bee, and Ultra Manus were making arrangements for our new base with the humans, June was working, and Fowler was working in his office putting together cover up stories about any disturbances from the Decepticons, to keep the public eye under the sheet. It was a nice peaceful day to stay focused on the SythEn formula was getting close to a new break through, when I was returning from getting a testing machine I received a coded distress message from


I'm in need of serious help come alone.

-Knock Out

It could been a trap but I have aided Starscream for info and didn't back fire so Knockout wouldn't be an different, so I left the team a message and headed out to the given coordinates…..


January 6th 2013 (2:06pm Pacific Coast) Autobot base

"Ratchet we have gotten word that MECH is active once again and Knock Out is missing can you locate him with the scanners?...Ratchet do you copy?" Boomed Optimus into the empty base "so…." Asked Bumblebee "there was no response from Ratchet, let's get back to base and check things out." declared Optimus. When everyone was inside the base they spread out to find out where their CMO would have gone "hey Optimus check this out a message from Knockout and a message from Ratchet." Said Bulkhead

I'm in serious need of help, come alone.

-Knock out

Team Prime I'm headed out to aid a call for help, I'll be back in a few hours. Don't touch the computer I have the SynthEn formula stared on the desktop.


"It seems that Ratchet has gone to help Knock out and might have walked right into MECH's trap." Ultra Magnus stated grimly "Yes I believe you are on the right track Ultra Magnus, we must get to Ratchet before MECH can get their hands on him, Autobots transform and roll out!"


January 6th 2013 3:45pm (Pacific Coast) Unknown Cave

I wonder what Knock Out would be doing in such a dank cave; there are no markers for any energon mines and no signs of recent battles. So why here? "Why hello Good Doctor~….." said a sickly sweet voice that was coming from deeper into the cave, so I followed knowing it was a horrible idea, but some unknown force possessed my to investigate the source of the voice. When I arrived at the source it was just Knock Out but something about him was not right his whole EM field was off, even stranger he seemed to be in perfect condition no injuries far as I could tell.

"What took you so long I almost died of boredom!" he declared in his usual tone, when he started walking forward I could now see that this was a grave mistake. Knock Out Was no longer red with purple flames but green with MECH and stripes in black where the flames used to be, his optics was different to the burgundy back ground changed to pitch black and green dots replaced the red halos. The only Cybertronian that has ever made an alliance with MECH was Starscream, and he was stabbed in the back. Knowing Knock Out he wouldn't change his paint job for anyone especially writing MECH on his arms, as I slowly backed up "my Good Doctor it isn't polite to leave without meeting the other guests~."

Sung Knock Out and with that Silas came out of the shadows leading MECH agents. I got my blades out preparing for a battle until I heard "Good work Knock Out now that we have the Autobot's medic we can get started and set the plan into motion." said Silas with an evil sneer, which was the last thing I heard until the sound of an energon prod powering up, intense pain then darkness.


January 6th 2013 4:00pm (Pacific Coast) Jasper High

The school bell started ringing signalling the end of the day, as the students left Jack, Miko, and Raf were left behind waiting for their robotic companions to pick them up. "Like where are they? They're never this late before!" Miko exclaimed "I've texted Bee and he said they had to go out and they might not be free for a drive to the base due to a surprise emergency." Raf replied "I'll call my mom to see if she can give us a lift, her shift ended an hour ago." Jack concluded, when June arrived at the school, the children ran into the car and started pelting her with questions asking why their robotic friends were a no show toady.

"I know as much as you do, we will have to ask agent Fowler when we get to the base to ask where the bots went," June replied while slowing down to be waved through the gates. "Agent Fowler are you here!?" yelled Miko "I'm up here, come on up its easier when we're not screaming at each other!" The humans gathered around to investigate Team Prime's sudden departure, "hey guys check this out." Raf said pointing to the messages on the computer screens, "so MECH is using Knock Out to lure Ratchet out into the open…" Fowler mused "wait, what do you mean MECH!?" June and Jack exclaimed in unison, to everyone's shock Fowler revealed that MECH was once again active and hunting for new bots to use. "Well we can only hope for the best of luck for Team Prime," June said wistfully.


Date? Time? Location?

It was dark but not the normal type of dark that is illuminated by the moon, but the type of soul sucking darkness you can only find in the pits of Kaon the type that leaves no hope. It is a very odd sensation being completely surrounded basically floating in darkness, but still feels as if I was strapped to a medical berth. Not being able to move and not being able to access any of my functions is very unnerving, wait Silas that GOD DAMN RAT!

He brain washed Knock Out and said something about a plan being able to start? I'm pretty much helpless if I can't access any of my systems, maybe if I just be patient and listen I'll find out what they have in store for me. "Let's put the additives into the Energon transfusion…" "Remove the optics and replace them…." "Change the orange to black and white to green…." "Don't forget to label his arms with our logo and sharpen the knee spikes…"

"What is even in the additives anyway?..."

"It's a virus that the Cybertronian immune system can't fight off; it makes them live their worst nightmare in their own mind and makes them completely brain dead, but they still retain the skills, memories, and knowledge." "There are also brain chips that we can use to fully control the host." Lovely I'll be trapped inside a walking corpse with a new paint job, and reliving my worst nightmare? This cannot and will not end well for me. Damn it I should have known that KO wouldn't have asked for help he can handle his own repairs, this will not end well. Ratchet mused as the darkness slowly ate the rest of his conscious ready to be replaced by another, he began the fight for dominance a battle that he was losing badly.


January 11th 2013 5:11am (Pacific Coast) Unknown Base

Ratchet's new optics booted up stasis, adjusting slowly due to the new light and being in stasis for such a long period of time "well hello good Doctor I hope you had a nice rest?" Silas said darkly with the Black Energon running through his system a much dark conscious appeared, that is buried deep in a bot's spark it slowly awoke due to the additives while the original one is left to drown in a night mare. Whilst his body, mind, and will power will be used by MECH at a moment's notice against the Autobots and Decepticons. "It was a lovely rest, and I feel more then fine~." Ratchet replied in a sickly sweet tone, as he got up to stretch and test out his new systems he found a handful of new modifications. Longer energon blades, a whip made out of spiked chains, a new Alt mode which was a Chevrolet Avalanche pickup truck, a battle mask, sharpened knee spikes, and retractable claws that extends from his fingertips.

"Now that you have had a chance to review your new systems we have a mission for you and Knock Out," stated Silas "and what would that be?" Came the instant retort "you and him are going to infiltrate a military base up in a mountain range to find a radioactive power cells." He completed "Why would we need power cells? When we can just kill an Autobot or Decepticon and use their power cells?" Knock Out questioned Silas laughed evilly and replied "all in good time we will deal with our unwanted house guests." With that Ratchet and Knock Out left for their destination, oblivious to what they would encounter on their journey there.


January 11th 2013 7:23am Earth's Orbit

A mysterious ship floated just above Earth's atmosphere, the ship was not that interesting to look at but what was inside is what would give everyone spark failures. Inside held the remaining Autobots such as Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, The Lambo twins, Mirage, Hound, First Aid, The Dinobots, Elita One, Chromia, Moon Racer, Tracks, Preceptor, Bluestreak, Red Alert, and Inferno. They were due to land in 9 months; it would have taken less time but due to technical difficulties their landing had to be put on hold. "How much longer until we can land?" asked Bluestreak eagerly, "about 9 more months until we can meet up with Team Prime." Replied Prowl "we were lucky that we revived the signal from this little planet," Ironhide mused as the femmes looked out the window thinking about their reunion with some beloved bots on that planet,

"I hope that they have good quality paint; I don't think my paint would last on that mud ball of a planet!" Sunstreaker exclaimed "Come on Sunny don't be such a downer this a chance for a new adventure, and new cons ready to have their afts kicked." Sideswipe called to his brother from across the bridge, "Don't call me Sunny ….. I guess this planet could be quite adventure." Sunstreaker replied "I just hope everyone is in piece anything could have happened when they were gone" Red Alert fretted, "Come on Red if anything really drastic came up like the death of Optimus we would have been a message sent out to all Autobots." Inferno assured " I hope you're right about this one." Red muttered.


January 11th 2013 9:45am (Atlantic Coast)Halifax, Nova Scotia

On the bridge of the Nemesis Megatron stood there thinking over the events of the past week and a half, the disappearance of his CMO has taken its toll on the crew's welfare. One moment Knock Out is on the scanners the next hi signal just disappears, no one knows what went wrong the scanners were working and no Autobots. It was just a simple scouting mission Starscream went out after he disappeared to find out the meaning of his Houdini act, but found nothing. There have been rumors that Knock Out had defected, or that he was seen driving around but with a new paint job. It was beyond odd first of all Knock Out wouldn't just change from his beloved purple and red, and why wouldn't he try to contact us?

Only Unicron knows. This whole situation was turning into a big helm-ache for Megatron, with Starscream wailing about everything that ails him and the pained moaning of the troops. Megatron could only hope that they find Knock Out soon. They had already lost Breakdown, Dreadwing, Arachnid, and Skyquake he could no longer afford to lose any more of his ranking officers. The only three left on board were Soundwave, Shockwave, and Starscream, and if they were to go missing then the tide of the war would turn in the Autobots favor. Thinking about this was not helping Megatron's Helm-ache.


January 11th 2013 12:05pm(Pacific Coast)Jasper, Nevada

"Find anything?" Arcee asked "Nada not a trace, how bout you?" replied Bulkhead "Same here, it's like he disappeared." Chirped Bee, let's head back to base so we can regroup and make a better plan instead of this wild goose chase. Arcee declared, when they arrived at the base the group discovered that everyone else had the same luck that they had for finding Ratchet. Fowler got off his cell phone and declared "I've just received word that MECH has infiltrated a military base up in the Canadian Mountains, and have the company of two walking talking cars." With this everyone knew where their missing comrade was, as they rolled out through the ground bridge the question that was stuck repeating in everyone's head was their beloved CMO even on their side anymore?


This is my first fanfic reviews are welcomed but flames will be ignored or reported blah blah blah

Hope you enjoy until next time -BW