Benny rounded the corner and ran into Erica and Savannah.
"Where's the fire?" Savannah asked.
"Ya you look like you've seen a ghost." Erica agreed. Just then Sarah appeared behind Benny.
"Where's Ethan? He told me to meet him before class." Erica questioned.
"Him and Gabby are dealing with a tree demon. I need you to open Ethan's locker for me." Benny said.
"Wait what?!" Erica shirked.
"Ethan and Gabby are being controlled by a tree demon, and apparently Ethan gave Benny some or all of his magic." Sarah explained. Erica didn't say anything she just opened Ethan's locker. Benny grabbed Ethan's spell book and started to flip through it.
"Ah! Why can't I read this!" Benny groaned. Erica sighed.
"It's in dead Latin Benny." Erica explained.
"Dead what?" Benny asked.
"It's like protection for the spell book. No one can read it, unless Ethan and or the book wants them to." Erica explained.
"Please tell me you know how to 'unlock' it." Benny asked using air quotes on Unlock. Erica held out her hand and Benny handed it to Erica. Erica closed the book and put her hand on top. The book glowed purple for a few seconds.
"There. I unlocked spells for a level 1-3 spell master that's all I know how to do. That's all Ethan taught me. Benny Sarah what happened?" Erica asked.
"Gabby got possessed then got control of Ethan." Sarah said.
"This is so bad!" Savannah groaned. It was then that Benny looked around.
"Where's Rory, Izzy, Ty and Brandon." Benny asked.
"You called." 'Izzy', 'Ty', 'Brandon' and 'Rory' said in unison as they suddenly appeared.
"Oh crap." Sarah said under her breath. There was a rush of air then 'Ethan' appeared. Both his arms were covered in weeds. It was then that the gang saw that 'Izzy', 'Ty', 'Brandon' and 'Rory's' eyes were glowing green. Erica hissed and stepped right in 'Ethan's' face.
"What have you done to 'Ethan'?!" Erica hissed.
"I'm right here babe." 'Ethan' said calmly as he look over at Benny. "I see you unlocked my spell book. It won't help. I suggest you stay out of our way." In a flash they were gone. Erica turned around eyes glowing like crazy.
"Give me an axe it's demon killing time."
After school My POV
With the Possessed
The computer room was now covered from top to bottom with weed, roots, leaves, and everything plants. 'Gabby' was covered in weeds and computer cables, she was sitting at one of the computers typing something. The others were keeping watch. 'Rory' and 'Ethan' were inside the computer room while 'Izzy', 'Brandon' and 'Ty' were outside.
With Our Heroes
"The school is even more scary at night." Benny said as he gripped onto two bottles of weed killer.
"Agreed." Erica, Sarah and Savannah said in unison. Erica had her axe that she was gripping onto tightly. Sarah had shovel. Savannah had two bottles of weed killer like Benny. The group slowly walked into the school, the hallways were glowing green.
They made it to the computer room without trouble. It was when they rounded the corner to the computer room it they run into trouble. Erica and Sarah barred their fangs when they saw 'Ty', 'Brandon' and 'Izzy'. Benny stopped the girls before they could pounce.
"I hate to do this but if they're out here then 'Rory' and 'Ethan' must be inside. Sarah can you can Savannah take these three?" Benny asked.
"No problem." Sarah said as Savannah stepped forward.
"Be careful." Benny managed to say before Erica rushed them into the computer room.
"Let Ethan go!" Erica hissed. 'Gabby' pretended to think about it.
"No. Get them!" 'Gabby' commanded. 'Rory' started to fight Benny and 'Ethan' started to fight Erica. Erica swung the axe at 'Ethan' who caught it and swung Erica around nocking her off her feet. Benny started to spray 'Rory' with the weed killer and tried to hit him with some minor spells but 'Rory' dogged most of them, 'Rory' then kicked at Benny feet catching him off guard making him fall next to Erica.
"Wait I have an idea." Benny started as he handed Erica a bottle of weed killer. The two started to spray 'Rory' and 'Ethan'. "Their half plant half computer, right. So maybe a viruses would stop them." Erica nodded. "Cover me." The two got up and Benny quickly got to work on the computer while Erica kept the two busy.
"Hey three demon! How does a viruses taste?!" Benny asked as he pushed enter.
"No!" 'Gabby' shouted. 'Rory' and 'Ethan' fell to the ground, Sarah and Savannah came into the room. "What happened?" They both asked.
"We won." Benny answered. Ethan groaned.
"What the hell happened?" Ethan asked.
"I'll tell you what happened I can defeat stuff without your help." Benny said excitedly.
"Wrong, you have my magic, now come here." Ethan commanded, Benny pouted.
"Give me your hand." Ethan said as Benny gave him his hand. "Oh by the way this might hurt a bit." The only thing anyone could here next was Benny screaming like a little girl.