Chapter 1: Falling for you Unwittingly
Three years have come to pass since this great castle saw to the end of the rein of Lord Voldemort.
Three years since the land was torn asunder by witches and wizards from all walks of life.
Now the time of darkness has passed and the land is once again at peace. A time for rebuilding and ease has come. And although the scars shall remain, the days have begun to look ever brighter.
Our story begins on a night of turmoil. A night where a great mind clashes with a… Not so great one…
Let us begin, shall we?...
375 Kensington High Street
Kensington, London, W14 8QH
July 3rd, 2001
A tumbler of firewhiskey smashed against a white wall, leaving the amber colored liquid to run down the wall in colorful streaks. Sending shards of crystal raining down to the marble flooring below.
Ronald Billius Weasley stood facing his girlfriend of three years with a face of thunder. His ears and cheeks becoming aflame with his rage. His arms at his side, fists clenched into tight balls after having thrown his glass. Chest heaving, blue eyes sparking.
Looking so different from the woman who stood by the fireplace opposite him.
Hermione Jean Granger stood by the fireplace in her 1, 2 bedroom flat. Not having even flinched when the tumbler of whiskey smashed just inches from her head. Arms folded cross her chest, face neutral; her body spoke of such a calm disposition that she did not feel on the inside. For on the inside she was seething. Her deep, brown, astute eyes watching the young Weasley man as he stood before her glaring with his red face and hair.
"Three years, 'Mione! After three years you are just going to waltz in here and tell me that you are through with me?!" Ron roared.
Hermione took a deep breath as she leaned against the wall behind her, preparing to speak the words she had been waiting three years to say to the young Auror before her.
"Ronald, you and I both know that this relationship is not going anywhere. We are two different people. What we had was more comfort than passion and even that didn't last long. You come home drunk almost every night nowadays and that is even when you come home at all!"
Ron took a step towards her, "What the bloody hell are you talking about?! I am not a drunk! You know my job is stressful! I have to pay all the bills and for every other damn thing!"
Hermione's eyes flashed as she pushed herself off the wall.
"That is because you won't let me get a job! Every time I try and find something you tell me there is no need or some other bullshite! Even then I have to borrow money from my parents to pay for bills because have the money you earn goes to booze!"
"I thought I told you not to do that again!," Ron raged on, "We do not need their money!"
Hermione stepped up to Ron. Although she was pretty tall, standing at about 5'8, Ron over towered her at a good 6'3. She was still capable of looking him straight in the eyes though.
"Get this straight, there is no more WE. I am sick of this. I don't want to do this anymore. I want you out of my apartment."
Hermione went to walk past him but, his large hand shot out and wrapped around her thin wrist causing her to spin around to face him.
Ron's face looked less thunderous now but, still angry nonetheless, "Hermione, I love you! Why are you doing this," He moved closer to her, trailing his fingers up her arms, "We can be so great together. Just like we're supposed to be."
Hermione shoved him away in that instant, "Supposed to be?," she screeched, "No, Ronald, forget it! It's not happening. Not now or ever. What we had was nice but, this just isn't working. You deserve to be with someone who loves you Ron and I with someone I love."
"You don't love me?! Has this meant nothing to you?! Everything we've been through?!"
Hermione shook her head, "No, Ron, I love you," He smirked and move toward her again only to have her back away out of his reach, "Just not in the way you think I do. I love you more like a best friend, a brother. Not as a lover. I don't think I ever have or ever will. I'm sorry."
Ron looked outraged all the more.
She turned away from him, her arms folding around her midsection, "I still want you to go, Ron. I'll send your stuff to the Burrow."
There was silence and then the sound of a door being slammed shut, making the picture frames rattle.
The young witch sat down heavily on her couch and put her face into the cradle of her hands. Taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.
Their relationship could never have worked out. It just couldn't. Hermione had never really been attracted to men in that way. Least of all the youngest Weasley boy. Her fantasies were never plagued by sculpted men with tight abs or muscular bodies but, rather slim curves, rounded hips, full breasts. Although she has had a hard time admitting it, Hermione had come to the full realization in the last year that she would never be attracted to a man but, to women. That is why she couldn't be with Ron.
Heaving a sigh Hermione went into her bedroom and changed.
She put on tight muggle jeans of faded denim, tall knee high boots, a long sleeved t-shirt and an over vest. Each accentuating her rounded bottom, petite waist, and full breasts.
Her hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves of chestnut; having found a way to get her unruly main under control with the right products and flicks of the wand.
After a few more touches to her makeup she set out to a bar that she had found to be the perfect hideaway when things got to rough.
After a quick taxi ride, she finally arrived at the Jewel Covent Garden. A wonderful bar that she found to be the best venue for relaxing and having a good time.
Sitting down at the bar she ordered herself a cocktail and listened to the music playing from the DJ across the way.
She sat sipping her drink, feeling the tension leaving her shoulders.
A chuckle sounded to the right of where she sat a few seats down, deep and warm and so familiar.
Turning on her stool a bit she looked down that way. Almost instantly her eyes connected with brilliant emerald colored eyes that seemed to widen in surprise, almost as quickly as hers did.
"Miss Granger?"
"Professor McGonagall?"