Chapter 14

Tate sat at an outdoor lunch table waiting for Violet to arrive. It was a nice sunny day, and the wind blew creating a nice breeze. The other kids who were out enjoying their lunch break were loud, as usual but today it didn't bother Tate. No one did, nothing at all did, he even participated in class. Tate was happy, he felt care free. He wasn't sure if it was because Constance was out of his life now, or if it was because he and Violet finally had sex together, either way it didn't matter. Tate was happy, Violet seemed happy and that was all he cared about.

"Hey hot stuff." Violet said as she sat down next to Tate, and placed a tray full of food on the table.

"What's up?" Tate asked, and kissed Violet. "How's school going for you?"

Violet shrugged her shoulders, and started to peel and orange.

"Surprisingly decent. The real question is how is school treating you?" Violet asked, she looked at Tate, and noticed that he didn't look miserable.

"Good actually, it's funny. I even participated in class. Answered questions, talked to my teachers asking them for all the things I missed, and if I can do anything to raise my grade."

Violet smiled, she was so happy for Tate. "Really?! That's great babe, I'm proud of you."

Tate patted himself on the back. "Me too." He said, and laughed.

"Ew, god! Can someone create a box for these two to go in so we don't have to be bothered by looking at them?" Leah, stopped in front of Violet and Tate's table, her groupies standing behind her, and some football player hanging all over her.

"Can you go away, just hearing your voice ruins our day." Violet said and made a fake smile, and flipped Leah off.

Leah laughed her cocky little "I'm better than you" laugh, and sat down across from her.

"I'm actually not here to torture you today okay princess? I'm here to screw around with your little puppet."

Violet gritted her teeth, and Tate rolled his eyes, and began picking at his apple. He was having a good day, and he was doing anything he could to not let it go down the drain.

"What has he ever done to you? Nothing, all you do is bully him, because he's different compared to the majority of people that go to this school. Just leave him alone."

Leah let out an evil cackle; she was the wicked witch of Westfield High.

"Actually your little boy toy, has done a lot of bad things in his time. You probably don't know because he doesn't want to scare you. Did you know he used to kill animals?"

"That's a lie, and you know it." Violet spit out, she was sick of Leah's games.

"Okay whatever. I'm done with you. Anyways Tate, I just wanted to inform you that I heard about your sister, ugh that god awful creature."

Tate looked up from his apple and gritted his teeth, but held in whatever it is that he wanted to say.

"Will you shut up?" Violet screamed. "Why are you such a bitch?" Leah paid no attention to her.

"Anyways I just wanted to inform you on who's responsible about her "accident"

"It wasn't an accident; some asshole hurt her, and knew what they were doing." Tate's voice was low, and steady. He knew Leah was just messing with him, and he wasn't going to let her get the best of him.

"You're right, it wasn't an accident, we did it on purpose." Leah laughed, and so did the big, ugly jock, who was standing behind her.

"What are you talking about?" Tate's almost black eyes were harsh now, his happiness was drained, it was so far gone.

Leah laughed again. "We followed the three of you; we decided to play a prank on you. To hurt you the way you hurt everyone at this school."

"I haven't done anything to anyone, where is this getting you? Stop messing around with me, and leave me alone."

"I'm telling you the truth. You see this guy behind me, he helped with everything. I hit your sister on the head with a bat, when none of you were paying attention. We put her in my car, drove off and as we did that, Jake here..he raped your sister, he didn't want to do too much at first, but he found out he really enjoyed it, especially since she was powerless against him. After that, we threw her out of the car somewhere, and I hit her over the head a couple more times. Did you know how disgusting and ugly your sister is? God if I was her mother I wouldn't have let her live, she's just an abomination to society."

Violet's mouth hung open, and Tate's hands were balled up into fists.

"You're messing with us." Violet said, she glanced over at Tate who had tears in his eyes.

Leah smiled. "Do you really think if I was kidding I would know exactly everything that happened to that retard? Like I said, I needed to hurt Tate the way he's hurt us."

Violet looked at Tate again, he was a brick wall, he didn't move, he didn't say anything. He just stared at Leah with his jet black eyes. Violet looked back and forth between her boyfriend and the school bully, it only took a couple seconds but time felt like it had slowed down.

"SO YOU HURT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, BECAUSE TATE IS DIFFERENT?!" Violet finally yelled out, she didn't think, everything just came flying out of her mouth. Violet stood up, her face inches from Leah's.

"YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU'RE EVIL, YOU ALL SAY TATE IS THIS HORRIBLE PERSON, WHO DOES HORRIBLE THINGS BECAUSE HE HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS. BECAUSE HE'S DIFFERENT! YOU NEED HELP, YOU CRAZY PSYCHO BITCH!" Violet's breathing was heavy and out of rhythm, and she could feel her heart pounding, if u lifted up her shirt you would probably be able to see her heart beating through her skin.

"Even if Tate has done something "horrible" to you, why would you hurt his sister? Why would you almost kill her?! She is in the hospital, with equipment all tied up to her to make sure she stays alive. You're the monster, you're evil Leah. No one, no one dissevers what you did to Addie."

Violet searched Leah's eyes for some sort of remorse, but there was nothing. She still sat there, wearing her smug little smile. Everything was a joke to her, even another person's life.

"DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY?!" Violet yelled at her. Leah shook her head no, and stood up.

"Actually wait, I do have something to say. I'm happy I did it, because seeing the two of you like this is hilarious. He's a robot; he can't feel anything that's why he's just sitting there like that."

Tate was in the same position that Violet last seen him in.

"Are you kidding me? Are you joking, he's like that because he's in shock. I should know that, I've spent enough time with him."

Leah laughed again. "This is so funny."

"Go to hell you stupid slut." Violet whispered, her voice was low, and scary. She punched Leah in the face, and Leah went down, and hit the ground.

Violet got on top of her, and continued to punch her in the face.

"This is for everything you've ever done. To me, to Tate and to anyone else you have ever hurt."

Violet continued to punch Leah, her hand was bruised and bloody but the adrenaline kept her going.

In a flash it was over, Violet was off of Leah, and Leah was bundled up in someone's arms, her face was black and blue and there was blood everywhere. You wouldn't be able to distinguish who it was, if you saw her.

"Get up now!" Someone yelled, as they pulled Violet up from the floor. Violet was in shock, all she could see was Tate; he still sat at the table crying. Someone was pushing her away from him, and she didn't know why.

"What was that all about Miss. Harmon?" Violet looked around the room, she was in the principal's office.

"What?" She asked confused.

"What caused you to do that to Leah?"

Violet sat there staring at her principle.

"She did something horrible to Tate's sister, so I was mad, and I thought I'd teach her a lesson."

The principle nodded his head. "Yes we heard the news about Mr. Langdon's sister and that was horrible but I doubt very highly that Leah was responsible for such a horrible act."

"She admitted it to us."

The principle shrugged his shoulders. "Regardless if she did it or not, violence is against school policy, and I'm sorry Violet, but I'm going to have to expel you."

Violet nodded her head. "I understand."

"We already called your mother. We should be talking to her shortly, but since you are still a minor, and there are no charges pressed against you at this time, we can't do anything to you besides send you home.

"That's fine." Violet said as she stood up, and left the school that she would never be going to again.