Being a Creepypasta was easy... all you needed to do was have a good story... even though it was true other people would never believe it to be, but still it would haunt their minds.

Now I was a Creepypasta... a eighteen year old boy; that was put in a mental hospital at age five after killing my whole family because my Mother threw me down a staircase while my father and older brother did nothing but watch. I sat in that hospital being fed all the bull shit about how I needed to "reform" that I needed to calm myself and what not... I stuck it out until my eighteenth birthday... they had a party for me... and while everyone was celebrating I slit their throats. It was an amazing feeling having the skin give way and blood spurt out. It was very... unpleasant when they slipped the needle in my skin and killed me though... During my funeral I woke and killed the very few people who were there... I found that I was quite dead... not fully though my skin was a sickly gray color and my eyes were golden. I actually was a vampire... sort of, I needed their blood to survive. I never aged past eighteen, I lived and died like any insane person should... but I beat all the others I lived after death... they did not. Now I was in this forest, wearing some weird outfit that was extremely uncomfortable and tight, I swear they made suits for the dead just so that they can't move...

Oh and my name is Drake... not even going to bother with the last name...


This boy that entered the forest seemed very odd... more so then the usual type of person I saw entering these woods...

It was worth a closer look.

Moving closer when he stopped I listened, he seemed to be complaining about the suit he was wearing before saying something about the lake. It took him a few minutes to strip down, complaining about the lack of underwear before walking into the lake, he took a quick dip, seeming to be washing his hair in the water and scrubbing off before coming back out of the water and seating himself on the grass. He leaned over, pulling a piece of metal out of the jacket before running his tongue along the edge "Well Aunt Mary... you made a delightful meal... to bad you couldn't come visit me in the Asylum... but image and all that as you told me... heh" The boy snickered before glancing around nervously, he seemed to look at my spot behind the tree for an extended time before glancing away "I swear I smelled something... something close..." When he was dry he stood up and began getting dressed, complaining about the lack of underwear yet again and walking on, though I made one major mistake, I followed him, not looking where I was going and stepped on a large twig, it snapped in too and a metal rod was flung at me, hitting the bark of the tree beside me.

"The next one won't miss... who the fuck are you?" I stayed silent, decideing on raising my arms in the air slightly and moving out from the shadows, when he got a full eye of me he spoke again "hmm... cool what do you want?"

Drake POV

This guy was tall... and I mean TALL... he had no face and was pure white... actually my mind was speaking about sex the whole time so it didn't matter about the tenticles... well until I noticed them, they were there and gone right after I saw them, I said the only thing my brain could think of "hmm... Cool what do you want?" and then crossed my arms, could he even speak? He proved me wrong when he began talking, it sort of came from around him but not from a mouth and not in my head... cool and strange. "Nothing really... your in my woods so I want to know why your here..." "Oh... well I'm here because it was the closest place to the graveyard..." A knife was quickly at my throat and my metal pipe was thrust out of my hands. "Hey Slendy who you got here? Another little victim? Mind if I have a go?" I raised an eye brow and turned my head slightly, a white skinned man with black hair, no eyelids and a huge smile looked back at me. "Why did I have to be the only one with gray skin..." I said with a pout, not exactly liking the fact that there was a knife to my throat but accepting it none the less.

"what?" I rolled my eyes and responded "Are either one of you going to kill me? I have places to go... families to kill and people to haunt..." The guy just smirked, making his smile almost reach his eye before speaking "Hey Slendy you gonna recruit this one? I like him..." I felt something lick my face and flinched "Hey, what the bloody hell!" I didn't get a response, instead I was knocked out and pissed off.

When I came to I found myself on a bed, when I sat up I found that I was alone and my pieces of metal were laying beside me on the bedstand, I grabbed them and shoved them in my belt before getting up and heading out the door, down the hall and two flights of stairs later I was in a large room that was packed full of all sorts of people and... things and they were all arguing.

"EXCUSE ME!" I shouted, loud enough to make my ears pop and others flinch "I would like to know where the FUCK I am and where the hell is the guy that knocked me out... He needs to DIE..." Everyone seemed to take a step back, until Slender came in the room and made me come with him, I just glared at everyone.

"What the hell..." I muttered, sitting down in the chair Slender pointed me to "Why was I knocked out and where the hell is the one who did it?" "I told Jeff to knock you out, from the way you were acting I figured that you would NOT come quietly... and as for where you are.. your at my home." "Still gonna beat the fucking shit out of this 'Jeff' when I see him again..." I muttered, arms crossed and an angry expression on my face "So why am I here?" I finally asked, Slender looked me over, or I assumed he did considering he had no face...

"My house holds some of the most mysterious, unknown and unbelieveable killers in the world, though some of us are not from this one we are all here... well when you showed determination after you saw me I figured that you would be a good canidate to live here..." "So what do I need to do?" I asked,leaning back in the chair again "Well you need to obey myself and well that's it..." I glanced back up to his face, or lack there of and sighed "I can't take you seriously when your smiling..." I heard laughing coming from the corner of the room and turnned my head quickly over to see the one that had knocked me out.

"You little!" I lunged at him, ending up being pinned to the wall by the man and Slender "I think one of you can let go of me and another can get their hand of my ass..." They both dropped me and I snorted "No Cinderella here..." When I got up I noticed that both of them seemed to be looking in another direction completely.

"Right so continue.. what do you want me to do?" I asked after a minute, Slender turnned to me and answered "I don't really have anything for you-" "You can be our sex slave? You do have a fine ass..." Slender and I snapped our heads over to Jeff "Wh-what?!" We said in unison "Sex Slave..." I covered my ass and shimmied away "Uh... no I like things in my ass but... yeah no way..." They both looked at me as I exited the room "When you two come up with something come get me for now I'm gonna go back to that room..."

I headed to the room I was in earlier, the one I woke up in.

Stripping down I searched through the drawers before finding a pain of boxers and a oversized tee shirt, putting them both on I cuddle up in the sheets and turnned the Air Conditioner way down so that it would be super cold in the room before falling asleep.

I was woken a little while later to Slender poking my face. "Geez I think I better tie a bell to you... what do you want?" "Were you being serious when you said you liked things up your ass?" I blushed and nodded "What about a tenticle?"

Well this became serious quick O3O lol I hope you all enjoy and Review/Fave/Follow please and please do NOT flame... Thank you Kindly! :)