BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING ELSE, I want to stress something that has been brought to my attention. I am SO sorry for not mentioning this before. It was very stupid of me to not put a warning. I am truly sorry. There is a brief rape scene in this chapter, but only in this chapter. If you are not interested in reading that, I have the brief scene underlined. So you can just skip over the underlined parts, and you should still be able to understand everything. If you're not interested in reading this story at all because of that, I completely understand.

Now, on to the story.

Wow. First Twilight fan fiction I've done in a while. (: I hope you guys like it. It's not typical, at least I hope not! I've never read anything quite like it.

Constructive criticism is welcomed. Flaming is not. Take your flames elsewhere, or don't take them anywhere. It's my story to make how I want, which is the beauty of writing. Don't tell me to stop writing. I'll write as often as I would like.

Sorry. Bad experience with flamers. x3

Anyways, here's the new series of mine, Best Friend's Brother! I wish I could give you a rough estimate on how many chapters it will be, how many installments it will have, but I can't. Honestly, it's all up in the air for now. (:

Please review. Reviews are encouraging and helpful, and I love to read them. (: I hope you enjoy this story, and I promise I'll update as long as people are still reading. I'll update as often as possible. That is all I can promise. I can't promise every day, every week, and though it shames me to say, I can't even promise every month. I can, however, promise to do the absolute best I can and update whenever I can. Sometimes, I'll be stuck story wise, and it may take longer, but I promise to keep trying and keep thinking of how to go on without making it simply boring.

Also, to explain below a bit, I'm gonna put a few lines of lyrics from a song that I think overview the chapter nicely. I'm also putting a quote from various people. So, that'll explain what all of that is. (:

Now, enough babbling. Read, review, and enjoy, please. (:

00. Our friendship didn't really have a great beginning.

"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR"—Roar, Katy Perry

"The harsh reality is that we live in a cruel world where more often than not, darkness can be found not only surrounding our everyday lives, but also can be felt within ourselves."—Unknown

I didn't want to go there. Mom and I just didn't get along, and honestly, I don't think she liked me very much. When placed beside Bella, I was no shining star. The only ways I would even consider myself responsible were my uncanny ability to make a barely average meal and my knack for washing whites with reds.

Really, I was nothing, but Charlie and I were happy. We meshed well together.

Maybe that's why I left the safety of Charlie's home. Maybe that's why I was where I found myself. Either way, things weren't good, and I hated it.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another.

As he finished raping me, shaking his dick in front of my face to make sure I nearly threw up due to the disgusting smell of sperm he had plagued me with for days now, one of his friends and coworkers unchained me and drug my weak and frail body behind him. None of the men here had any compassion. Every single one of them took turns raping me. They made me walk around naked.

While I was still conscious, without numbing me, they cut out my uterus so I wouldn't get pregnant.

It was the most horrible nightmare, and it didn't seem to be coming to an end.

As I was saying, his coworker came and grabbed me by my matted and sticky hair—clumped together with mixtures of blood, semen, and various chemicals they poured on me. He was dragging me to the experiment room, and while I cried out in pain, he began unfurling my large wings, black and brown like a hawk, to begin studying them.

They were so sore, so fragile. It was just two days ago they altered my DNA to grow me some wings, and now they were making me open them up to study them. Who knew when they would try to make me actually use them?

It was hard to focus on much due to the drugs they had in my system mixed with all the intense amounts of pain I was suffering through. All of my conscious thought was focusing on trying to understand how someone could be so cruel, so vicious, to a human being. I mean, didn't it occur to them that I had feelings? Did they feelings, or even a soul?

That had to be it. They were demons. After all, they were vampires. How many times had they fed off of me, leaving me barely alive? Too many to count, and I was sick of it.

Stop fighting. Stop holding on. Charlie still has Bella. He'll be okay.

Despite the fact it was my own mind that came up with this thought, it made no sense to me. How could I say that? How could I let go? There was so much to live for if I ever got out of this mess.

Before I had time to use the new fast reflexes they gave me, one of his assistants put a cloth over my face. It had no smell, but I knew this very well.

Who knows where I would wake . . . .

Something hurt worse than a pain I had ever imagined. I was cold, wet, and for some reason, underwater. It felt like I had needles poking out of various places inside of me—like, for example, my skull!

I opened my eyes to find myself underwater, like I had guessed, but I was breathing perfectly fine. Though a painful struggle, I looked around me to see men looking down at me in wonder, and I couldn't help but freak out when I heard one faintly say, "Hope this doesn't kill the poor girl."

This could kill me?! No! Charlie needed me!

And then, I heard a weird noise as someone flipped on a switch, and a fierce pain, infinitely worse than the pain I was already feeling, overtook me. Something was going through these needles and into my body, changing my entire frame and structure. I tried to scream, but I couldn't get anything out.

My bones seemed to be unhinging and breaking one by one, including my spine. Every single ounce of me wanted to just die because in a flash, they were forcing pain worse than I had ever imagined through every part of my body.

When it broke my spine, everything went black, but I was conscious.

Whatever they were putting inside of me not only broke me apart from the inside out, but it caused my heart to begin racing in my chest, faster than it ever had before. It was the hardest thing in the world to do, but somehow, even as everything inside of me shattered and ripped apart, I found something to cling to.

Fading away into a deep, dark oblivion, sinking faster towards the light as time went by, this is where I found myself. Not knowing when it would end, hoping with all I still had left in me that it would end with me still breathing, was the worst form of torture they could ensue.

How would Charlie react? How was he reacting? I mean, they took me over a week ago. He couldn't be taking this very well.

It's a strange fate. As I laid there, face-to-face with death, I felt like a little girl again, so happy and carefree, back when crying seemed like the only answer. They were killing a little girl, destroying her innocence in the most vile ways. How could they? So loving, compassionate, carefree—these sick, twisted demons.

My heart stopped then, and I knew at that moment, in that instant, I was dead. I was choking on nothing; motionless, heavy, and unable to move. My eyes were closed—or open—but I couldn't see. I couldn't move a single part of my body, not even my pinkie.

Death has drawn near. It's here for me.

In that moment, as I laid there thinking I was dead, something sparked inside of me, and it was follow by an agonizing, smoldering pain that ripped out inside of me.

It was as if someone just set off every explosive and every flamethrower—in all of the entire world—inside of me.

What was happening to me?!

The fire rapidly spread up my arm, as if my blood was pure gasoline there to help it burn ever so quickly, so hot, so painfully.

I couldn't do anything but lie there in agony as whatever the vehement fire was continued to spread throughout my body.

The worst part about all of this was the fact that I wasn't just burning in one spot, but I was boiling everywhere inside of my body. Muscles and joints that I didn't even know existed inside of me were burning like the fiery pits of hell inside of me, and I didn't doubt them anymore.

My surroundings were fading around me, and my senses were shutting down, one by one. Hearing was the first thing I lost, followed by smell. They came quickly, but the rest—touch, the sense I wanted gone the absolute most—wouldn't leave. It clung to me like there was no other way.

It was absolutely excruciating.

When the water I was in got colder than ice, I had hoped for a blessing. I had hoped that the internal blaze would cool down with the ice water I was lying in, soaking me from head to toe. But, I was sadly mistaken. It got nothing but worse; much, much worse.

My teeth ground together, clenched tighter than they ever had been, along with my fist. It was all I could do not to shriek as loudly as I could possibly manage, like I wanted to do. The fire was burning me on the inside, completely. I didn't know what was happening. To be honest, I was kind of scared to know.

My body was shuddering deep, long shudders, uncontrollable ones. That was when I broke, when I decided that maybe it was time to let go, to stop trying to force myself alive. I sat there, shuddering, praying to God, asking—begging, more accurately put—Him to hurry up and take me home.

It was an agonizing pain that just seemed to get worse and worse as it spread through to the last part of my body. My dead heart was now beating faster than ever before, like it might explode any time now.

I just wanted to die, in that very moment. Everything I had lived for, worked for . . . I didn't care anymore. Any pain I had ever felt—believe me, there was a lot accumulated over my clumsy sixteen years—seemed like nothing under the severity and harshness of this choking, agonizing fire.

The eternal fire fumed on, especially in my core, my heart. Nothing would stop it; nothing could help. All I wanted to do was rip those sick men enjoying this to pieces for doing this to me, but I wasn't even sure if I would see them . . . if I ever even stopped burning.

What was going on? Why was this happening? Was this some kind of poison they were injecting into my entire body? Why was it causing so much destruction inside of me?

Suddenly, just when I thought the pain was dying away, it got worse; much stronger. It was as if before, I didn't know what I was experiencing, and now, I suddenly was able to understand and appreciate every little flame that was touching every little piece of my body, and I wanted out again.

But I couldn't do this to myself.

After what seemed like another eternity, I got every sense back—touch, smell, sound, taste, and probably sight too. But, I wasn't opening my eyes yet to see.

I heard the men mumbling about their disappointment—how I hadn't survived. They talked about how they needed to get a stronger person, probably a male.

Oh hell no!

That caused my heart to thud in my chest, something their machines picked up on. My heart had been beating, but it didn't register? It made no sense, but I didn't particularly care right now.

They were saying I wasn't strong enough? Saying only a male could handle this? Call me a psycho feminist, but that just wasn't going to fly.

More changes happened, though, changes that distracted me from the rest of their conversation. At this point, I was surprised to find that in my limbs, the flames were extremely leisurely fading. But, that just sparked the fire in my heart, where everything was the worst, to burn even hotter, even stronger.

How is that even possible? Was the end near?

Then, there was no pain in my hands or feet anymore. But, it was as if the pain had left them and went to my heart, because it was suddenly beating more rapidly, and the fire was burning even stronger and hotter.

How much hotter can this get?!

Now, all I could hear was my frantic heart, and more and more of my limbs was gaining the cool, extinguished fire feeling. They were free, and as time slowly passed by, the cool areas were up to the creases of my elbows and the creases of my knees.

Out of nowhere, my heart jolted, and as the pain drained from everywhere else on my body, it burned brilliantly in the most excruciating heat yet, hotter than I knew anything could withstand. This was unreal, and for a moment, I pondered on whether or not it was hotter than the hottest star.

After that moment, my heart seemed to rise, but steel restraints and needles held me down. Then, there was nothing left inside of me still combustible except for my raging heart, the heart that was fighting the fire. Both were losing, it seemed, because the fire was killing my heart, but once my heart was gone, what else was there for it to burn?

I was slipping away in this moment, so close to the end of this, but there was nothing to hold onto. This was just too much for my tiny, weak body to bear. I was dying, and I couldn't stop it.

No! Charlie needs me. I will not die today!

My body fought, struggling to cling to the small piece of life I had left in me. It was so tiny, I wasn't sure how I managed, but repeating the name of the only person I had helped me hold onto the almost invisible piece.

A surge of unbearable pain rang through my heart, and it pounded three times—two loud and clear, and then one final, quiet beat before it stopped.

My bones seemed to hinge themselves together again, my entire body numb.

Shock . . . I couldn't feel anything else.

It was over.

I was dead now.

But, how was I still thinking?

To test my curiosity, I wiggled my toes inside of my most likely ruined black and white converse.


But, my toes moved . . . so . . . I wasn't dead . . . .

I wasn't breathing . . . .

My heart wasn't beating . . . .

What in the hell is going on with me?!

Am I dead?

How can I be dead and still thinking? Still able to move?

And then, I peeked through my eyelids to find the men all staring at me in wonder, confusion, and hope. But, I just peeked and then closed them back.

Just peeking through my eyelids, I was surprised at the quality of my sight, especially since I was underwater. I mean, everything was so clear! It was as if I had contacts in all of my life, foggy, messed up contacts, and they had been removed.

The picture quality was sharp, incredible.

This was awesome!

I could feel the strength building up inside of myself, but I knew why the men were cheering. Their little test had worked, whatever it was they had done to me.

And now, I was mad—furious.

I was ready for revenge.

Unfortunately, I didn't really get to get it for myself. When I started to try and move, I was reminded that there were needles shoved through various parts of my body. And then there was, you know, Rosalie Hale cutting heads off fiercely while her sister, Alice Cullen, shot some of the men with a badass looking crossbow.

In just a matter of seconds, I was out of the tub with a blanket around me. Every part of me was beyond aching, and the moment I was out, I just fell into Rosalie's arms.

It was all black from there.