This story is continuing from Pony1997 story because it started out good but he/she discontinued it :( so i decided to continue the story :) the first 3 chapters are his/hers then i will be uploading my own chapters.

Thanks DJmuppet XD

It was a dark and silent June night. The only sound that could be heard was the screaming of the chief's wife, Vallahalarama, as she gave birth to their child. The chief was none other than Stoick the Vast, chief of the Hairy Hooligans tribe. Stoick was pacing back and forth, he long sense lost count of how long it had been when the midwife had got there. He really didn't care, as of right now the only thing that mattered now was the screams of his wife. Then the most wonderful thing he ever heard cut through the night, a baby crying. Only there was still the screaming of his wife so he could have imagined the cry.

Then, what seemed like hours, his wife stopped screaming and the mid wife said he could come in and see her. Val was panting and had sweat on her entire body and she was smiling as she held two babies.

"Hey, come over here and meet your sons." Val said in a happy voice

"T-twin boys?" Stoick asked her as he stood in the door way in shock. The healer said that they were only going to have one.

"Yes now come over here, they won't bite, and if they do they don't have teeth." Val said as Stoick came closer to stand next to her and look at his boys. "This one is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III." She said referring to the boy in her left arm. Hiccup was wide awake and looking at his mom with his bright green eyes, he had some bright red hair on his head but the main thing was he was smaller than normal. Also something that Stoick saw, was on his left wrist was a birth mark the shape of twin sword making an X.

"And this is Draco Haddock." She said referring to the boy in her right arm. He was also wide awake but looking at Stoick with light blue eyes just like his, he also had bright red hair on his head and he was a little bigger than Hiccup. On Draco's right wrist was a birth mark that looked like a battle axe.

"Those are great names, but why are they named that?" Stoick asked his wife. Vallahalarama was happy to explain why they had those names.

"Well Draco is named that because it is scary and that is what it felt like I was giving birth to." Val chuckled "And I named him Hiccup because Hiccup means mistake and he was the one that was not supposest to be born also it was one of your family's names it just fit." She said with a shrug

"Well they are just as lovely as their mother." He told her with a smile

"And as handsome as their father." She replied then the babies started to fuss.

"How about you go and tell the village while I feed the little ones." She said in a tired voice.

"Ok then I will be back to watch them so you can get some sleep." Stoick said as he walked outside.

2 Months later

Vallahalarama had just gotten Hiccup and Draco to sleep after a long day of playing with the other babies in the village. Also the village Elder came to tell Val about future. Draco was first up; the elder picked him up and closed her eyes as she held him. After a few minutes she smiled and handed Draco back to his Mother.

"He will have a great future and will make you and Stoick proud of the warrior he will become." She said. What she said made Val Smile; she knew Draco would have a great future. But Hiccup on the other hand she was worried about, He was 2 months and was still under weight and sickly. So she handed her Hiccup next and the Elder did the same with Hiccup as she did Draco. Once the Elder started frowning and muttering under her breath Val started to worry that her little boy would not make it through the winter. But then all the doubt she had vanished when the Elder smiled the biggest smile she ever saw spread across her face. She handed then little boy back to her and started to explain.

"This boy has a rocky future ahead of him but in the end he and one of the girls will be the best warriors this village has ever seen." The Elder said still smiling. No words could describe the relief Vallahalarama was feeling at the words of the Elder. Once the elder had left Val had put both boys to bed and after everything that happened that day, Val was worn out and ready for bed. She was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

2 hours later there was a loud commotion outside and Val knew that there was only one thing that could put the Vikings in this much of a panic… Dragons. So without waiting Val grabbed her sword and ran out to help, leaving the babies up stairs in their room.

In the time span of 3 Hours Val took down 5 Deadly Nadders, 7 Groncles, 3 Monstrous Nightmares and 12 Terrible Terrors. Val and Stoick were making their way back to the house when they saw something that made them stop dead in their Tracks. The door to the House was blasted off and the frame where the door was on fire and they heard a baby's screaming coming from inside. They looked at each other with fearful eyes and they ran as fast as they could with a new found energy.

The house was trashed and there were these dark black scales everywhere. They ran up the stairs and stopped in the door to the nursery. The door was barely hanging on the hinges the scales were there to and the bed was turned over. The moment that they burst through the door Draco – who had be lay a foot away from the crib- stopped his balling and just whimpered. Val ran over and picked up Draco but realized someone was missing.

"Where is Hiccup?" Val asked her voice breaking. "Where is my little boy?" Val started sob as she and Stoick searched the room top to bottom and Hiccup was nowhere in sight.

"Oh Val, A Night Fury got him." Stoick said as he embraced his wife while she cried. It was true Hiccup was nowhere to be seen and those scales were the same color as the night sky so it only made sense that was the kind of dragon that took their son. But Vallahalarama could not accept the fact that her son was gone.

"NOOO! The Elder said he would be the greatest warrior we ever saw! Why would she lie to me like that!" She screamed through her sobs.

"Val you and I both know that the Elder cannot predict a dragon attack or who a dragon takes so the only thing we can blame in the dragon who took our son. OK?" Stoick asked as he rocked his grieving wife. "Now I know it is hard but we will get through this together."

An Island not far from Berk

On an island not too far from Berk a midnight black Night fury landed in a clearing and looked over His catch. His catch consisted of a small light green blanket and a squirming baby inside. He lay the blanket down, inside the small baby was half way asleep but once the moon light sown in his eyes he was immediately wide awake. The baby looked up at the Dragon and tilted his head a bit and a confused 'eh'.

"You sure are small." The Black Dragon said in Dragonese, a language only dragons and wanders knew how to speak. He was so intrigued by this human hatchling that he didn't notice a dark grey dragon fly overhead until he was snapped out of his thoughts.

"I can see that you got the boy Toothless."A female Night Fury said as she landed in the same clearing. She walked over and gently lay down a blanket that held a baby girl. The girl had the same amount and color of hair as Hiccup did, her eye were a dark blue and wide open as she looked at the Night Furies standing over her.

"You got the girl I see, But Storm, are you sure about this?" Toothless asked Storm. No dragon had done what they were about to do for very long time. Hardly any dragons even knew if it worked or not.

"Yes, These Hatchlings were just going to be teased 'cause they are small and plus we will teach them to respect dragons. Who knows maybe they will slay the queen one day."Storm said as moved the blankets away from the girl and Toothless did the same with Hiccup.

"But don't you think we may be getting in over our head? I mean two dragons taking care and teaching little humans? Is it even possible?" Toothless asked as he looked at the baby that was slowly but surely falling asleep.

"I don't really know Toothless, but, I know that that I really want some little ones of our own. Plus even you saw how Disappointed to sires looked when they saw how small this little ones were. If we left them there they would have a miserable life. We are simply giving them better ones." Storm said as she hugged and smelled the little girl that giggled every time the warm breath touched her skin.

"Storm I want the same thing, I was just checking to make sure that is what you want." Toothless said.

"Ready?"Asked storm as she raised a paw over the girls head.

"Ready."Toothless confirmed as he drew a snake like Dragon making an S on Hiccups head right over his left eye, and chanted a old spell. The dragon was the same color green as his eyes. Storm did the same to the girl but hers was the same blue as her eyes. Then there was a flash of green light around the boy and after that he had green rings the same color as his eyes around his legs and arms. In his Hair there were green highlights.

The girl later had a flash of blue light surround her and ones it was gone she had, the same color as her eyes, slanted S's with dots at the top and bottom of the S's on her legs and arms. There were Blue Highlights in her hair as well.

"We will have to separate them if we want them to be mates and not think of each other as brother and sister." Storm said as they watched the babies sleep.

"I agree but we will have to name them. This one was named 'Hiccup' but that is a Viking name and we can't have that so I will call him…Midnight." Toothless declared as he wrapped the sleeping 'Midnight' up in his blanket.

"That is a nice name, this little one was named Wolfbane…I think, but that is a horrible girls name so now I shall call her… Stone."Storm said as she wrapped the blanket around Stone and picked her up in her mouth and flew off to the other side of the Island.

Toothless then took midnight to a cave and lay down. He could not wait for the boy to be older and learn to use his powers. This was going to be a long wait as far as he was concerned.