I don't own any of the copyrights to this stuff except for Anthony Granger, he's my


The Disowned Son

Chapter One: The New Neighbor

Harry Potter was woken up rudely as usual, on the day before his sixteenth

birthday, but not by his mean wizard-hating relatives, but by his owl, Hedwig, a beautiful

white female snow owl. She was looking at him and then out the window at something

and then back at him again, but at least she stopped squawking. He looked out to see

what was irritating her. In the driveway of Number Six Privet Drive, which was next

door, the was a moving truck. The man who was busy unloading the pick-up which was

parked alongside the moving truck was a big man and obviously the new neighbor. He

was about twenty years old. He had brown hair and chocolate colored eyes, kind of

reminded him of Hermione. He kept his hair in a loose mid-back-length ponytail that was

tied with a white band. He was about six feet tall and well muscled in the athletic way.

Harry figured he better get dressed because his "family" would want to meet the new

neighbor. He grabbed some muggle clothing which he had bought at Dragon Alley and

was about to open his door when he heard his great big uncle walking down the hall.

BANG. BANG. BANG. That was the sound of his uncle knocking on his door. "Get

tour ruddy butt cleaned, dressed, and out here boy; you have an hour." Just on time he


Harry opened the door and told his uncle, "I'm already up, I'll take a quick shower

if you don't need the bathroom." His big, pink-faced uncle just told him to be quick

about it and not use all the hot water. It only took Harry five minutes to shower and put

his clothes on. He exited the bathroom and his uncle went in muttering something about

him taking too long. He went down to the kitchen where he saw his greatly oversized

cousin, Dudley, and thin aunt, Petunia, eating breakfast. His cousin, who was now on one

of those high protein diets, was actually losing some weight, but his butt still hung off

both sides of the chair. He went to the table and ate the bacon and apple he was given

before Uncle Vernon came down to eat his breakfast and read his morning paper. The

headline of the paper read "BISON ESCAPES FROM PRISON." Harry was

wondering who this Bison person is and why his escaping from prison was so important

but was interrupted by his uncle hitting him upside the head and telling him to wash the

dishes and be ready in five minutes.

The four of them were outside their new neighbor's house and Vernon knocked on

the door. The man who Harry had seen earlier answered the door. He was wearing green

pants and a white undershirt. He smiled and said, "Hi, the names Anthony. Anthony

Granger." Vernon introduced himself, Petunia, and Dudley. Harry was still in shock at

what the man had just said and the resemblance was uncanny now that he had gotten a

closer look at him. What happened next shocked Harry even more, The man asked why

Vernon didn't introduce Harry. That caused his uncle to get a bit angry but he introduced

Harry anyhow. This shocked Harry even more but he quickly hid it when they got home.

He quickly made up an excuse that he was going for a walk. He began walking around

the block before what had just happened could completely sink into his family's brains.

On his second trip around he heard noticed two men following him. One was a tall

oriental man. He had a huge, ugly scar on his bald head and had an eye- patch over his

right eye. The second man was a short black man with nothing but muscles on muscles.

At first he just thought he was paranoid about them following him, but when he made two

right turns and they were still behind him and gaining ground on him quickly. Now he

was worried. At least he brought his wand with him and he had found his father's wand

which he could use off school grounds because the ministry monitored wands not their

users. He had actually made a habit of using his father's wand and he planned on leading

himself into a nearby dead end alley he knew of. He figured if they cornered him they

would tell them everything. He was just praying he was right. He could see the opening

to the alley just ahead. He looked behind him quickly and began running and they began

chasing him. He turned into the alley and turned around when he reached the end. He

took his father's wand halfway out of his back pocket so he could reach it faster if he had

to. The two men came into the alley and the tall one began laughing.

The one with the eye-patch began talking. "The great Harry Potter I presume.

Your not as tough as my boss's new ally told us." He began walking up to Harry.

Harry had to find out more. "Who sent you?"

"General Bison of Shadoloo sent us of course."

"And who are you guys," Harry asked.

"I'm Sagat, and this man behind me is Balrog."

"Your bosses new ally, He..." Sagat cut Harry off in mid-sentence.


furious because he had just figured out what Harry was doing. Balrog lunged at Harry but

it was already to late. Before he new what was happening Harry had his wand out,

muttered a word, and a ball of red energy hit Balrog who promptly blacked out.

"What did you do to him!" yelled Sagat.

"The same thing I'll do to you if you don't back off right now. I can assure you

he's not dead, just stunned. Now tell me," Harry pointed the wand at the giant, "did

Voldemort send you." This caused Saga to falter which answered Harry's question.

What Saga did next confused him and taught him a valuable lesson: non- magical and

powerless were two different things. In one swift movement Saga drew his arms back so

his fists were near and slightly behind his armpits. He paused for just a second then with

a thrust of his fist foreword and a yell of "TIGER!" a crossbow shaped energy wave

came towards him. The projectile was coming towards him quickly. There was nothing

he could do to stop it and it hit him right in the chest. He was knocked back into the wall

and all he could do was breath hard. The next thing he remembered before blacking out

was Hedwig leading Anthony into the alley.


When he came to he found himself in a room that was built just like the Dursley's

living room except he could tell it wasn't because the fireplace wasn't boarded up. He

saw Hedwig on the window sill and heard the kitchen door open. "So your finally up,

huh?" It was Anthony again. "You should know how lucky you are, if they didn't want

you alive you'd be in a hospital right now.?"

"Can you tell me what happened after I blacked out?" asked Harry

"I fought Saga and left him knocked out in the alley. It's a good thing this owl got

my attention or else you'd be a goner. Do you know why they wanted you?"

"Yes, but before I tell you the truth I need to ask you something," Harry said, "do

you know a Hermione Granger?"

The older man was taken aback by this question. "Yes, she's my baby sister, but

I haven't seen her in ten years, I've been away. I don't even know where she is. Hold on

just a second. What does she have to do with this."

"You being related to her allows me to tell you the truth, well legally anyhow."

"Well, what is it?" he asked impatiently.

"She's a witch," Harry said seriously, "and I'm a wizard. And the reason is that

Sagat and Balrog's boss is now in league with an evil wizard who goes by the name Lord

Voldemort. What do you know about a man named General Bison of Shadoloo?"

"WHAT? You're telling me you never heard of him? He's one of the most evil

men in the world. He is the leader of his own small country. He's also a world warrior

on the street fighter circuit and sometimes his government hold tournaments as part of ."

"What's that?" asked Harry.

"Street fighter competitions are fighting competitions in which the toughest

fighters from around the world test their skill against one another in combat. It's

hand-to-hand, mind you so guns are almost always banned. Most street fighters, like me,

have a strict code of honor which most of us follow." Anthony continued telling Harry

about his training and the various things he had accomplished up to when he achieved

world warrior status. He also told Harry why he hasn't seen his sister in ten years. It's

because when he was thirteen he began teaching himself how to fight because he was

being picked on. He discovered he liked fighting so much he decided to seek out

someone to teach him properly. He met an old Shotokan master named Kenshin (A/N:

Kenshin is not Ken Masters.) who taught him everything. When his parents found out he

had began to learn to fight they told him to tell Kenshin he quit. When he refused they

disowned him. Hermione was too young at the time to know what had happened but had

cried when he left for Japan where he was taught for nine years in the Shotokan ways.

Last year Kenshin had told him he had become a master and told him that when he left he

should improve on his skills. He had fought a group of thugs one day in New York when

a man approached him and told him if he wanted to test his skill he should join the a

tournament that was being held the next day in the Bronx. He did just that and won. He

kept winning. He was now taking up a teaching position at a private school. (A/N: Just

for they record Anthony is currently twenty-three and Harry's sixteenth birthday is

coming up soon.)

"That's interesting," said Harry, "now it's my turn I guess." Harry went on to tell

Anthony about Hogwarts, and Voldemort. Gave him a few terms that your average

smuggle dictionary didn't have, such as mudblood, which Harry explained was a rude

way to refer to a wizard or witch of smuggle parentage. The Hogwart's part was his

favorite, especially when he told Anthony how the students were sorted into their houses.

How Voldemort had given himself a new body in his fourth year. He told him how in his

fifth year Hermione and Draco Malfoy had patched things up a bit and now they were a

group of four even if Ron and Draco could begin to go at it every now and then. Then

there was quiddich, Harry's favorite sport. And finally how he thought it was both

annoying and hilarious how no one would say Voldemort's name out loud out of fear, and

how they would say you-know-who instead.

When he was done Anthony could only think to himself quietly. It had been

almost too much to think about when Harry had told him about his sister being a witch.

He didn't hate her for it like a muggle sibling would have. He actually liked the idea of

her being a witch. He also thought it was funny how she was at the top of her class even

though she wasn't raised in a wizarding family, it was ironic actually.

"There's just one thing that still troubles me," said Harry. "If Sagat and Balrog

are muggles then how could Sagat use magic?"

"Do you know what chi is Mr. Potter?" asked a familiar voice from the front

entrance. Anthony jumped up and readied a fireball in his hands. Harry stopped him

though because the voice was that of Albus Dumbledore. when he introduced them it

turned out that Albus and Anthony had already met. "Ah, Mr. Potter I see you have

already met the newest professor at Hogwarts. I would prefer if you didn't tell anyone

about this Harry. I want it to be a surprise for Ms. Granger."

"What are you teaching Anthony?"

"I was asked to teach the martial arts to anyone willing to sign up by Albus here."

"Martial arts, sounds like a good idea to me. Where do I sign up professors?"

Albus pulled out a roll of parchment, "I thought you would like to join and since

Anthony was moving next door to you I figured I would bring the sign up sheet with me

and ask you." He handed Harry the piece of parchment. Harry grabbed a pen and wrote

the needed information down. He handed it back to Dumbledore who was telling

Anthony how to get on nine and three fourths, that his house was now connected to the

floo network and told him to ask Harry to show him how to use floo powder, which he

left a jar of, and directions to Diagon Alley if he thought he could find something useful.

Before he left a brown barn owl flew in and brought Harry's item list to him. When he

opened it he noticed that the box next to the question asking him if he wanted to sign up

for the martial arts class had already been checked. When he asked Dumbledore about

this it turned out that the parchment would automatically update if the box was checked

but the spell was a two way spell so if the parchment was filled out the box would check

itself. Harry read his list.

Course Books

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 6)

By Miranda Goshawk

Advanced Transfiguration

By Minerva McGonagall

Dark Arts: Theory, Beginning and Intermediate Spells, and Counter Curses

By Alastor Moody

Demons: Where to Find them and How to Deal With Them

By Samuel Planks

Advance Potions and Potion Enhancing Spells

By Phyllida Spore

All student taking the martial arts class must have a karate gi (any color), a white gi belt,

and a mouth-guard.

Harry looked back up at the headmaster and asked "Can I go to Diagon Alley

now; I'd really like to get this floo powder traveling out of the way?"

"Of course you can, Harry." The headmaster turned towards the professor, "Harry

doesn't like traveling through the floo network that much." With that he handed Anthony

the Hogwart's policy book and left.

"So your probably wondering how I got picked to teach you guys how to protect

yourselves with just your bodies right?" Harry nodded. "I had placed an ad in the

newspaper. I was going to open a Dojo in a studio I bought. Albus come to me with an

interesting proposition. So I accepted, and I already guessed I had to keep it a secret."

"That's an interesting way to get a job at Hogwart's. Hold on. You must be the

first Muggle to teach at Hogwart's! Oh, yeah, floo powder. Okay, here's how it's used."

Harry lit the fireplace. "First you need a lit fire place. Next you take a pinch of the

powder and throw it in." The fire turned green. "Then you step in and say your

destination out loud. Remember, you must enunciate your words or else you could end

up somewhere you wouldn't want to be." Harry went to the coffee table and pocketed his

and hid Dad's wand. "Let's go. I'll go first. When you're in the network you'll see exit

grates. Look for me and exit through that grate." Harry took his pinch and threw it in

which caused the fire to turn green. He stepped into it and said, "Diagon Alley," the

flames engulfed him and he was gone. Anthony soon did the same. In mere seconds he

had joined Harry in what he would later find to be The Three Broomsticks.