Author's note: Sorry that this is a small update, but I tried to write as much as I could this weekend. I'm thinking about posting some of the other star trek fan fictions I've made. Thank you for all the reviews, they mean the world to me! Hope you like this chapter!


Trying not to limp, I stagger to the shuttle station. The only way to end this inner torment is to go to the person who cursed me. I know that stealing a shuttle will most likely be impossible taken into the fact that I'm not supposed to be even awake.

Right now I feel crazy like any moment I'm going to start whispering to myself. I probably look crazy too. My eyes flicker side to side making sure that the shadow man isn't there, my face and body exude an ashen pale color, and I almost run towards my destination with a sense of urgency even though I'm ready to collapse from pure exhaustion.

I make it to one of the shuttles, discreetly. Nobody questions why I'm aggressively punching in codes or why I'm walking into unauthorized ship, they just go on about their business, which I'm glad for. I lock the doors and make my way to the chair.

I chose this ship specifically because you only need one person to operate it and its secluded which means that I don't have to open the main big door.

Feeling a bit uneasy by the darkness that surrounds me, I do a quick check to make sure that everything is okay. Well, mostly I want to check if I really want to do this.

I will lose my status as a captain and Bones is definitely going to kill me if I do make it out alive. Nobody on this ship can save me. So I have to take matters into my own hands.

With more certainty than I had before, I engage the thrusters and open the door into space. I make sure the shuttle is fully out of the ship before I activate full speed.

Yes, this thing is really fast, but it has barely any offensive or defensive capabilities. Okay, how far am I away from Andorian? With a couple of taps I see that it's going to take a full 7 hours.

Looks like I'm going to be here for a while. Let's just hope I don't have another freaky episode.


Bones P.O.V.

I open my eyes to suffer the bright lights of my office. For a moment I believe that everything is normal, until I remember why I'm here. Jim is in the next room, passed out. I must've fallen asleep while doing paper work.

I hold back the long string of swears when I see the time. It's 1100 hours, which means I slept for about 13 hours. Did anybody notice my absence? I am the chief medical officer!

I half-saunter half-run into Jim's room still a little groggy. I stop in mid-step and readjusted my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was real. Jim's bed is empty and trays of medical tools cover the floor as if he was half blind when he left.

I storm to the main room and yell at the nurse on guard with anger pulsating through me, "Did you let Jim leave his bed? I bet it was the pointy ear hobble goblin! He was not cleared to leave!"

The woman's eyes widen in pure fear and I almost feel guilty. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"Did my patient leave?" I repeat a little softer, but still stern.

She stutters, "He-He said that you told him he was okay to go. I'm sorry. If I knew-" I cut her off by dashing out of Medbay and into the halls of Enterprise.

He was freakin' shot and he's walking around! Wait until I find that kid! We're going to have a little talk.


Jim's P.O.V.

My head almost hits the dashboard as I fall asleep. I jump up and realize that I just dozed off. I glance at the main screen to see that the ships going to land on Andorian in about an hour.

"James…." A familiar voice calls out to me.

I twist my body around so quickly it causes me to feel dizzy. There standing in the dark corner of the shuttle is the shadow man. My stomach drops and I step as far back as I can. My back hits the controls roughly. That's definitely going to bruise later.

"What the hell do you want with me?" I scream with anger trying to hide the fear that lies within me.

The shadow lurks forward slightly and murmurs softly, "James .T. Kirk's soul. James .T. Kirk's soul," Its voice is almost undecipherable to my ears.

Its answer takes me a second to process. My mind tries to rationalize things by coming up with the conclusion that I'm crazy. If only, my crew could see this right now. They'd believe me.

My breathing picks up and I suddenly feel the dying need for air that's not there. I can only watch as the dark figure roams towards me. I can't even see its face, which makes it all the scarier.

"No! Please," I pathetically lift my hands as if to protect myself from this faceless monster.

It stands right in front of me right now with its hand in the air. My arms feel like lead as they fall limply next to me and my breath and heart rate are now in sync. Memories start flashing across my mind, like some sort of death cliché.

I see the flashback of the day Bones and I first met, my crew laughing for some unknown reason, and my big brother looking down at me with love. All the memories are bitter-sweet.

The terrifying being unexpectedly puts its black hand on my chest and I let out a blood-curdling scream. Burning ice spread its way through my heart and into my body. I couldn't tell if the pain was from fire or ice. The only thing my mind could register was the pure agony that scorched through my soul.

The torture seemed to last for hours. No amount of Tarsus IV or abuse from my father could match this pain. I waited and waited for relief that would never come. I don't even know where I am. All I see is darkness and all I feel is white hot pain boiling me alive.

I'm finally getting what I deserve...