
Author's note: This is my first star trek story, so sorry if I get the facts wrong. I've only watched the movies. Heads up the medical terms are false. Hope you like and PLEASE REVIEW!

"Captain, are you ready for transport," Spock's monotone voice rung throughout the room.

I took a gulp and force the sarcastic words out my mouth, "Ready as I'll ever be."

Spock didn't respond which I'm grateful for. Within a matter of seconds electric lights surrounded us and the enterprise faded into a large stone room. I must say that this place is intimidating, even for me. The ceiling is very high up with engravings covering every inch. The area could be explained in one word, Grand.

Our footsteps echoed as we headed towards the leader of this planet. My gut was telling me that this was a bad idea. I tried to tell Pike, but it was an order. He said I have to use my so called "charm" and communicate with these strange beings.

We entered a gateway and came across a similar room. Standing in the middle was a cluster of people with robes and weird suits. Okay at least they look sort of human. The only this different about them was that there whole body including hair was a silvery white and their ears were pointed. Not as curved as Spock's though.

"Welcome to the planet Andorian," A deep voice spoke with an unusual accent.

Spock stated, "We are grateful to be in your presence."

"We must collect all of your stuff, this is a sacred place."

Sacred my ass.

Before I could think, a built Andorian guard was snatching all of my communicators and weapons. It's not like I could protest because we need them to like us. I bit my tongue as he walked off with all of our stuff. He even took my Starfleet badge.

I wish Bones was here. He wouldn't deal with this crap. Spock just keeps a blank face all the time and lets people stomp all over him.

The leader spoke softly while pacing the room with a long cloth train behind him, "Our planet is dying ever so slowly. We have maybe a year. The planet's resources are vanishing. I have called upon your ship for this very reason. The chairman and I have decided to take an action."

All of the people behind their leader pulled out a strange phasor. My hands found their way to my empty holster and I almost swore right there.

Spock and I shared a quick glance before 5 guards came up from behind us and held us in place. We were outmatched and out gunned, but that doesn't mean we're going to lose. I don't believe in no win scenarios.

As I was thinking of a plan I felt a white hot pain go through my leg. I let out a grunt and collapsed onto the glassy floor. Soon enough my thigh was flowing crimson blood onto the spotless floor.

I say between gritted teeth, "You're not going anywhere with my ship."

Like a lightning bolt, a burst of light went from his gun to my shoulder. I unwillingly groaned while more agony filled my body.

In the corner of my eye I could see Spock slightly struggling against the three large people keeping him in place.

"We will see about that."

The leader spoke in an indecipherable language to the 10 people behind him. None of them paid attention to Spock or I, which I took as an advantage. Using my legs, I bolted up and charged their leader. The two guards grip slipped from my sudden movement.

My mind went numb from pain as I grabbed his gun. He was too stunned to say anything when I pointed the gun right at his head. The room went silent besides a couple of gasp from the huddled Andorians.

I snapped "Move and I kill your precious leader!"

"We'll kill your commander," Their leader spat with nervousness intertwined in his voice.

Spock took that as a cue and in four swift movements, 3 guards were passed out on the floor. I would've smirked if I wasn't in so much pain.

With the leader in tow, I limped backwards. The pain was now unbearable, but I couldn't give up now. I could feel Spock's hesitant posture as he grabbed our stuff from the guards. They didn't dare to make a move.

I was already half out the door when I heard Spock's voice," Spock to bridge. Beam us up."

As I heard Sulu's words of reassurance I felt a little bit better. That was way to close.

My thoughts distracted me from a punch to the face. My gun clattered to the floor and I staggered backwards ready to fight. I only got a little nervous when I felt blood trickle down my cheek.

"Surrender and I won't kill you," He warned.

Even though my body was exhausted and in pain, I stated with a fake chuckle, "No can do sacred leader."

Spock was two meters behind me, but was too focused on getting us home to help me out. The soon we're out of here the better. I just have to give us some time.

"It is your death bed."

He charged me with grace and precision. He attacked my weak spot first, which was my bleeding shoulder. I dodged all of his hits and waited for him to actually hurt me more. He was a master and my slow sidesteps will only get me so far.

With force, he whacked me in the stomach and I could feel all of the air leave my lungs. I crumpled to the floor and could only watch as he placed his white hands on my head. He was going to do something psychic in my head.

"Captain!" Spock's voice echoed throughout the room.

I had one last look of him fighting off the other chairmen before I fell into burning darkness.

I heard voices before I got the sense of sight. My body throbbed with pain in my right shoulder and left leg. To distract myself from the pain, I put my attention on the people talking around me.

"God dammit Jim! You're so stupid! You don't take down a chairman of a planet and might I add, he is a master in kungfu!"

A soft woman's voice spoke, "Do you think he's going to wake up?"

I heard a sigh that sounded like someone had the world on their shoulders. I wanted to open my eyes or just to do something besides laying here. It's all my fault. I wasn't a good enough captain and I'm paying the price.

I now know that this is Bones voice talking to Uhura, "It's not likely. The guy did something to his head and he's in some kind of coma."

I could hear soft sobs from Uhura. I want to scream that I'm okay! Oh God, It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I'm never going to wake up!

My breath quickens and I can feel my heart hammering in my chest. I can't catch my breath and I can't even move a muscle. I just need air. I'm going to die! This is it!

"His heart rate is dropping!" Bone's yelled in panic.

Thoughts of terror pumped through my veins and all of my senses come back with a jolt. I snapped up, with eyes wide. Each breath was a gasp and I fell to the floor straining my wounds.

Despite my panic attack, I see that I'm in the Medbay with Bones, Spock, and Uhura standing next to me.

"Jim calm down! You gotta calm down! "He moved his attention to a nurse distressed, "Oh God, His systems are failing! Get me 3 ounces of Cortazone now!"

I could feel Bones comforting hands on me, but it didn't help the alarm going through my head. Every time I force myself to breathe normal, I can feel myself dying inside. I need air. What's wrong with me?

The voices around me drowned out as I felt a sharp pinch in my neck. I tried to fight the serum, because I knew that if I went under I was going to die.

I panted between each word, "No-don't-let-me-sleep-I'm-going-to-die."

They were all staring at me like I had lost my mind. Why won't they listen? I pry my eyes open after I almost let the drug take me.

I didn't know it was possibly to breathe any faster, but I could feel my gulps of air quicken. Don't fall asleep!

If I sleep, I won't get enough air. I will never get to see my crew again…my family!

My weak arms did nothing to stop the stab of another hypo needle.

"No! Why-won't you listen?" I screamed using up my precious air.

This one was even worse. I fought with every fiber in my body, to stay awake. I even used my finger nails to dig in my hand. The pain awakened me slightly. No! No! I don't want to die!

"Jim, that's as much as I can legally give you. Just let go. I won't let you die, I promise," I could feel the hurt in his words.

A deep fire swelled inside of me and I screamed in agony. My will power was diminishing, fast. I can't fight the pain and this medicine at the same time.

Spock swiftly glided towards me with his arm ready to knock me out. First he knelt on the floor watching me with a blank face.

My breath was getting more labored by the second. I don't know if it's the medicine, but my vision was dwindling. I wanted to cry for hours and be alone. Maybe death is better than this pain.

"Bones! Don't let him kill me!" I cried while stopping his arm.

Spock didn't force his arm at me. He let it sit still, while waiting for Bones conformation.

Spock uttered with a slight shake to his voice, "Captain, this is necessary for your survival."

With that, his Vulcan strength was no match for me, drugged or not. He pinched my neck surprisingly hard. I had one last look at Uhura weeping in the corner before my muscles were forced to relax and I succumbed into darkness.